February 20th, 2012, 18:52
Posts: 17,553
Threads: 79
Joined: Nov 2005
I'm guessing I've caused a stir in the lurker thread (since nobody had posted there in a week before and now several people have chimed in since my last post). I hope my gifting doesn't come across as a cheesy move; I don't intend for it to be. Yes, I realize that mackoti could in fact double-turn those knights since he goes after me in the turn order. But I did not gift them to him for that reason. They were gifted because when I thought about trying to coordinate an attack with mackoti against NoSpace's troops I realized this was impossible without siege of my own: my turn comes between mackoti's and novice's, so I had to gift the knights for them to have a chance of being used after mackoti's siege.
Not that 13 knights matter much: unless mackoti has a bunch more forces that I did not see, I don't know how they help him save Rhodes.
The gifting also freed up enough in military expenses to finish philosophy at the end of the turn, and hopefully speed my way to Nationalism. But we are going to need to rebuild those troops quickly back home.
I guess I'm very adverse to doing anything that goes against the spirit of these games, especially after everything i pulled in pbem26, but i don't want to just lie down and accept an inevitable end. And it appears to be pretty inevitable. Besides, it isn't like the increased traffic is going to clue in novice to the fact that something of note just happened...
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