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[SPOILERS] Immortal Lewwyn, Justinian of Persia

War continues.

No7 killed my Immortal with their spear, but then deleted their spear so I couldn't kill it for XP.

[Image: Screenshot2012-03-04at30113PM.jpg]

I have 4 units outside an empty size 1 city. It is across a river but on flatland. He currently only has a warrior. My immortal can go across the river and hit the city without penalty if needed. Now I have no idea how many hammers he has in any units in the city. I have no idea if he has units just outside my vision on the road about to reach the city. If they get 2 or 3 units into the city I might not be able to take it. It's going to depend on what kind of units they bring. I have a shot as long its not a combination of a spear and archer or spear and axe. Who knows. Maybe I'll have to fortify my units there next turn and offer peace for gold. I wouldn't care if I had to do that.

[Image: Screenshot2012-03-04at30252PM.jpg]

I need to settle these 3 jungle cities. And I need more units to protect them. It looks like I'm losing out on the other island and No7 have already colonized most of it. So its not looking great. If I don't grab more center I won't be able to keep up. I also really need NobleGas to do something.

[Image: Screenshot2012-03-04at30329PM.jpg]

They are tops in power. I'm currently last in power since I didn't build any new units last turn. I'm almost done getting all my forges built in core cities tho. next turn. I'm going to whip them all with OR bonus and possible switch into Theocracy. That'll depend again on No7. But hopefully the Theocracy switch will make them think a bit and be more pliable to my peace offers. Next turn I either take the city or I offer peace for gold.

I got Theo this turn at the cost of wealth in 2 cities. Going to start AP next turn since I have a chop coming in. It hasn't finished its forge yet but I'll whip the forge into AP I think. This might affect whether I switch into Theo or not.

NobleGas have 3 hindu cities now and I've got a missionary on their border to convert their capital city. Hopefully they'll start to spread it themselves as well.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

You should rename your empire to the Hermit Kingdom, because your diplomatic interactions seem to come straight from a North Korean foreign policy handbook. smile

Ilios Wrote:You should rename your empire to the Hermit Kingdom, because your diplomatic interactions seem to come straight from a North Korean foreign policy handbook. smile

Good for me, bad for you. lol
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

No7 offered me peace and 25 gold. They got a spear an axe and a chariot in with the warrior into the city. Good job guys. I'll take the money and run.

I whipped some forges sent some settlers out and forgot to take pictures of my lands. Just a note, I have 4 settlers out and 1 more in production with 1 more settler planned. So I'll be seeing some new cities soon. Currently no7 have 2 more than me, Mack is tied with me and NG have 2 less. I'm hoping NG can go steal cities from No7 with their power:

[Image: Screenshot2012-03-07at40534PM.jpg]

Mackoti is killing it GNP-wise. NG and No7 are freaking idiots to keep giving him OB. Take a look:

[Image: Screenshot2012-03-07at40419PM.jpg]

I mean... Come on. Every city on this map is coastal. And you're giving him extra TRs for every city? IT IS RIDICULOUS! I have not and will not sign OB with Mackoti. That probably makes me his target when he techs up to knights. I'll be teching Feudalism next then heading towards either Engineering or Guilds. Probably Engineering. Though I need to work CoL in there too somewhere.


[Image: Screenshot2012-03-07at40518PM.jpg]

Everyone's still pretty close except for Mack's GNP.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Heh I'm gonna die. GLH is stupid overpowered on this map. Every city is coastal. Since I'm the only one that didn't feed the beast, and I have the most cities and land, I expect Mackoti to come after me. He'll have Maces at the lest and likely knights shortly. His GNP is too crazy.

I do have longbows, but I switched out of slavery like an idiot a few turns ago. Might be the worst move I've ever made.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Let me just say this is a game has so much going on that its hard to report on. Especially since I basically stopped reporting for a while while I was in burnout mode.

I popped my GA this turn just for the hammers and tech. Machinery will take 3 turns I'm building a courthouse in almost every single city. Some I will whip some I will not. My net gain once they all finish will likely be around 100gpt. Is it too little too late? Mack has maces coming up and N7 have guilds (BANKING even) I'm working on machinery for engy.

Oh and switching out of slavery ended up being good since Mackoti did not make me pay for it and I got time in serfdom.

I've built Hagia Sophia now as well as AP. I need more temples to take advantage but at least GasparNoble switched to Hinduism. It is sweet to have a neighbor who I believe will not attack me.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Just waiting for the hammer to drop. Mack has knights and shit. Seven keeps sending me diplo, "iron horses!" Yeah tell me something I don't know.

I know what I did wrong. Didn't get to pick FDR.

Seriously ORG is super-powered on this map. Huge tordial maintenance. And every city is coastal. Every city needs a courthouse and a lighthouse. IND for sweet forges and quickness to GLH also broken here?

Mack has been tech 4-5 times faster than me.

I made a huge mistake. I didn't tech CoL early. And that pretty much sealed my fate. If I had gotten that before Theo and Feud and Construction, hell even before MC I would have been 100gpt richer I think. But I kept telling myself I needed other stuff more. So it was a huge mistake. Beyond that I think I've played fine.

But the end result will be I'll lose 3-4 cities in the next 5 turns and most of my army before I can finish teching engy for pikes, CS for maces and guilds for knights. Truth is at this point I'm out of the game.

I am so burntout on civ at this point. I really just want to have a few days where I don't have to do anything. I haven't looked forward to a civ save on this forum since the FFH14 debacle.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

LOL Mack killed about 3/4 of my standing army this turn. One unit survived to stop him from taking the city. Next turn it will fall and he will come after others. He offer peace for 4 cities at the start and I countered with 3. He bombarded last turn. He AIed ME. Thats terrible, but I had no way to fight back I'm so far behind in tech since he's teching 4X FASTER THAN ME>

SO I evacuated my borere city and I"ll finish engineering next EOT. Mack might end up with less cities than he hoped if I can get enough Pikes together. HUZZAH.

No really I'm fucking toast.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

BTW, I don't want to be hypocritical. I usually update everything, but honeslty I haven't updated much of anything on most of my games. DO I not update here because I'm losing? If I'm being honest maybe, but I'm not losing in 32 or PB7 and I'm not updating there either right now. Just a bit burned out.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Caring about a FFH game is dangerous, so much utterly random stuff can happen to just break you. Burnout is common among those who care, which is why the core FFH crowd tends to be the more relaxed Civ-bum set.
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