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[SPOILERS] Land of Chaos - HitAnyKey

Plans will likely need to change though. plako's power keeps jumping up, so I think I'm going to need to crank out some military out of my capital instead of trying for the 'mids. Especially since I get IW in 8 turns (right after that Settler is done), so I'll be able to get out some Swords. It might be a good idea to try to keep plako from settling a city by his copper, if he hasn't already done so.

So looks like I'm definitely going to have to crank out the military, and a whole lot of them. Especially the Swords as soon as I get Iron Working. plako is will be settling a city right next to where I wanted to put mine. So I'm going to have to destroy his city before I can settle my own.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0038.jpg]

For now, I think I'll still build my settler and plant a city somewhere else first. I'll need another city to help with building a good army. Now to decide what to do with Mr. Pokey (the spear) and Thor (the axe) who are right now fortified in the jungle next to plako's units. Should I just leave them there? Should I plant them on that Rice to make it so plako can't use that tile? huh

Well, the best laid plans often go awry....

As expected plako made his city. That means I gotta make my city elsewhere. I decided to do it closer to home so that I can immediately have good production and growth capabilities. My demographics totally suck and I'm rapidly losing ground to everyone else.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0040.jpg]
As soon as I get IW, I'll be able to farm that jungle Rice and start mining those jungle Gems.
The settler will be out the turn after next, if my calculation are correct (the tree south of PoD will complete a chop next turn). I'll then make a Barracks there and then crank out Swords after that.
Dragon's Mouth will grow next turn (and borders will pop in 3). I should probably Pasture the horses first, then mine the Gems.
I swtiched Hard Knock's to the farm so that it actually grows. If it looks like plako sends any military my direction, I'll probably switch the tile management to get the spear out sooner.
I suppose I should pull back the Axe/Spear by his city so that my homefront protection is better while I build the army.

Thought I would show you how bad my situation is. I really need to figure out a way to get my demographics up. Though I suppose nothing will happen until long after IW, when I get get that Rice farmed, and those Gems mined.
Anyone know off the top of your head how many turns does it take to farm a jungle Rice and mine a jungle Gems?

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0041.jpg]
Even with my crop output completely max'd, I'm still in really bad shape. I'm not sure how to get this fixed. bang

IIRC, it takes four worker-turns to clear jungle on normal speed, plus moving time and the time to build the improvements.

kjn Wrote:IIRC, it takes four worker-turns to clear jungle on normal speed, plus moving time and the time to build the improvements.

Is it the same time whether I chop jungle and then do the improvement? Or is it faster (or longer) to do the improvement which includes the chop?

Nope. It may save turns on Quick speed due to rounding, but don't quote me.

4t to clear jungle, 5t to build a farm. I'd clear and then farm, as that gives me the option of moving workers onto it without using up all my moves.

HitAnyKey Wrote:Is it the same time whether I chop jungle and then do the improvement? Or is it faster (or longer) to do the improvement which includes the chop?

Usually you chop jungle first as it a) gives more food immediatly and b) reduces unhealthyness

Rowain Wrote:Usually you chop jungle first as it a) gives more food immediatly and b) reduces unhealthyness

If there's nearby jungle it is possible (and frustrating) for jungle to regrow after you chop it but before the improvement finishes, so sometimes it's better off to do the whole improvement as one worker action. As Rowain mentions, this is in cases where you wouldn't work the unjungled but unimproved tile and the health hit from the jungle isn't an issue.

Injera Wrote:If there's nearby jungle it is possible (and frustrating) for jungle to regrow after you chop it but before the improvement finishes, so sometimes it's better off to do the whole improvement as one worker action. As Rowain mentions, this is in cases where you wouldn't work the unjungled but unimproved tile and the health hit from the jungle isn't an issue.

Jungles and forests never grow onto a tile that is occupied by a unit.

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