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One hundred thousand Mohawks - Chief Mist of the Iroquois

Re: happiness -- you can also adept Piety for +1 happy per monument/temple/monastery (rare). Also, it's likely you'll be able to build circuses in some cities near horses for a maintenance free +2 happy.


Does the gold give happiness, at least?
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Yes, it does, it counts as a luxury, it'll give 4 when connected.

Is your next city going to go by the Fish and Gold?

Ilios Wrote:Is your next city going to go by the Fish and Gold?
Actually, at this stage I'm almost certain my next city will be somewhere to the west. Fish is terrible ( it's civ 5 remember ), requires me to tech sailing, build an expensive one-use workboat and gives... +1f when improved rolleye You can get another +1 if you build an expensive lighthouse that has 1gpt maintenance rolleye

Only spot worth anything in the east is where the barb camp sits, but that's horribly far and would require miles of gold-costing road to connect.


DX11 version of the game randomly stopped taking screenshots with Steam overlay. DX9 version still does, so I'll stick to that while it still works. I just hope that whatever genius decided to disable Windows printscreen hotkey combination at least got a bonus for that, so not everyone suffers rolleye

But carrying on, screenshot

[Image: 2012-03-15_00004.jpg]

This one can be titled the good, the bad and the ugly.

The defogged land to the east is bad, all hills ( some of it desert ), little food, no forests, I'm definitely not expanding that way.

The potential city sites over there are just ugly, it's not even worth planting a city down there to block access from that direction, because people can just embark and bypass the "choke" by water.

The good? Look at all that horse. Not only will I be able to build circuses in my first two cities ( no maintenance, +2 happy each ) but that's enough to make someone's life seriously miserable by mixture of chariot archers, horseriders and knights.

While I agree that the NE should not be one of the first cities it will become quite nice later on. 3fish + sheep lat you grow and with the sea-buildings those tiles will be quite good. Would make growing the city easy ( specialists + research)

The only location that can get all three fish is inland and can't build sea buildings. There's also no location that can build a lighthouse and catch cow+sheep at the same time. I don't argue that coastal 3 fish, cow, sheep, gold spot wouldn't be that bad, but it's not there. And 2 fish+sheep deep in hilly terrain is poor.

Mist Wrote:The only location that can get all three fish is inland and can't build sea buildings. There's also no location that can build a lighthouse and catch cow+sheep at the same time. I don't argue that coastal 3 fish, cow, sheep, gold spot wouldn't be that bad, but it's not there. And 2 fish+sheep deep in hilly terrain is poor.

You forget that in Civ5 the city has a reach of 3 tiles and not only 2 wink

You are right of course. The fact interface suggests you can only work two ring when settling ( check which tile yields are actually highilghted with a settler selected ) doesn't help.

I can settle on the gold for a decent coastal city later on, but that's not a good first expansion spot.

Nevertheless thanks to pointing out the obvious. I somehow missed it lol

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