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PBEM29 Veterans Tech Thread

Did you only see the revolt this last turn that I sent on? Because according to events you had revolted the previous turn? I am solidly confused about who needs to play what turn. Just let me know.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Lewwyn Wrote:Did you only see the revolt this last turn that I sent on? Because according to events you had revolted the previous turn? I am solidly confused about who needs to play what turn. Just let me know.

If you can see the revolt in your event log that probably means that Gasparium need to replay.

Noblepar, can you see our revolt to organized religion in your event log?
I have to run.

Unlikely that its us as we're not in Organized Religion nor are either of us playing any other games on the site currently. When I've seen this issue pop up, that's usually been the cause. I do not see a revolt in the log for you either.

Also, this should give Noble a quality heart attack as between the two of us, I'm the far more likely to misremember a move. Nonetheless, I gave it a shot and sent it along.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

I have no idea what's causing this, but since you can't see the revolt and Lewwyn could in the save he first played, it seems natural to assume that something went wrong when you played it the first time, Gaspar.

Of course it could have been a latent issue from even earlier that somehow got triggered when you played. Let's hope not.
I have to run.

Yeah, I guess that certainly does seem to isolate me. I did save the turn mid-way, left it and came back to it and I seem to recall Seven mentioning that could cause issues.

Anyway, apologies if I seemed overly defensive just really going of my memory of seeing this issue before and vaguely recall it happening when I played another save first. No big deal to replay/resend, though other than the aforementioned NobleHelium heart attack potential. wink
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

I played. Didn't see No7 revolt. Think we're good.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Sry guys I just realized that I haven't played the save, but I've had really long day and I'm just too tired to play the save right now. I'm gonna have to hold it a day.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Lewwyn Wrote:Sry guys I just realized that I haven't played the save, but I've had really long day and I'm just too tired to play the save right now. I'm gonna have to hold it a day.

No problem. I think our turn pace is pretty good, even though some have said that a turn a day is too slow. smile
I have to run.

I think we've lost our tracker. It just says "No input file specified." now. Do we need to find another site to host it?

The save is currently with Mackoti. He apologizes for the delay.

Tracker seems to be working:
I have to run.

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