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Using +2 naval movement on pangaea. yuris125 of England


Found Waterbat's land. He immediately offered peace, probably didn't want my Scout to harass his Workers. I accepted, although it might've been a mistake

[Image: Civ5Screen0043.jpg]

I want to found a city on the horses (Magenta dot). Waterbat also has a Settler on the move, so we could be racing. Fortunately I have units in the area and can obstruct his way, so I should be able to win the race. But staying at war and threatening his Settler more aggressively might've been better. Although in this case I would've almost certainly lost the Scout, and I don't want to build another one right now

Also, I wonder if he wants to found a city on the hill where his Warrior is, NE of the Magenta dot. I'm sure he planned to settle on that tile when I attacked him and grabbed his Settler. But now the city of Embraer made that spot illegal, it's 3 tiles away from my city, minimum distance is 4

The Sword found a potential solution to my iron deficit - a 6-iron tile in the tundra. The land is unappealing, but with an iron and another luxury, a city there is definitely worth founding. There's little production, but this city can become a decent GP farm (and get some production this way too, farmed riverside plains are ok tiles at 3/1/1). Unfortunately, Waterbat's Settler could be moving in this direction, and in this case I have nothing to counter, except capturing his city later

Didn't take a screenshot, but Fire&Ice founded a city 1E of the Magenta dot, beating me by a turn. Time for war when the peace treaty expires, I guess

Also, I decided to delay Education and get on the Machinery path. Quick Navigation won't be helpful in the current situation, especially with Ships of the Line requiring iron. Longbows on the other hand will help immensely


Explorations in the tundra revealed quite a few nice things

[Image: Civ5Screen0044.jpg]

2 more luxuries, whales and furs, and 2 6-iron sources. I definitely should found 2 cities there, on the spots indicated. Orange dot will claim whales and one of the irons, with fish and deer providing food. Blue will get another iron, furs and horses, and has deer and nice farmable tiles for food. No production, especially in the Orange dot, but these cities serve other purposes

But first, Washington needs to be razed, and it needs to be done asap. Fire&ice is really screwing me up with this city. Fortunately, it's pretty much indefensible, if I bring 4 strong units I will kill it without too many problems. So I started building Pikes, plus I have 2 Swords, one will stay around the core cities, the other will join 3 Pikes in the attack

Meanwhile, Seven built Pyramids and is running away with the game. No surprises there, huh?


The attack on Fire&Ice is being prepared, I already have a Sword and 2 Pikes preparing to get in position, and 2 more Pikes finishing next turn. I think I will be in position in 2 turns, and this force should be enough to get the city

[Image: Civ5Screen0045.jpg]

Meanwhile, I built a Trireme to help against barbs and for scouting, and found nice land in NW

[Image: Civ5Screen0046.jpg]

Don't know yet if it's an island, or this land is connected to the main continent. But nobody explored it yet, there are ancient ruins, and I got the full 30g from the city state. I might found a city here soon. But first I need to finish National College in Boeing, I delayed it for too long, and it requires a Library in every city, so if I found a city while it's building, its production stops and I believe all hammers are lost

Finally the demos. Seven is crushing here. Will be very interesting to see his thread after the game and find out how he got crop yield of over 120. Almost certainly not from tiles, he probably is allied with one or two maritime city states... which means that he somehow got gold to buy their friendship. As I mentioned before, I can never get enough gold to ally with city states, so will be very interesting to know what Seven did. Of course, the fact that I have to sit on 3 cities for so long is also contributing

[Image: Civ5Screen0047.jpg]

yuris125 Wrote:But first I need to finish National College in Boeing, I delayed it for too long, and it requires a Library in every city, so if I found a city while it's building, its production stops and I believe all hammers are lost

The production is stopped but your hammers are kept.

Thanks, good to know. I thought my hammers disappeared when I was in this situation in a single player game, but I wasn't paying that much attention (my huge problem in SP in general, I never pay as much attention as in MP games, and make stupid mistakes because of it alright)

Puppets are not counted when the game checks for a building being present in all cities, are they?

yuris125 Wrote:Thanks, good to know. I thought my hammers disappeared when I was in this situation in a single player game, but I wasn't paying that much attention (my huge problem in SP in general, I never pay as much attention as in MP games, and make stupid mistakes because of it alright)
Had it happen a week ago so fresh memory.

yuris125 Wrote:Puppets are not counted when the game checks for a building being present in all cities, are they?

Puppets don't count.


The attack on Fire&Ice's city is progressing

[Image: Civ5Screen0048.jpg]

An interesting thing to note: last turn I had another Pike NE of the city. Fire&Ice killed him, but the Sword didn't move onto that tile. This means that he attacked with the Sword before bombarding my Pike by the Archer and the city attack. Seems illogical... when why would you want to attack a unit before weakening it? Am I missing something?

I might lose another Pike this turn, and maybe will even have to retreat the Sword. However, in 2 turns I will complete the Liberty tree, take a free GS, and bulb Machinery. Gold I have is enough to upgrade two Archers to Longbows immediately. Then... we'll see whether Longbows are OP lol

yuris125 Wrote:An interesting thing to note: last turn I had another Pike NE of the city. Fire&Ice killed him, but the Sword didn't move onto that tile. This means that he attacked with the Sword before bombarding my Pike by the Archer and the city attack. Seems illogical... when why would you want to attack a unit before weakening it? Am I missing something?

Everytime you don't want your victorious (but still wounded) Unit to land right next to the enemy (or any other inconvenient tile).

If I guess right on the tile you are meaning his sword would have landed on a defenseless grassland tile right next to your unit.

Other possible reason: trying to kill with the Unit first to have chance to use the rangeattacks for other targets (depends on the HP your Unit had etc).

At least that the reasons why I do such attacks.

I see, yes, he can reach my Pike in a turn, but I can't get to his Sword. Makes sense. But he will have to expose his Sword next turn, at least to one Archer's fire. At least if he wants to kill that Pike on a hill

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