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FDR,lets play.

Quote:Bah, not with two versus one.

Yup i got some hel there i admit that , but i lost loads of units becasue i wanted to be a good ally too.And my ally took alot of land from me in the begging so they just payed back the debts.Kidding asside yes theyr help was very welcome, but you didnt made a draw there because of me or others, but because of you(not spaceman but the team),just hear me mounted units are the best and knigs are best frien for civ players..

mackoti Wrote:4.Lewwyn: in my opinion he had the best leader, and the best civ, why:spiritual=expansiv for me and imperialist way beter tha protectiv, and he had the unit UU actualy worth something(at some poit I decided to rush some of his islands with some crosbows but i remebered well if he dry whips a
immortal well my odds became very low).Where do i belive he went wrong:first getting all religiosu staff before curency, after that ignoring for so long time courthoses, i know are expensive but whit org religion its a 3 pop whip and saves loads of gold.Just an example here:GLh did gave me for last 50 turns near 45 comerce/turn, and very fast courthouse are saving me for last 40 turns medium like 70/turn ang gowing(now its near 100) so yeah whip courthouse merciless.
Spiritual gives alot of flexibility i couldnt get my religion used or organizat religion for a long time but for him was very easy .AS a concluzion i would play form lewwyn pozition any time, and perhaps then people would have said well he got the best leader, the trick ist in beggining to keep the new cities smallaer(i am talking about cities after city 5) and to work special tiles and food and whip the courthose and the forges and after grow.

I agree wholeheartedly. As I said in my thread I made a huge mistake with CoL and it was one of my bigger mistakes in the games I've played here. If you hadn't gotten CoL that turn I would have gotten it that turn instead and would have actually built courthouses, while denying you a religion. But once you got it I decided to delay it which was a huge mistake. I think I definitely suffered from being stretched thin over so many games. I think I played these turns during class while I was giving my students a quiz so that I could finish the saves and get them off quickly.

Again though I do think you are underrating ORG which is huge here. Maintenence yes, but also cheaper Courthouses which you are promoting here + cheacper lighthouses which gives easy access to GLH and since every city is coastal you're getting a ton more TRs and a ton of saved hammers on all those lighthouses. The hammer bonuses were tremendous for you. You also played it well and I always thought you were the one to beat in this game from the beginning. Once I failed to get courthouses and salvage my economy there was no way I could keep up in tech to ward off your attack. I boned myself. lol

Good game mack. Hurry and finish your duel, I look forward to our fight there.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Congrats on another well played game mackoti!
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Congrats on the win!

Thanks alot guys altough i am a 'sore' winner , ididnt knew what that meant until i google

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