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Chairmen NobleHelium and Gaspar Demand Your Presence in the Collective

This post exists solely because it annoys me that 7 posted 7 minutes after my turn report, bumping us off the top of the forum. You can't hang with me on thread spam, son.

... too much?
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Quote:For the record, when you read this after N7, we had a similar raiding party headed for mackoti's coast in hopes of razing the GLH city
And mackoti started to stokepile units there after seen that you had astronomy and i would declared war on you guys this turn and propose peace, if you didnt acceped,would had loose all your central cities.

mackoti Wrote:And mackoti started to stokepile units there after seen that you had astronomy and i would declared war on you guys this turn and propose peace, if you didnt acceped,would had loose all your central cities.

What's your point?

The point was we intended to try. You really are a sore winner mackoti. You're a better Civ player than me. Do you want a medal?
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Quote:What's your point?

The point was we intended to try. You really are a sore winner mackoti. You're a better Civ player than me. Do you want a medal?

First didnt wanted to respond to this because what you took from my words has nothing to do with i wanted to say, but i wanted to show you are so predictible .So you are like me(there is along post about how predictible Mackoti is).

And no, i dont want a medall.


I read your thread, that was really entertaining. bow

It's funny how different perceptions of the state of the game can be. We were trying to be friendly pretty much all game (although our definition of friendly included claiming some of the contested sites that are exactly between us with a big expanse of crap on either side... maybe you wouldn't have thought this was so aggressive if you knew that Mackoti had already claimed our other option in both cases). We had a chariot and trireme on your borders for multiple turns. You know we could have messed with you with the trireme and we didn't; we never even declared war on you. Every time we had the option of OB trade routes you nuked them with a wardec, so we didn't offer OB, but we offered other mutually beneficial trades whenever we saw them. And then later in the game I guess you just didn't understand our diplo offers. That money we offered you? That was just money! Free money! You're welcome. lol

Oh also I had no idea you lost so many wonder races. That sucks. frown

SevenSpirits Wrote:I read your thread, that was really entertaining. bow


Quote:It's funny how different perceptions of the state of the game can be. We were trying to be friendly pretty much all game (although our definition of friendly included claiming some of the contested sites that are exactly between us with a big expanse of crap on either side... maybe you wouldn't have thought this was so aggressive if you knew that Mackoti had already claimed our other option in both cases). We had a chariot and trireme on your borders for multiple turns. You know we could have messed with you with the trireme and we didn't; we never even declared war on you. Every time we had the option of OB trade routes you nuked them with a wardec, so we didn't offer OB, but we offered other mutually beneficial trades whenever we saw them. And then later in the game I guess you just didn't understand our diplo offers. That money we offered you? That was just money! Free money! You're welcome. lol

I will say I was pretty clued in that you were trying to befriend us late in the game. Noble was less sold and I think that combined with the fact that we were so backward comparatively led us to wanting to try a home run play. Really, I think we always thought of you and mackoti as 1 and 1A but geography dictated that mackoti was the hardest of the opponents for us to harass.

I really think the die was cast with Infinite. I understand what you're telling me now, but there was no realistic way for us to know that at the time. At the time it just looked like an insanely aggressive plant.

Quote:Oh also I had no idea you lost so many wonder races. That sucks. frown

Indeed, it does. smile

Well-played you two thumbsup

This was an extremely enjoyable and funny thread to lurk.

I was thinking about making a big endgame post but we're only a few turns removed from the big T100 report so not enough has changed in that time to make it really worth mentioning. I guess I just want to make a few points about our game in a vacuum.
  • Thanks to OleDavy and Mardoc for their help and encouragement during the game, was a pleasure. Thanks to Serdoa for your help in the early game.
  • Thanks to the global lurkers for coming and engaging my attempts and making a pretty bad situation fun.
  • Thanks to Commodore for an interesting map.
  • Thanks to our opponents for a relatively crisp game, at least until the end was nigh.

If it wasn't obvious, this game was intensely frustrating to me for long periods. We were outplayed, certainly. We also had some lousy luck and for me, easily the worst leader. I really did try my best to still have fun with it because that is what we play these games for, isn't it? I think we can be proud that we managed to be relevant at the end given just how many big mistakes we made in the middle and just how much better players the top two teams are than we are.

Anyway, that's the last dispatch from the Collective. For the first time in a long time I'm not involved in any games here and I look forward to heckling all of you as a global lurker. The last one out can turn off the lights. smile

Gaspar Wrote:Anyway, that's the last dispatch from the Collective. For the first time in a long time I'm not involved in any games here and I look forward to heckling all of you as a global lurker. The last one out can turn off the lights. smile

Gonna miss your reports Gaspar, I really like your writing style and the attitude you bring to games. Might miss the back and forth between you and Noble most of all smile
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Finished your thread, it was a very enjoyable read. Stop by our thread for a different perspective on the game - you can skip the micro. smile
I have to run.

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