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[SPOILERS]Luddite: A Man, A Plan, An Also-Ran

ironstar Wrote:What a weird map. Regarding possible map setup, have you considered the possibility that the caps could be closely placed in the centre of the map, protected by the peaks which then point outwards? Don't know if it is even possible, just a thought.
I did think of that, but when I zoom out into the global view I can see the south pole. So my neighbors are either to the north or to the sides.

ironstar Wrote:Re the henchman, I would suggest slowly exploring around the juicy site and keeping an eye out for a free settler. Even if you can't wack it, you can harass enough to delay a settling.
Mmm yeah... only problem is no one else will get a settler out before me, and I'm really worried someone will sneak up and plant their warrior on the stone where I want to settle. I think I'm just gonna fortify there to be safe.
ironstar Wrote:No idea about horses. I guess Mist has an agenda behind the map design but if this includes discouraging chariot rushes by restricting horses, I dunno. Guess we'll just have to research AH and see for ourselves.
yeah... I gotta say I'm really not liking this map so far. It would be awesome for a duel map, or for a game where everyone wanted to focus on early warfare, but it's just making me feel frustrated.

If you are going to settle aggressively, be conservative and keep your warrior to protect it. If you settle conservatively, scout aggressively.
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me

Met AT's warrior wandering the desert. Good thing our warrior wasn't too far from the hill.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0432.jpg]

So basically there's 3 strategies that I can see working on this map:

Immediately settle the center, and take it over with culture. This is what I'm doing.

Settle just 1 or 2 sites near the capital, and immediately start chariots and horse archers. This is what I'm hoping noone does to me.

Settle all the land around the capital, then slowly push for the center. This is what I'm hoping the others will try to do.

Finished the other Henchman smile Decided to put the overflow into a settler before growing since I don't really need a 3rd warrior right now.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0433.jpg]

Scooter just grew to size 4, so it's entirely possible that no one except me has a settler out yet, and I'm already half done with my second one.

Nevermind, Scooter just whipped down to size 2, so that must be his first settler.

Sian and I founded cities this turn. I'll have my new city build 2 archers and then stonehenge.

So.... pink dot? or pinkest dot? lol
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0434.jpg]

Now I see why you picked Spain. All of their dots are pink.

SevenSpirits Wrote:Now I see why you picked Spain. All of their dots are pink.

Yeah, you see? Perfect civ choice! What kind of noob uses mali for pink dots...

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