As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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One hundred thousand Mohawks - Chief Mist of the Iroquois

Looks like this little mess is about to come to conclusion

[Image: 2012-04-20_00001.jpg]

Helsinki is mine next turn.

Maths due in 2, so I'll be able to build courthouse there, and hook iron for catapults. With a catapult on site I'm not going anywhere, especially given the terrain around this city, which makes it pretty hard to attack from both directions without strong, advanced naval support.

Former Helsinki, round 2.

<insert Mortal Combat announcer voice here>



But not just yet, due to obscure rules regarding cease fire Seven is the first person to be able to actually declare war, and he can do that next turn.


[Image: 2012-04-30_00001.jpg]

He has a cannon, three longswords ( he obviously has plenty of iron, yay rolleye ), pike, chariot archer and a great general. More stuff probably incoming.

I just rushed a catapult, have two archers, one mohawk, a knight and a horse. In slightly longer term perspective, the capital is about to 1 turn another catapult ( which *completely uses up MY iron*, yay rolleye ) and then can 2turn knights. I also have 3 mohawks healing up around former Monaco that will eventually make their way towards the front lines.

Can I hold up? Maybe. The stuff he has around is probably just about enough to do the job, but not enough to hold ground. It all depends on how much effort does he spend on reinforcing.

Note for Dave :

That research pact you proposed? Kind of bad timing when it'd take all my money while I'm at -13gpt. And I would not agree to a straight up agreement anyhow, you've got a porcelain tower and are running a farmers gambit behind the safety of my army, which is occupying the attention of your biggest rival. You get better mileage from any agreements than I do. I'm not interested in feeding you tech advantage any more, than I'm interested in feeding Sevens growth by standing off "his" city states.

And as a final note :

[Image: 2012-04-30_00002.jpg]

I'm 2nd/3rd in all demogs? Seriously? Yuri is smoking some hard weed out there lol

This is officially stupid. Seven retook the city, that's ok, I'd take it right back and all would be fine, right?

Sure. banghead

Liberating Helsinki made the city-state side reappear *at peace with me*. Which *ejected all my units* from its new borders. And then made it declare on me *afterwards* as Sevens ally.

Just how much lack of thought went into this implementation? smoke

Sigh, Yuris decided to be an asshole and put his units in the middle of the war zone where they cut my mobility to zero with zones of control. I sure hope he has a brilliant exit plan, because right now he's forcing me to take much greater casualties that would otherwise happen.

TL;DR - I'll loose this war and Yuris is just now throwing the game to Seven. Hard. His macro play in this whole PBEM is one huge smoke

Mist Wrote:Liberating Helsinki made the city-state side reappear *at peace with me*. Which *ejected all my units* from its new borders. And then made it declare on me *afterwards* as Sevens ally.

Just how much lack of thought went into this implementation? smoke

Heh, I was really annoyed by this too. If it makes you feel any better, not ejecting your units would just have allowed me to kill more of them.

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