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Master of Magic unofficial patch (latest version)

A little trick I use is to put an engineer on a tower and then have him build a road somewhere but before hitting 'next turn' hit 'plane' and then right click the engineer unit. This sucks him to to opposite plane where he then builds a bridge. Has this been dealt with?

Hi James,

I am glad the patch improves your time with this great game.
There is a number of bugs related to engineers and their road building. I tried to correct them once or twice, but they are surprisingly resitant. I did not try exactly hard, mind you, since 98% of the engineer problems belong to the cathegory: if you don't like it, why do you do it?

Which, as it seems, applies to your problem as well.

My biggest gripe with engineers is the AI behaviour: AI engineers seem to spend time on already built roads and they "rebuild them" turn by turn... Nobody complains about that, but it's pretty self-destroying behaviour (since roads can notably improve AI performance). No idea how to solve this.

Hello there,

this is my first post here and the first thing I want to write is:

[SIZE="7"]THANK YOU! [/SIZE] thumbsup

I never thought someone could fix the bugs of this game, so I was very happy to see my magical ring giving (almost) REAL invisibility to my heroes.

This alone is worth the patch, but you fixed so many bugs it seems a new (better) game.

Now something about me.
I play since the beginning to MoM.
Ten years ago I modded the game to "help" Lizardman, Gnoll and Klakon, but later gived up playing.
Seven years ago I restarted playing reinstalling from the vanilla version and a couple of months ago I restarted looking for the modding infos and found your website.

I'm also impressed for the rewritten help and the RealTime Tweaks; I hope to collaborate with you all to create a modded version we can all claim is "better balanced", but the fact the patch is separated from the balancing is greatly appreciated.

kyrub Wrote:My biggest gripe with engineers is the AI behaviour: AI engineers seem to spend time on already built roads and they "rebuild them" turn by turn... Nobody complains about that, but it's pretty self-destroying behaviour (since roads can notably improve AI performance). No idea how to solve this.

With the patch the Engineer will stay on the same plane he started, so no more roads built on the water; you can still stack the Eng., make one build and move the others, but, as you said, if you don't like it, don't do it.

The Eng. will check what tipe of terrain he is on and if there is already a road on it (in fact it takes only one turn to rebuild a roaded mountain); maybe you can tell an Eng. to skip building if there is a normal/magic road in Arcanus or a magic road in Myrror by checking the movement bonus (0 or 1/2) or the road flag of the terrain.

P.S. So far I can't start a new thread, I tried to contact kingofpain, but no luck, yet.
Only the people crazy enough to think they can change the world of Arcanus and Myrror can do it. rolleye

Welcome to RB, FrancoK! smile

FrancoK Wrote:P.S. So far I can't start a new thread, I tried to contact kingofpain, but no luck, yet.

I suspect you will be able to create threads when you have 10 posts or something like that.
--I like ILSe

I like Serena Wrote:Welcome to RB, FrancoK! smile

I suspect you will be able to create threads when you have 10 posts or something like that.

Yep, you were right. thumbsup
Only the people crazy enough to think they can change the world of Arcanus and Myrror can do it. rolleye

Hi everybody!
I've been working too hard, and not being able to play MoM, for the last few months.
Just wanted to say hi to everybody (again).
Are there any news for any new patch coming?
Any specific help needed?



New version (1.40n) can to be found in the first post in this thread.

Some top priority fixes were made, the highlight of this release is certainly the Lucky-to-defend bug, making Halfling units into the toughest MoM army. All those years, every third sword missed them. So, now they should be really fragile... maybe. Note that the same bug applies to Prayer. Full credit to Zitro for finding this bastard bug!

The runner-up is certainly the problem with Arcane spells. Expect better AI as a reward, more coloured spells earlier! Again, kudos to Zitro. And I recommend trying to Cycle ("X") through your cities when view one of them, it feels nice and may be potentially even useful.

Version 1.40n (latest)

- [bug] Lucky and Prayer bonus was incorrectly making all incoming attacks less efficient (-1 to hit), on top of its correct effect
- [bug] arcane spells clutter the research options for player and AIs, due to incorrect choice mechanics.
- [bug] Runemaster 200% to_dispel bonus now works / does not work, only whent it should / should not work .
- [bug] instable data preventing early mercennary offers to the human player
- [bug] Myrror cities had normal roads passing through them

- [insecticide bug] "Revolting raiders" option is now connected with the right button on the Setting screen
- [insecticide bug] serious data instability issue on Cities screen

- [interface] you may cycle through all your cities with "X" key, when viewing the inner City screen
- [interface] Cities screen can be accessed with "T" key
- [interface] Cities screen can be paged through with up and down arrows
- [interface 1.31] right-clicking on cities opens the Change screen in the appropriate location, giving you an easy management tool

Kyrub, superb, thanks for the new patch (again :D).

Quick question: how did the arcane spell bug worked exactly?

Thanks for Insecticide!

Wow, after reading all the patch notes, I suddenly can't even consider playing 1.31 anymore, knowing all the bugs I didn't know about before (enemies aren't casting Healing? Halflings are demigods? Demons don't really have missile immunity?)

Aw... I brought down a Demon once with about 30 shots of arrows (and the lives of my entire army). Never knew how futile it'd be if the game were bug-free smile

Anyway, I'm playing on 1.40n with DosBox 0.74, and here are the bugs I have to report so far -- hope it's helpful. If you'd like me to produce savegames, say the word and I'll cook some up.

- Sss'ra received a God Gift of a shield. A few turns later, I attacked his fortress; his only hero, the Bard, was in attendance. But she didn't have any shield equipped, so the shield was lost when the city fell.

[Two bugs: sss'ra didn't use his artifact, and the lesser bug: artifacts in the enemy fortress disappear when the fortress is sacked. Maybe he smashed the artifact for mana crystals tongue but if so, he's a green scaly idiot]

- Next, I attacked Kali's city, which was protected by a City Wall. When I got near the city wall, her units started moving out to meet mine, but her units didn't attack mine, which seemed stupid. Later, when I got my units into the city, her units stopped moving completely, and just waited for me to finish them off.

Thought I'd report these as both seem relevant to the patch notes.

Also, a question. To celebrate the quashing of so many bugs, I'm playing Death Magic (as it was just too damn buggy in 1.31). I'm not sure which spells work and which don't. For example: I'm pretty sure Cloak of Fear is fixed, but I don't know about Subjugation, Famine, etc.

Is there a list of spells which are bugged and which are fixed in Insecticide? If not, should I compile such a list from the 1.31 FAQ and the Insecticide patchnotes?

I think that a list of the buggy spells might be very useful.

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