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League of Legends General Discussion Thread


Saint leaves CLG and joins Curse as jungle, Crumbzz goes to Dig for new top laner, and Voyboy goes to CLG for top lane. CLG Hotshotgg is on jungle.


What a weird move. It'd make sense if Crumbz and Saintvicious had switched straight-up so that no one would have to learn new roles. Having Crumbz learn the top lane and Hotshot learn how to jungle (lol) seems is a pretty big cost.

And Saintvicious was the person who made the calls on CLG. Previously they were saying HS was simply not good at doing it, so it'll be interesting to see what they end up doing.

It'll be cool though if Curse ends up being a team that can get results at tournaments, Sullla wouldn't have to make excuses for them anymore! lol

Bizarre move, to say the least. Hotshot is not a particularly good jungler from when I've seen him play the role on stream. I can only imagine that CLG's internal disputes finally blew up between saintvicious and the rest of the team. Curse is practically becoming CLG 2.0 with their new roster.

On the other hand, Voyboy is a tremendous top laner, so if CLG can sort out their jungler/leadership situation, they could do very well indeed.
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From what I heard on SV's stream Hotshot basically kicked SV off the team- he was told he could join the CLG B team, but he wasn't going to play in the "real" CLG team anymore. He was saying that Voyboy has a much different play style then CLG has, it'll be interesting to see if that's something that helps or hinders the team.

Sullla Wrote:Bizarre move, to say the least. Hotshot is not a particularly good jungler from when I've seen him play the role on stream. I can only imagine that CLG's internal disputes finally blew up between saintvicious and the rest of the team. Curse is practically becoming CLG 2.0 with their new roster.

Hotshot used to play Amumu a lot and was pretty good at it from what I reckon. Probably still can't play Maokai as well as Saint's cat.

Also, I'm going for a convention for three days and what the $@#& just happened?

[Image: DkuDN.jpg?2]

So I`m slowly getting to lv 30, lv 22 right now and I`m starting to wonder how should I aproach lv 30 and ranked games.

So far i have been trying my best to touch into all roles, even though it is pretty hard to pick roles in solo leveling games, everyone picks an AD carry and you are almost always forced to pick a tanky/support type.

Following your advice I have focused on learning a few of the strongest champions and different roles. I can play a decent Ashe, Udyr, Soraka, Alistar (even though my combo still sucks), Morgana (my favorite and I think strongest role at the moment) and Shen. Notice that when I say decent, i mean I can confortably play then, not that I will excel with them because there is still so much to learn, especially regarding map awareness, positioning and timing.

Now, aproaching the higher levels what would you do to expand your champion choices and should I focus on learning one role or keep trying to understand everything?

Which role would you say is best fit for a starting player? Support? Since it if played right can turn the game around but if played badly it doesn`t hurt THAT much?

Deceptus Wrote:Mordekaiser/Shaco in the hands of a Brazilian/Korean duo queue. I supposed to play Mordekaiser? jive

kayapo Wrote:Which role would you say is best fit for a starting player? Support? Since it if played right can turn the game around but if played badly it doesn`t hurt THAT much?

Main whatever role you enjoy the most and that you want to invest time into. I started off by supporting people with Zilean but that basically meant that I split farm in the bot lane, got some AP and spammed bombs in lane. Then I switched into lane Rammus, then I really liked Rammus and I learned he's supposed to jungle, so I learned to do that and now I play all the junglers at varying level between them. Note that it's not hard to transition either because I'm also decent at support, for instance.

kayapo I supposed to play Mordekaiser? jive

I used to be called a Polish Korean by a crazy friend of mine, so hit me up for a duo queue once and let's do that. lol

For those of you who don't know, the latest version of LOLReplay allows you to see all your games in spectator mode, which is awesome:

Congrats Sullla!

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