Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Variant play

Like the 4-monk group using sequential group invulnerability, Blizz will prolly hotfix in the near future. Still, it's interesting when combinations like this get discovered. lol
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw

Nitetales Wrote:Check this out.!bgY!.Ya

With a naked Wizard you will take almost no damage, and therefore your diamond armor, which is a base absorb, will hardly ever break. Don't use this :P Wizards are using this combination to get through inferno mode by using gear with zero vit, they are essentially invunerable.

Anyways, for naked characters, we'd probably at most be able to do up to nightmare, but we'll see. I was playing my Spectral Blade Wizard in act 3 underleveled with just a sword and a shield and it was pretty tough. Precasting Explosive Blast then teleporting on top of mobs with Safe Passage and Diamond Skin is pretty effective though. Still, looking to be fun to play -- after I can smash through with my head the brick wall that is Inferno on my DH.

Except word is they removed Force Armor's ability for Inferno, so now it doesn't work at all. Not 100% confirmed, but that's the rumor I heard at the Lounge.

As for how far you'll get equipping only a weapon and no other gear, I'd be surprised if you made it past the Butcher, but I suppose it's possible. Melee has it far easier than ranged in this encounter, in my experience, but good luck to you all the same. If you can survive the Butcher you probably could make it all the way through Normal, but I doubt you'll make it far in Nightmare. Keep us informed, though!

The Wizard was using tier 8 gems and everything was to easy, so I went around naked for a bit. I did kill Azmodan naked, but he's pretty pathetically easy regardless.

I started a naked Monk, the class seems like it could get the farthest of the melee's. Killed skeleking, was harder to kill than any other difficulty as a normal character, though I'd attribute that to lack of available skills.

Lazy programming/game design makes it harder to have variant fun. I am liking D3 less and less simply there are to many monsters that can one hit kill a normally built monk. As my monk is playing along hell diff act one all I am thinking is oh what is going to one hit kill me next. And I went to bed early last night because I was so disgusted at that sloppiness of game design - the one hit killers. No monsters should be able to one hit a player. After all, that's when I quit D2 hardcore (and D2) when they refuse to fix the FEB death explosion.

I liked D3 when I first played, and I loved D3 when I first entered Act3. Act3's beginning quest was epic like in a fantasy movie that I felt like I was in it. My thumbs up to the level designers! But now it's just plain stupid, at least that's how I feel today... and that's how I find time to stop playing and post :neenernee


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