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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Play free week champs.

Ashe is very good, definitely not to the point where other AD carries are super super superior to her. Arrow+Kiting with slow arrows/Q. Edit: On rereading your post, I think you meant other people are better with her then you are. My bad. lol

On Mundo, if you have exhaust unlocked take it for ganks, dueling, and late game pressure/CC on enemy carries. On most tanky bruisers like Mundo, I dislike getting Atmas, because Randuins is almost always better. Atma's gives you 45 armor and damage. Randiuns gives 75 armor, cdr, hp and its passive/active. As Mundo and other bruisers, your job isn't to big damage. Your job is to dive in, and stick on their carries. Plus, Mundo does pretty high base damage with Q+W+E.

Mundo jungle, like seyruun says below, levels W and is good farmer. Reason why Q=E is due to how the game is going. Q for ganks and dueling, E for faster jungling. Mundo does not need or rely on Madred/Latern to clear jungle due to W doing a truckload of damage.

Normal Mundo build is cloth/5pots or boots/3pots, building into HoG, Spirit Visage, Aegis, and Mercs/Ninja Tabi depending on team comps. Randuins, Warmog, Negatron Clock item(QSS or FoN or just leave it) or Frozen Mallet are good next items. Build as needed as a tanky bruiser guy. HoG is perfec item for Mundo. Spirit Visage strong if they have big AP nuker or double AP comp. Aegis is generally very good, but shines against AoE team comps the most IMO. Mercs against heavy CC teams or double ap, tabi against only ap middle and little cc. Warmog only if you are ahead. Randuins if you need to stick on their AD carry or if they do a ton of AD damage. Negatron against big ap damage. Frozen Mallet for more sticking potential on carries if you don't need Randuins right at that moment. Everything depends on the game on bruisers though. Typically, the only item that remains constant in every game on Mundo is HoG.

I used to play Shen. Then he was nerfed hard. Now he's back up in awesomes.

Interestingly I can play him as support and Jungle. That taunt is quite excellent, and the Ki Strikes help a little with the clear times. He's still a really slow jungler, but his sustain and powerful ganks can help make up for it. Still, he's more built for a sustain top-laner or support. If I wanted to be gank heavy, I prefer Ali and Amumu.

The real power of Shen though is mid game with the global ult. Once between myself and Janna we saved a 2v5 (teammates caught out) and turned it around to an Ace. Just keep an eye on the minimap. Ult whoever is being focused and turn around the fights.

Also, don't forget to get the free champions. Ali from their YouTube channel, and Trist from Facebook.
Pitboss Demo - Darrell's Tropical Trolls
PBEM45G - Sareln

I have never seen support Shen, can't really understand why you'd pick it either when you could take Taric or virtually any other support instead. I feel like with Shen in bot lane your lane would get out sustained and abused pretty hard.
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Deceptus Wrote:Alistar just kind of roams and gets fed from nooblord lanes really easily.

I just stomped low level nooblords particularly hard with Alistar on my EU West account and I decided to share. Yes, I only have a handful of Tier 1 runes (level 17). No, it's totally not a masturbatory exercise. shhh

(Though honestly at this point I'm mostly facing smurfs. Mostly.)

(Also I think that replay might be on an outdated version)

spellman Wrote:Also, don't forget to get the free champions. Ali from their YouTube channel, and Trist from Facebook.

I got Trist from there. Didn't know about Ali. Thanks.
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me

Dantski Wrote:I have never seen support Shen, can't really understand why you'd pick it either when you could take Taric or virtually any other support instead. I feel like with Shen in bot lane your lane would get out sustained and abused pretty hard.

I've only seen him in middle tier games, and even then rarely. He acts similar to a Taric (stun, spike (Ki strike+sword combo), and sustain), but with better global presence and power in the late game (Taunt EVERYONE into your Randuin's). However, once I got beat down hard by a Shen/Vayne combo so I tried it out and was surprised by how effectively it can work. Shen also is amazing for Lv1 gank with someone with spike damage (Trist/Sivir/etc). Even moreso if your jungler helps. Taunt + Exhaust is almost a free kill unless they burn all their summoners.

But yeah, not my first pick (still prefer Janna/Taric/Sona). But sometimes I just want the extra tankiness and global ult.
Pitboss Demo - Darrell's Tropical Trolls
PBEM45G - Sareln

Sullla Wrote:kayapo - learn to jungle. Few people jungle at lower levels, and you can farm the jungle all day without having to fight idiots for minions. While everyone else is running around fighting endlessly, you can farm to your heart's content and punish the many, many times that someone on the other team is overextended.

I really think that's the best approach. People at lower levels of play are so terrible that you need to be either jungling or playing solo middle lane, and you face 10x the competition to get that mid lane.

Indeed, at about lv 10ish I started to think if I wanted to pick a role to learn while leveling it would probably be jungle since there is almost never someone who wants to do it.

I did so, with some sucess with Udyr for many games but it started to get frustrating for me when every single lane starts to blame the jungler for everything that happens.

Top lane blames you for even trying to jungle, I had someone say "I knew I was going to die when they hit lv 6", replying that if he KNEW he could have adjusted and played more safe didn`t work, as you might suspect.

Bot lane plays really agressive and either presses to their tower untill they can`t sustain and get ganked or they get extremely harassed and starts yelling at you to save them, which can be tricky when they are sitting there with 100 HP and can`t really help in a gank.

Mid lane can go either way, but it is quite often too that people will start demanding the jungle to save them.

Not to mention that it is not usual to have only 1 lane in trouble, so many times I was trying to help top not be destroyed in the 2v1 just to have bot accusing me of not doing anything to help their failing. wink

Sure, there are cases where I legitimate feel like I could have gone to help somewhere a bit sooner and I`m by no means someone who knows how to jungle but it is by far the role I found to be the one who gets blamed for everything. At the very least even in games where I know I could have ganked better, I rarely have trouble with CS count and usually can reach mid/end game in a position to help the team.

The AD carry for example, unless he is outright feeding, nobody checks if he is actually CSing and in late game if his positioning is alright to be able to carry. I`ve never seen anyone analyze in-game saying something like, our AD is underfarmed, we are going to have problems. =)

Low level meta is gank, chase, die, flame.

P.S. I`m sure in Seyruun`s case it is quite different, for one he knows how to jungle and he picked the best jungle/ganker to destroy newbies. But even then, i`m sure he gets blamed everyonce in a while. I`d be curious to know how Seyruun handles the top laner who is 90% of the time going to feed because he can`t understand a 2v1 situation.

Yeah. It's funny how being the jungler is often the most influential and yet underrated and most blamed role.

Typically if I'm jungling and I notice no opposing jungler I check if the top laner is capable of holding 2v1. If they did't pick a useful champion that can sustain/survive I help split the lane most of the time, splitting off to help roam when they're not in trouble.

Also, the other factor is just learn to become flame retardant and if one lane is failing miserably gank when appropriate and carry to victory. If you get free reign of both jungles, you should have massive farm and gank potential. Take every buff all the time, sharing with mid or top when appropriate. Udyr is actually very good at carrying the team on his own. Tank it up and deal tons of damage, plus a handy stun. Sure you can't carry every team, but an uber fed champ is still an uber fed champ.

If you're feeling more confident, ping some of us to dual-queue with you. Having at least 1 competent person around does wonders, and if you're on voice chat we can help feed tips and help build your game sense. While there's lots of guides, there's nothing that beats a good intuition of when to engage, retreat, or guess where your opponents are gathering. And unfortunately much of that comes with playing a lot.

But most of all, don't blame yourself for failing. Think about what you could have done better and incrementally improve. And don't blame your teammates. Down that path is ELO Hell.

EDIT: I just realized my SN isn't on the front page for some reason. I'm spellman23 on LoL.
Pitboss Demo - Darrell's Tropical Trolls
PBEM45G - Sareln

To be honest you are screwing over your top lane by choosing to jungle in low-level games. If they are new/bad (likely) and are faced with a 2v1 (also likely) then they are going to feed or lose lane hard. Seyruun can pull this off with gank-heavy junglers and his superior skills but if you are just learning it's definitely putting your top laner in a tough spot. Even worse is if they have a champ or match-up that can't 2v1 AT ALL. If you're going to jungle in lowbie levels you should recognize this and go gank crazy and/or just lane if top is gonna have a miserable time.

Say you choose a jungler and top is something like Tryndamere 2v1 vs Cait and Kennen and they get mad at you for jungling and letting them face that lane.... Well, they're right - you are to blame. You can probably still carry from the jungle, but at the very least you can never ever be angry with them feeding or losing lane, since it's basically your fault.

I'm like 90% sure that Seyruun with playing with level 30 EU friends. Very little 2v1 top, if any, as well as decent mediocre players.

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