Kyan Wrote:Nice job on the war so far.
Thanks. One though in case people are wondering about yet more sunrise NAPs which help my neighbors...
My thought process was like this:
*The initial Ichabod NAP made sense since it let me hit Rome, he was mad at me for sniping his city, and he had more power.
*Given that, the pindicator NAP made sense as soon as I saw Ichabod heading for Rome. I was now in a race and didn't have time to cover the China border and make an army to take our Rome.
*I made a small mistake letting the pindicator NAP be for so long. My mistake actually was not calling in my favor with Yuri to learn about the Roman coastline. I though Rome was situation on a bay, not a narrow sea, and so I though I'd need more time to try to contest capturing the cities to the West.
*I let Ichabod both bully and trick me on the Nero capture. The trick has been well discussed. The bullying is just a product of open-land combat. I'm
not willing to NAP stab, and we were both in neutral land on roads. That's akin to the RB backstab of Imperio in the Apolyton demogame, where the side who initiates has an auto-win. Basically I was willing to risk my game for the right to capture the city and take the land, but not on the city itself (GLighthouse would have been nice, but it was "only" +10 domestic trade routes, or like 5% research rate.
*Given all that, it's a semi-open question still whether I should allow the NAPs to renew. Obviously I don't have much I can capture except from China and Mali (I can sail and take out Rome, but those cities will be
hard to hold and incur huge maintenance). My GNP has actually risen relative to China and Mali over the last 10-15 turns, and my army is still quite a bit smaller than either's. Extending the China NAP definitely gives pind more time to attack England, but he already had a lot of time. I think I have comparable or more cities than Mali and China still, so I think I still benefit more from time to build up.
*All that to say we'll see. I think I have a decent shot to win a rifle-era war with Mali or China if I want one, due to both Agg and/or getting there first.
that said Seven or Parkin will still win
![wink wink](
I was only 6t, IIRC, from Lib when Parkin got it, but he's only going to pull ahead further.