What i`m not too found of is just nerf nerf nerf
Nerfing is really making things less fun. Sure there are cases where you do need to balance something that is doing much more then planned, but it seems to me that they just look at tournments and if people are picking the same champions and banning the same champions they just nerf everything to the ground to see if they can shake things up.
I see two problems here.
1- There is ALWAYS going to be champions that are either banned often or picked often. Doesn`t matter how much you nerf, you might just shift the focus to another champion, but in competitive play some champs that don`t have hard counters will always shadow the ones that do. Teams get used to play with and against what they consider to be the strongest picks on each lane and even if this may vary from team to team, when it comes to competitive play things have a tendency to vary very little.
2- Using competitive play as a drawing board to base a game that is played by millions of non-pro players might make the game less fun for everyone. Karthus ult is op in competitive play? He is banned on every game or first picked. Sure, but for normal people, the ult is fun but not that op when you factor in some of Karthus`s weaknesses.
I understand the concept of increasing the cooldown on global ultimates for the next patch. That seems like a good idea. It`s the nerf bat across the board that i feel is excessive.
Nerfing should be a last measure, not the norm.
How about buffing some others instead of just nerfing everything. Make the game more fun for everyone and let pros come up with new ideas.
It feels like, a new patch is coming and instead of being anxious for it, people dread it because it will make everyone`s favorite champions less fun for them. Will it make the game more balanced? I really don`t think so, especially because in a game where avatars have different abilities and roles, there is never going to be this "perfect" balance like you`d get from a classic counter-strike game. The only way to have perfect balance is everyone playing the same thing, same abilities and possibilites. That is NOT what LOL is about though.
Nerfing is really making things less fun. Sure there are cases where you do need to balance something that is doing much more then planned, but it seems to me that they just look at tournments and if people are picking the same champions and banning the same champions they just nerf everything to the ground to see if they can shake things up.
I see two problems here.
1- There is ALWAYS going to be champions that are either banned often or picked often. Doesn`t matter how much you nerf, you might just shift the focus to another champion, but in competitive play some champs that don`t have hard counters will always shadow the ones that do. Teams get used to play with and against what they consider to be the strongest picks on each lane and even if this may vary from team to team, when it comes to competitive play things have a tendency to vary very little.
2- Using competitive play as a drawing board to base a game that is played by millions of non-pro players might make the game less fun for everyone. Karthus ult is op in competitive play? He is banned on every game or first picked. Sure, but for normal people, the ult is fun but not that op when you factor in some of Karthus`s weaknesses.
I understand the concept of increasing the cooldown on global ultimates for the next patch. That seems like a good idea. It`s the nerf bat across the board that i feel is excessive.
Nerfing should be a last measure, not the norm.
How about buffing some others instead of just nerfing everything. Make the game more fun for everyone and let pros come up with new ideas.
It feels like, a new patch is coming and instead of being anxious for it, people dread it because it will make everyone`s favorite champions less fun for them. Will it make the game more balanced? I really don`t think so, especially because in a game where avatars have different abilities and roles, there is never going to be this "perfect" balance like you`d get from a classic counter-strike game. The only way to have perfect balance is everyone playing the same thing, same abilities and possibilites. That is NOT what LOL is about though.