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PBEM 41 Setup and Tech Thread

Turn order:

kyan: 20:00 - 22:00
musicman: 22:00 - 01:00
shoot: 01:00 - 05:00 [17:00 - 21:00 local time]
nakor: 05:00 - 16:00 [06:00 - 17:00 local time]
ad hoc
sian: 18:00 - 20:00 [19:00 to 21:00 local time]

Tracker email:

Tracker page:

Rules for the game:

Standard size
2 Continents (3 players per continent) with islands mixed in
no Barbs
no Huts
no Events
no Pyramids
no Great Lighthouse
no Change Religion/Civics
no Nukes
no Corporations
no cheese AP wins
no War Elephants

And the picks were:

1) Sian plays Julius Caesar of Vikings
2) Kyan plays Louis XIV of Carthage
3) Shoot the Moon plays Catherine of Mali
4) Nakor plays Pericles of Korea
5) mackoti plays Rameses of Sumeria
6) MusicMan plays Pacal of Inca


My original post:

Although we're still waiting for Sian to finish picking (and also the map to get finished?), figure we might as well start getting this side of things figured out.

Things we'll need to do:
  • Figure out a turn order (have everyone post their timezones and preferred playing time)
  • Randomize said turn order
  • Get everyone's emails
  • Set up a turn tracker

Anyhow, to get it started, I'm GMT -8 (U.S. Pacific time zone) and will prefer to play in the evening, although will probably also be able to do most afternoons so can get to the save earlier if it comes earlier most days.

My gmail is catwalkutopia. I don't expect to be playing turns unless MusicMan has to go on vacation or similar, but I may as well be on the tracker. Also, was there a decision as for whether or not we get to go first as part of the handicap?

Catwalk Wrote:My gmail is catwalkutopia. I don't expect to be playing turns unless MusicMan has to go on vacation or similar, but I may as well be on the tracker. Also, was there a decision as for whether or not we get to go first as part of the handicap?

Fine by me.

I'm GMT. I prefer to play between 6pm-12am with a preference for the latter end of that timeslot.

EDIT: peterofindia at gmail dot com

Map is progressing. The continents are placed and filled with terrain, all that's left is island stuff, resources, and balancing. Unless you don't want me to try and balance this hardcore and just make it close enough so it's not too manufactured?

Take your time mate.

I'm looking forward to seeing bricks exploited. Will it be +5 hammers?

Catwalk Wrote:I'm looking forward to seeing bricks exploited. Will it be +5 hammers?

Speeds up all wonders?
Merovech's Mapmaking Guidelines:
0. Player Requests: The player's requests take precedence, even if they contradict the following guidelines.

1. Balance: The map must be balanced, both in regards to land quality and availability and in regards to special civilization features. A map may be wonderfully unique and surprising, but, if it is unbalanced, the game will suffer and the player's enjoyment will not be as high as it could be.

2. Identity and Enjoyment: The map should be interesting to play at all levels, from city placement and management to the border-created interactions between civilizations, and should include varied terrain. Flavor should enhance the inherent pleasure resulting from the underlying tile arrangements. The map should not be exceedingly lush, but it is better to err on the lush side than on the poor side when placing terrain.

3. Feel (Avoiding Gimmicks): The map should not be overwhelmed or dominated by the mapmaker's flavor. Embellishment of the map through the use of special improvements, barbarian units, and abnormal terrain can enhance the identity and enjoyment of the map, but should take a backseat to the more normal aspects of the map. The game should usually not revolve around the flavor, but merely be accented by it.

4. Realism: Where possible, the terrain of the map should be realistic. Jungles on desert tiles, or even next to desert tiles, should therefore have a very specific reason for existing. Rivers should run downhill or across level ground into bodies of water. Irrigated terrain should have a higher grassland to plains ratio than dry terrain. Mountain chains should cast rain shadows. Islands, mountains, and peninsulas should follow logical plate tectonics.

I'm thestick366 at gmail dot com

Currently at -4 GMT and finding myself waking up early, so about 1000-1200 and 2100-0100 GMT.

Take your time with balancing.

Brick: speeds up the construction of all Stone wonders by 400%.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

TheMusicMan Wrote:im in the uk and as we just broke up for the summer im free pretty much all day not that it mattered when i was in 6th form as i practically live in the it centre and hacked the system to access my email/photobucket to allow me to play civ there haha


anyway unless i get a summer job which prob aint happening im free all day but as i wont be getting up til about now [noon] you probbaly want to put me in after 4pm uk time. i guess kyan will follow me unless theres someone else from the uk.

repost from other thread haha

4pm to 2am is best for me. that overlaps kyan so you can put me before or after him haha

musicman65 at

Sianist at Gmail

preferred timeslot is 3pm-10pm GMT ...

slot me just before Kyan and i guess thats going to fit great

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