Ok, what in the world is going on with Rowain? No idea. So let's back up. The new phase started in which Rowain presented us a board that looked like this:
Translation: "I'm mad at you for not continuing to do everything I want and I'm upset that you don't want to keep signing deals with me despite the fact that I never follow through on any of my deals. So because I'm mad, I'm giving the win to Mattimeo."
Oooookay. So I sent this:
scooter Wrote:Glad to see you're more interested in playing out of spite than playing for yourself.
His response:
Rowain Wrote:Scooter
Are you complete nuts?
I helped you to gain 2 centers in Germany and your answer was a stabattack meaning that instead of building 2 new Units I stayed down.
And now you are runnig around crying about a situation you brought upon yourself with your greed.
Since your attack and my public announcement I have waited for an offer from you.
You prefered to stay silent instead of trying to come to terms.
And to top it off your single post since then is one with insults. If you have somehow missed it this game is called Diplomacy for a reason.
Here's the thing. He complains that I never tried to offer him a deal. However,
why would I do that when he never keeps his word?? I didn't offer him anything because I didn't trust he'd actually keep his word since he has screwed me repeatedly this game. So what's the point in trying to cut a deal if I know I'll never trust him to actually keep that deal? I sent this back:
scooter Wrote:I'm not sure what you expected exactly. You stabbed/lied to me several times. I didn't want to offer you a deal because honestly, your actions have not proven to be trustworthy enough to count on them. I even warned you when you backed out on your deals that you were asking for my reaction. As you once said to me "this is a market constantly in flux"... So what would have been the point of me offering you some sort of deal when I don't trust you to keep it?
So I'd expect you to act in best interest and make at least some attempt at defending yourself. You've made no attempt to do so, rather you're going to hand Mattimeo a solo as a spite because I got pissed at you screwing with me in Germany. Saying you "helped me gain 2 centers in Germany" is nonsense. I HAD those centers until you helped Bigger keep them despite promising not to do so. No need to pretend like you gave them to me out of overwhelming generosity.
So what's your gameplan? You know you have no real chance of surviving, so what, you're going to throw the game to Mattimeo because you're mad at me? My expectation is that you'd at least attempt to defend yourself but nope, you have no interest in that. So I have no choice but to just sit and defend while Mattimeo eats up your centers.
He sent this:
Rowain Wrote:-scooter
I think you do suffer a misread of reality.
After your attack on Germany you did not have many friends leftl. I had no need to hand you those 2 centers in germany. Bigger was absolute willing to let me take them as long as I kept you out of his centers.
My helping you into them was an act of interest to get a nice interesting endplay.
You OTOH decided to botch it and you made sure that I could not build the units I needed to defend me in the south. Concerning trust and deals let me remind you about your stabattack on Norway.
Did you really expect I let you run over me in the north and keep turkey at bay so that you can get a win? Even without DEn you would have been the one wih the most centers and an easy defense in the MED. Had you for once kept your word you could have won this game.
I have not responded to this or any messages he's sent since then because I see no point. The above message is honestly laughable. I'll step through it just so I have my response on record since I have no real interest in sending it to him.
Quote:After your attack on Germany you did not have many friends leftl. I had no need to hand you those 2 centers in germany. Bigger was absolute willing to let me take them as long as I kept you out of his centers.
I think this part is funny - talking about how I have no friends left, when right now he has 3 enemies and 0 friends
. Molach helped me despite me promising him nothing except outliving Germany. He even just now told me he won't attempt to take a third center until I kill Germany, which was nice of him to honor the spirit of the agreement. I stabbed Germany and I'm going to finish Germany and despite that,
Germany would rather help me than Russia. Wrap your head around that
. Rowain pissed off Germany that much - that they'd rather help the guy who ruined their chance at a win than help Rowain. Mattimeo told me he'd rather stab Russia than me, and a big part of that was that Rowain kept being borderline dishonest with him. Not lying like he did to me, but conveniently leaving out details and deceiving, which is the same in my book. So who is the person with no friends exactly?
Quote:My helping you into them was an act of interest to get a nice interesting endplay.
Nope, not true. I guilted him and basically told him all the times he backed out on me was dishonorable, yadda yadda. I played on his guilt. And the thing is, he did NOT help me into Germany. I actually did it myself. He quit supporting Germany, but he refused to actually help me (once again, contrary to what he promised). So this is actually objectively false. I do think it's funny that he actually refused to help me and then still expected me to help him
Quote:I helped you to gain 2 centers in Germany and your answer was a stabattack meaning that instead of building 2 new Units I stayed down.
Whaaat?? The whole point of that was because I asked him to promise he'd build in Sev instead of in the north and he refused. He was going to build Warsaw + Stp. He had no intention of using those units against Turkey. Just look at what the board looked like last phase for proof. Again, another lie.
The rest of it I pretty much talked about already. Anyways yeah, just crazy. Then he followed it up with this email which I posted already:
Rowain Wrote:I give you one more chance.
But understand I get DEN this fall or you can kiss my behind and I will hand over my centers to turkey.
Great stuff. Then for whatever reason he ordered movements against Turkey while Turkey semi-stabbed me?? I'm SO confused right now honestly. I had a plan cooked up where I was going to offer Molach a share of a draw and his third center if he'd help me take down Rowain - idea being to force an FTE draw and ensure Rowain got no share of a win. Molach would surely agree to that, and it would allow me to 1) prevent losing to a solo and 2) ensure Rowain gets punished for his actions.
Now I'm not sure what to do. Do I need to suck it up and talk to Rowain again? I'm more inclined to just continue radio silence since that seemed to have worked more than anything else. I need to talk to Mattimeo that's for sure. I had sent him this last night ~5 hours before the turn rolled:
scooter Wrote:Apparently moves are due today. I thought we'd have an extra day with the late builds but I just noticed we don't. Sorry for not getting to you sooner then.
Anyways, not much to say other than I'm confirming that I'm pulling out of Tys and setting up a stalemate as agreed. I'm also moving into Piedmont. This is for the purpose of neutralizing Tyrolia and if you let it in, it will never pose a threat to you.
Also, If you could cut/dislodge Tyrolia, I'd be greatly appreciative of that.
He didn't respond, ordered into Piedmont (and moved a F up to be able to cut Lyo) which I view as a semi-stab. Then he sent this:
Mattimeo Wrote:Sorry, had left for uni when this came through.
Wishing I'd stuck around at home a little longer now, given what Rowain's done this season :/
My response:
scooter Wrote:Yeah... So I don't quite understand why you would try to move into Piedmont or push yet another fleet in the south or have two armies in Italy..? It doesn't feel like you're interested in locking down a stalemate in the south as agreed. Am I misreading things?
Also, why did Rowain do what he did?? He pretty much told me he was going to give you the solo win just to spite me (pretty classy), so needless to say I was pretty surprised when he apparently moved back to defend against you.
We'll see. He just poked me on chat so I'll talk with him and see where things go.