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thestick Wrote:First of all, should we be debating the path of our civilization through email or through this forum?
umm, please do the latter, will certainly make lurking more interesting  .
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
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Kyan Wrote:All looks fine. I see you got the next turn too, anything new?
Just moved the Warrior 1NE and found no new resources. Renamed the civ 'Minor Planetary Empire,' short description 'Minor Planets,' adjective 'Minor Planetary.' We'll need a better leader name.
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Since I have no clue what crazy fun is going in in mackoti's thread, here's my guess:
[SIZE="5"]Werewolf 41 - Spiritual Industries[/SIZE]
Current Time: Day 1
Live Players (13)
Dead Players (1)
BRickAstley - Cultist - Vanillager - Sliced and eaten N0
The village of Iron Plains was originally a mining camp from ages ago. Once the iron reserves depleted, the city grew around the massive smelting facility. Now, raw copper and iron ores are brought in, smelted, and shipped to major blacksmithing cities throughout the empire.
The village has always employed a migrant labor force. Workers from the coastal plains occasionally arrive, searching for work. They live amongst the locals until they feel they've worked up enough money, then leave without a trace.
The people were originally pagans, worshiping gods of nature, but the old gods slowly faded from memory. Over the years, the gods of the various metals merged into a single god, Reff-Eine.
There was, however, one man who did not worship Reff-Eine. Mackoti was the sole surviving believer in Laun, the god of the moon. When Mackoti was young, his hands were burnt in a smelting accident. Unable to work in the refinery, he took to writing poetry and renounced Reff-Eine.
"That night, when I left the refinery, I heard a frail man crying. I searched and searched, but found no one. Just before daybreak, nearing madness, I screamed, 'Who are you who weeps?' And the voice replied, 'Laun, the god of the moon. I've been waiting and waiting for someone to hear me, yet none listen. Mackoti, can you hear me? Please, hear my voice.'" -The Revelations of Laun, Page 6
Mackoti frequently irritated the other villagers by not attending rituals like including the yearly baptism with mercury. However, they learnt to live with him, as they enjoyed his writings.
Last month, the price of iron fell and the price of grain rose. Many of the migrant farm workers returned home to harvest the suddenly-profitable grain. The church-owned refinery began issuing wage cuts. Food became scarce as the secrets of Hunting had been lost to history. The howls of starving workers rang out into the night.
One night, the howling stopped. Thoth, head priest of the Reff-Eine worshipers and de facto mayor of the village, was about to fall asleep when he heard banging coming from a nearby house. Worried about someone having been locked out of their house again, Thoth got dressed and, noticing that the moon was full, decided not to bring a lantern.
As he walked in the direction of the banging, Thoth heard the snores of the villagers. As he walked past their houses he mentally rattled off the names of the inhabitants - Ichabod, Pindicator, Partisan. He was glad that they were finally getting a good night's rest and yearned to join them. About halfway to Astley the Bricklayer's house, the source of the pounding, he heard the crack of wood and the banging stop. 'Astley must've accidentally knocked down his door again. I'll order in a new door tomorrow morning,' he murmured to himself. He decided to comtinue to Astley's, as Astley could use some help removing the remnants of his door.
When he arrived at Astley's house, Thoth heard the rustling of rats from inside. Thoth poked his head through Astley's doorway. Through the open window, the moonlight filled the room with an almost dream-like atmosphere. Thoth couldn't make out Astley or the rats. "Must've already gone to sleep," he told himself.
Suddenly, the squeaking stopped. Thoth could make out a pair of eyes from Astley's bedroom. They slowly turned until they locked with Thoth's. âAstley?â
The eyes jumped; before Thoth could enter the house, the eyes were gone out the window. Thoth stood there, dumbstruck at what had happened, then ran home to grab his lantern. Since he simply believed that Astley had finally gone mad, he didn't decide to wake the villagers. Thoth returned. He shone the lantern into Astley's bedroom and saw a man sleeping in Astley's bed. Thoth took a closer look, and immediately shrieked and nearly fainted.
Astley lay dead in his bed. Blood was gushing from his arms and throat. His throat had been sliced in half, leaving his head almost separate from his body. The skin of his arm had been peeled back and his flesh eaten.
Thoth recoiled in horror, then ran home. He needed to find a weapon and hunt down the attacker. He grabbed a large butcher's knife, grew sick at the idea of a man being eaten, promised himself that Astley would receive a good funeral, then ran out into the night.
Thoth returned to the house and circled around it to the window. He noticed the footprints led away from town. Thoth began running in their general direction, then thought it would be foolish to follow the footprints to his death. Instead, he decided to awaken the villagers.
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I love you and I hate you.
Also use the [QUOTE ] format to make your sig look prettier
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BRickAstley Wrote:I love you and I hate you.
Also use the [QUOTE ] format to make your sig look prettier
Same here, once we figure out how bad our surroundings are.  Did I nail it?
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thestick Wrote:Did I nail it?
No, I meant so it looks like the quote above. ^
In the advanced editor you should be able to select that text and use the quote button on it, so it looks more fancy, like this:
BRickAstley Wrote:Additional chances to fail epically are always welcome.
You know, I'm so nice to you helping you make fun of me, you lose any right to complain about any map mistakes.
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So it looks like Agriculture will wrap up T6 and Bronze Working around T15. What do we do with our Worker after the Farm completes T12-ish? Build a Mine?
Since it looks like we'll be able to build a second Worker around the time Bronze Working comes in, I say we go Worker-Worker-Settler and chop like nuts while waiting for Animal Husbandry.
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BRickAstley Wrote:No, I meant so it looks like the quote above. ^
In the advanced editor you should be able to select that text and use the quote button on it, so it looks more fancy, like this:
You know, I'm so nice to you helping you make fun of me, you lose any right to complain about any map mistakes. 
Sure thing about the quote and map mistakes. Unless it's something big like giving everyone but us easy access to copper.
Sorry about picking your name out of a hat to get eaten. It didn't click that I had your quote as my signature.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.
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thestick Wrote:Sure thing about the quote and map mistakes. Unless it's something big like giving everyone but us easy access to copper.
Sorry about picking your name out of a hat to get eaten. It didn't click that I had your quote as my signature.
Yeah you get no special resources until Uranium. :neenernee:
It's fine, I am well aware of my problems misspelling and throwing prefixes and suffixes all over the place making me look silly, and I don't mind it at this point so no offense taken.
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thestick Wrote:So it looks like Agriculture will wrap up T6 and Bronze Working around T15. What do we do with our Worker after the Farm completes T12-ish? Build a Mine?
Since it looks like we'll be able to build a second Worker around the time Bronze Working comes in, I say we go Worker-Worker-Settler and chop like nuts while waiting for Animal Husbandry.
I am about to have the heaviest weekend of my life so won't be about much until Sunday. Please feel free to continue to play the save.
However, I disagree entirel regarding both tech path and build order. I will make my case on Sunday once i've recovered but this is my current thinking:
Tech: Agri -> AH -> BW
Build Order: Worker -> Warrior until size 2 (stopping the moment we hit size 2 even if incomplete) -> Settler -> Warrior until size 4 -> Double whip settler -> Overflow into worker.
Even without simming, I am thoroughly confident that will be a significantly faster opening. However, I would love to be proved wrong. If you have time, make a sandbox and post it here. Play your best opening and post your results. Try a different tactic and try beat it. Keep doing so until you're confident you've got it to the best it can be. Upon my return on Sunday, i'll do the same and see if I can beat it. This sounds boring and it potentialyl can be- however, it is a really fantastic learning tool. Your macro seems quite solid but I believe your micro is an area where we could potentially develop. This sort of exercise is the best way to do this in my opinion.