Well, here is the tale of my (brief) reign.
I Emir Hazard
came in to power in command of the following lands:
While still of a young age I felt I was not ready for rule, so left most of the work to my trusted council
While I seeked tutoring from one of my court (Nizamaddin)
Before long I finally saw the completion of a project of one of my predecessors, and we founded the Castle of Cordoba
Meanwhile the holy war I had taken power in resolved with the addition of a city and mosque, but unfortunately our allies took the province itself.
Elsewhere rumour reached me of a new faction that had come to power
Within months of each other, we saw both a crusade and a jihad declared
And while the infidels crusade was quickly resolved I went to my grave with our jihad unresolved
My advisors then suggested that we liberate our neighbouring province of Almansa
Which was quickly resolved and allowed me to gain the Emirate of Murcia
However it seems we were not the only one who wished for that position and before long the inevitable happened
It was then that I came of age and was able to take a wife, who I later came to love
Soon the rebellion was destroyed and his lands taken back for our own. This then over I was free to go on pilgrimage. During this journey I came to be Humble, and learned more of war, but more importantly I felt more healthy than I had for a long time. Surely that would mean a long fruitful reign!
During my trip, laws were passed in my homeland, that I hoped to readdress once in command mysef
To begin with that I waged war once more, however the war went badly for me, first through the attentions of a camp follower
Then from the attentions of an enemy sword
The enemies main armies crushed I went happily to sleep dreaming of future victories to be had