Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILER] Kyan + thestick. Is that the best you can do?

Funny how the first major delay was us arguing over a micro plan.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

thestick Wrote:Funny how the first major delay was us arguing over a micro plan.

Us conversing on how best to run the micro plan you mean? lol

If you think that constitutes an argument, maybe I can introduce you to my missus...

Just a tip for whenever you are micro'ing your workers. It doesn't take two seconds but could save time later.

[Image: t7micro0000.jpg]

Whenever you are moving a worker 2 spaces (therefore not building any kind of improvement that turn), consider whether you could achieve something en route without losing a turn.

In the above picture, the corn is 2 tiles from the capital. A lot of players would move the worker directly onto the corn next turn. The best play would actually be to move the worker 1SE and begin farming that tile. Makes sure you then re-select the worker and click 'cancel action'. The turn after the worker moves onto the corn and begins farming. The corn farm completes on the same turn but you have 1 turn invested in an additional farm.

This is not a great example as the grass farm isn't so helpful, but it's free so why not. Once you have wheel, this is a great way to utilise those otherwise 'lost turns'. Turns invested in improving a tile are not lost and do not decay. You can often complete improvements without even trying just by workers passing through the area a couple of times.

Looking good so far. I'm cack at micro plans so I'll stay out of that discussion for now.

As regards other news, I'll be in Swansea from the 22nd to 27th of August. I'm visiting my brother and a beer festival on the same time, so if you want to see a drunk Irishman outside his natural habitat (an Irish pub) then's the time.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

Thanks, Kyan. Know about that, just don't usually do it for some reason.

[Image: T8%20-%20Overview.JPG]

Did you write down what you did? I got the impression we're going Worker-Size 2-Settler.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

I didn't write it down. I was going off instinct anyhoo. That is correct though.

Can I make a request please, I have absolutely no problem with you grabbing the save but could you please post so i'm aware. I made a different move with warrior and inadvertently got some extra scouting information. For what it's worth, I don't remember anything- but that's kinda a spoiler too because if there had been something particularly great, I probably would have remembered it.

You don't need to do a full turn report, even a 'got it' just so I know. Cheers buddy.

Sure thing. I usually go by the tracker, anyway.

This map seems pretty fertile. The 'production' spot might not be so great since it has no first-ring food. Yes, we're Creative, but that's still 3 turns we're not improving those Cows. Maybe one city 1SE of the 'clams coast?' sign and one city 2W of the Cows.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

Got it.

Got it. Started farming the corn, as usual.
[Image: T10%20-%20Overview.JPG]

Maybe a second city somewhere in the east would be better? 2E of Pluto's corn would be a ridiculous whipping spot, similar to Haumea.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

Played. Found gems by the corn too. We need to begin wheeling the warrior home now as we'll need a second for the two cities.

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