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[SPOILER] Kyan + thestick. Is that the best you can do?

thestick Wrote:True, I keep forgetting about Religion. Without Mysticism, it might be a problem. Someone's already founded Hinduism, by the way.

I ran a quick test. Growing to Size 3 won't actually speed up the Settler, so of course I'll build it at Size 2. Settler completes T27. I'm sending a Warrior down south to scout the Copper area to look for a third city spot.

By the way, maintenance is pretty high. Only two cities, 3 tiles apart, and I'm already down to 80% research, 8 beakers per turn.

Religions are usually a bit slower in MP games than in SP, as the players generally want to get workers working and at least one military tech before throwing beakers that way. So depending on how many Myst starting civs are out there you may be able to snag one.

On the research front, what level and world wrap is the game on? They both affect maintenance levels. And you'll find that min/max is your friend here, especially when you get markets and libraries on line.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

Standard/Torodial/Prince. Not sure I want an early religion.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

Nothing happened this turn. Moved Warrior, started chopping forest, hit enter. Next turn I move the warrior onto the grassland hill Copper and see what's there.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

I wasn't being serious with the religion comment anyway.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

Found Rice down south by the Copper. Perfect.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

Settler completed EOT. I started chopping a forest into Haumea's Work Boat. 2 Turns to The Wheel.

I need to run more sims for what exactly to do with the Workers and what to do with Pluto. Build another Size 2 Settler or grow to Size 3 for the Grassland Mine?

Makemake will probably go somewhere here:
[Image: T26%20-%20Makemake.JPG]

Deserts are bad, but copper is important.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

I found Gold south of Makemake, so I'm shifting it 1S to pick it up. Makemake will be settled T30.

[Image: T27%20%20-%20Makemake.JPG]

The Wheel came in EOT. Unfortunately, the Worker will arrive there one turn too soon if I just head straight for the Rice. It was either 1t into a Mine, 1t into a Road, or 2t into two separate Roads. I went with Roads, because I need them to hook up the Gold and Copper.

I experimented a bit with micro, decided to use 2 Workers to improve Makemake (Rice, Gold, Copper, Floodplains) and 1 worker to chop at Haumea. Pluto is building another Size 2 Settler, completes T32. Nothing to do to speed it up. Eris, Clams/Sheep will be settled T33, with a chop into Work Boat on first turn of existence. Pottery comes in T35-ish.

Demographics are terrible because I haven't grown Pluto past Size 2 - everyone else has. I'm 5th in GNP, Food, and MFG, but 3rd in Land Area.

After 4 cities by T33 (T50 normal speed), I'll cottage while building some Warriors/Axes/whatever. I'm a bit worried about only having 2 Warriors. After building vertically a bit, I'll get those Horses Ivory to the east. Still need to find the 3rd civ.

By the way, my sim has The Wheel coming in 1t sooner than the game, and I think I know why: I think I forgot to settle Haumea 2S of the plain hill in the sim. But why would that change anything? Maybe it's not it.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

thestick Wrote:Standard/Torodial/Prince. Not sure I want an early religion.

Toroidal is your enemy here. It significantly increases maintenance from distance.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

That's not it, my sim is Prince/Torodial/Standard. I checked, I think Haumea's in the right place. Maybe it's that my map is the wrong size, I think I rolled a Fractal instead of Continents.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

Played the turn a while ago, nothing happened. Found more desert by Makemake. It looks like Makemake has about 10-12 good tiles. I'll probably farm that floodplain, it looks like Makemake only has unirrigated rice for food.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

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