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The Dark arts - C&D Master Thread

T24 - 3040 BC

Cliff's Notes: One team has improved their deer, and maybe connected it to their trade network. Top production leaves your C&D department confused, with a tentative conclusion of much swearing in team Apolyton.


[Image: ISDG-76s.jpg]
[Image: ISDG-T24-cities.jpg]

No score changes this turn, but there were interesting developments no less.

Average life expectancy rose from 70 to 71, implying either a forest growth or a connected resource. Since rival worst in food rose from 8 to 9, and we now are #8 at 10F (was #7 on T22), I think it was our civ with trailing food that has connected a riverside deer. At a guess, it's WPC or Univers who has chosen to improve their deer before their corn.

Another possibility is that they connected the deer after my checks on T22, and then roaded the tile, completing it this turn, but only Apolyton can build roads, and they haven't logged in this turn yet.

More interesting is that top production now is 7. This implies that it's a mine that one team has completed, and it must be from a team with 3 citizens (PH city with grass forest deer and plains mine gives 7H but only 7F).

Of the teams with Mining, CivPlayers and CFC has pop 3. CivPlayers researched Mining on T21, which is just enough to finish a mine this turn if they had their worker on the hill that turn, but they didn't log in and end turn until after Sullla took his screen shots.

But CFC is also a poor fit, since they can't pick up an extra hammer from a deer, and they have flood plains and a banana to work otherwise.

No team can have pastured their cattle yet, since that was only researched on T22. That will only show up T26 and T27.

Another possibility is that a forest growth is involved. At size 4, Apolyton can work PH city tile (2F 2H), forested plains cattle (2F 2H), farmed corn (6F), deer camp (5F 1H), and an 1F 2H tile for 16F 7H. A forested horse tile is also a possibility. This would also give a possible explanation for the changed average life expectancy. But it would imply a bit of tile management on T22-23 on the part of Apolyton.

And sucks to be Apolyton, to research AH only to find a forest has grown on the resource. alright

Not much to say about the cities screen. Apolyton on top, as the only size 4 civ. CivPlayers edge out CFC for the #4 spot by having two tiles with 6 foodhammers.

Forests can't spread to resources.
I have to run.

novice Wrote:Forests can't spread to resources.

Can't they? I know they won't be present at game start, but I thought they could grow on unimproved resources.

This thread implies that forests and jungle can grow on some resources. Cow or horses aren't in the list of jungle-growth only.

As far as I'm aware, forests and jungle can only spread to resources that they can naturally be found in. So a forest could've theoretically spread to a deer, but not to a horse or a cow.

T25 - 3000 BC

Cliff's Notes:

Second round of land points for us, CFC, and the Spanish. The Spanish has an all-land BFC, while CFC has a single water tile.

CivPlayers and CFC both grew to size 4.

The Spanish researched Bronze Working, while Univers researched Animal Husbandry.


[Image: ISDG-T25-demos.jpg]

Lots of score and power increases this turn, and the sheet is almost too well automated. A note for anyone who edits the sheets: before you update anything in the demos on a new turn, copy the values in the "Overall" row on the Power sheet to the "Previous turn" row. That makes seeing the changes much easier.

WPC gained 3 points, and are now size 3.

Spanish had a major score increase, of 14 points. Of these, 8 were from 12 land tiles, ie they have no water tile in their BFC, and 6 from tech.

CivFr got their second border pop, being CRE, and added 15 land tiles. Ie, they have a lake or coast somewhere just outside their BFC.

CivPlayers gained 2 points, and are now size 4.

CFC gained 9 points. 7 were from 11 land tiles, ie they have a water tile in their BFC, and 2 from growing to size 4.

Univers gained 6 points, a tech.

Few changes in GNP and production, but a general increase in food. Last, a whopping 12000 more in global soldiers, and we dropped from 6th to 8th in the rankings. 2000 of that is from pop increases, leaving 10000.

The research times for the Spanish fits neatly with them researching Bronze Working: 9 overflow from Mining, and then 16 turns at 13bpt for a total of 219 (216 required). (Overflow beakers seems to be multiplied with the requisite bonus, but the function is never applied in reverse.)

The same is true for Univers: 2 overflow from Agriculture, and then 13 turns at 14bpt for a total of 184 beakers (180 required).

That gives a total of 10000 in power from tech, and confirms that Univers didn't lose a warrior on T20, otherwise they'd be below us in power. It also fits neatly with the new rival worst in power, which now is CivPlayers.

The sentries report Zulus to the south west. Thousands of them.

Well, not yet, but when can we reasonably expect Impis to turn up? I'm going to go for relatively quick dates throughout.

Impis require copper, BW, and Hunting. I will assume that the map maker hasn't made the strategic resources riverside or inside the BFC of any reasonable capital location, so The Wheel will also be required, but I will assume that the city claiming copper can be founded riverside for an instant connection.

The Spanish team could reasonably start their settler on T19 or T20, and I'm going to assume they're going to have access to one 6F and one 4F tile (farmed banana or flood plains), for 10 net foodhammers. This means they will have their settler out on T30 or T31, since they won't have access to two improved tiles until T22 at the earliest.

Assume T30, and that they settle on T32, next to copper. Then their worker (they have only one in this plan) needs four turns to improve it, finishing T35 as the earliest possible turn.

They probably have 3 overflow beakers from BW, and can generate 11bpt. They will have to dial down their research rate on T32 or so, so will need 11 turns to research The Wheel, ie they will have it T36, and can finish the road T37. If they revolt to Slavery, then add another turn to that.

So, the earliest possible realistic date for when the Spanish can start producing Impis is T37-38.

kjn Wrote:The sentries report Zulus to the south west. Thousands of them.
Is this an idle speculation leading to a thought experiment about Imps or have we actually met the Zulus to our South West?
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

Well, my post continued with "Well, not yet". And it's a quotation from a movie classic.

kjn Wrote:Well, my post continued with "Well, not yet". And it's a quotation from a movie classic.

Didn't get it. Started freaking out.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

kjn Wrote:Well, my post continued with "Well, not yet". And it's a quotation from a movie classic.
Lewwyn Wrote:Didn't get it. Started freaking out.
Me too. And shouldn't it be ... 'Started. Freaking. Out.'
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

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