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FTL - Faster Than Light

I downloaded this yesterday - eager to try it out

frown I was doing good with a lucky 6 crew game before I got ion bombed. So far my best score is like 1520 rolleye

I don't like the enjin ship much.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Score 1987. Very sad when I lost this crew. Multiple lvl 2 skill guys.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Well, I got to the 1st stage of the boss ship and got blowed up while limping home by a random cruiser :<

Hate missiles.

The Kestral just seems too weak unless you get really lucky. However, I will say, once I stopped trying to max shields and instead get the 2nd level shield and then try to max out the drive with a good pilot and engine room officer, I was able to get much farther. Since missiles are really deadly, getting your dodge % up really high seems to be the way to go with the Kestral.

Favorite Augments So Far:
-Preloader (so you can immediately fire)
-Long Range Sensors (so you can avoid those really annoying sun/asteroid levels)

Favorite Weapons:
I don't know but I don't really like the cutting beam since in later levels there's too much shield to beat through with my play style (massive alpha strike). I haven't had much of a chance to pick up other weapons but I kinda want to try the fire beam/mass ion disable.

Max Score: 3701.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Lewwyn Wrote:frown I was doing good with a lucky 6 crew game before I got ion bombed. So far my best score is like 1520 rolleye

I don't like the enjin ship much.

Engi ship felt like easy mode to me after the Kestrel. Ion blast guns fire so quickly that your gunner levels up really fast. After that, you're firing the ion blast maybe every other second or so and frying all their systems...

And then you find anther ion cannon and hilarity ensues crazyeye
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antisocialmunky Wrote:Favorite Augments So Far:
-Preloader (so you can immediately fire)
-Long Range Sensors (so you can avoid those really annoying sun/asteroid levels)

Favorite Weapons:
I don't know but I don't really like the cutting beam since in later levels there's too much shield to beat through with my play style (massive alpha strike). I haven't had much of a chance to pick up other weapons but I kinda want to try the fire beam/mass ion disable.

Max Score: 3701.

The Preloader is indeed very nice, it's just so bloody expensive. frown

Has anyone met the crazy Slug 'trader' who reads all his business terms to you and then deactivates your weapons and attacks you ? eek
Nasty surprise, my FTL charging was too slow...which spelled the the end of the "FGS HAMBURG". :mad:

Well, enough for today, but beware Rebel scum - I'll be back tomorrow! lol

Highscore is 1817 atm.


antisocialmunky Wrote:Well, I got to the 1st stage of the boss ship and got blowed up while limping home by a random cruiser :<

Hate missiles.

Me too. Got blown up by boss missiles.

High score : 4110 with The Kestrel

What Ship is peoples favorite? ... as of yet my favorite would be Zoltan Cruiser (Layout A) ... knocking out the shield with a Missile (shield piercing ftw) or a bomb, followed by multihitting with a big beam is easy win without going for weapon evolving for a couple of sectors

my record as of yet is 2797, on easy

The Zolton Cruiser is my favorite so far. It feels like easy mode right now. I would imagine boarders would reek havoc though.

And yeah, you get totally destroyed. Plus your halberd beam run into issues once 2 shields pop up. If you don't have enough missiles/can't find a blaster then you're dead.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

My favourite so far is the one you get for completing the game. cool super weapon, and good mix of crew. really want to unlock the mantis ships though.

Boarding is the way to go, ignore shields and get higher rewards for defeating the ships

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