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FTL - Faster Than Light

Here you can find a list of all ships and how to unlock them (SPOILER! wink):


anyone got an ideal crew setup? you can have 8 at most

my ideal crew setup would be something in the lines of

1 Engi (Repair duty)
1-2 Mantis/Rockmen (taking care of intruders)
1 Human (Pilot, no races gives bonuses that the human doesn't have when piloting, and its to much of a loss removing the pilot midbattle)
4-5 Zoltan (placed in Weapons, Shield, Engine and whereever ... their free Energy is by far the strongest

I love teleport attacks, a lot of the best set up depends on which ship you are talking about. Assuming starting ship.

2 engi (why not have the pilot engi just incase he needs to repair?)
2 mantis (or maybe 1 mantis 1 rock, cant decide favourite boarding team still)
4 zoltan (engine, weapons, shields, cloak)

Also downloaded & played. Good fun, have gotten to boss but not quite taken him down yet.

antisocialmunky Wrote:I just missiled the boss's shields to death and it was pretty quick with a a pair of blasters. In fact that seems like the best tactic for just killing things late game: Pound down the shield generator. In the early game it seems to be: Disable the weapons control.

I got the Zolton Cruiser from a quest. I imagine that many of the ships are quest-related.

This I must agree with. Not much room for tactics early on, just beat down weapons or FTL drive if they want to get away.

Late game as you get the gear more tactic, esp. in connection with boarders and beam weapons (take out medi-bay, kill crew....)

Teleport attack are fun, but I had to learn the hard way, once blew up the ship with my guys aboard (heres some backup artillery fire boys...ehhh boys?) and once they got cut off and destroyed before I could teleport them back (think level 2 teleporter is required)

Ahh the good old red shirts I have:

Teleported them onto a ship then blown it up (far too many times)
Teleported onto a ship remembered to stop guns then had an asteroid blow it up
Teleported onto an AI ship and had them suffocate (with level 2 you can just get them in and out before they die)
Teleported them onto a ship then had to run away leaving them as captives

lol just got killed by a solar flare planet. I survived the battle but couldn't get everything running fast enough. Only had 2 crew at the time so that hurt. cringe
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

BTW layout B of the Kestrel starts with a zoltan and mantis and 2 humans. Also 4 Basic lasers. Yay!
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Only jsut unlocked that so not played with it yet. took me ages to get all the different alien types, and everytime I tried to play chicken with my HP I blew myself up

I unlocked it with all the systems and all aliens in the same run. Never did the 1 hp thing. Got a ancient Rockman ancestor from a stasis pod.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

The HP think i'd except to be easy if you find an Astriod belt next to an Store, shutting down your Shields smile

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