September 18th, 2012, 10:13
Posts: 4,138
Threads: 54
Joined: Dec 2009
I am glad to see a few people not simply falling for the all-too-tempting technique of quickly 'confirming' villagers and following them blindly.
IMO Novice is in no way cleared. In fact, the push to make him mayor makes me feel more uneasy than relieved.
Zak was clearly reading as a dangerous wolf hunter and this was obvious early, what better way to gain deep cover than establish one wolf as his 'sidekick' so that they could become his mayoral successor when he is killed? Add this to the possible bussing of a wolf and claiming to be hit by a 'post restriction' and it can be easy to establish some innocent credentials.
This is all hypothetical of course, but I do not like people blindly following someone who is in no way cleared. It makes things easy for the wolves and can quite simply set up a lot of mislynches further on.
IMO I think catwalk is just plain misguided and nothing more atm. He is standing out from the crowd atm, but not everyone who does is a wolf. Sometimes they are just foolish or being set up for a fall.
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."