September 18th, 2012, 12:36
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mackoti Wrote:yes.
Great, thought so. I asked because I have 3-4 Caravels that were bored so I sent them across the ocean in the general direction of They Whom Shall Not Be Named. I won't say who it is, but if you can think of a team that maybe would declare a phony war to rip me out of a few turns of happiness and health, that would be a good guess. Anyways, the caravels should arrive right around the time Astro gets in, so I could always pause and upgrade a few of those as a show of force to prove to them that I could screw with them at any time. Maybe I'd kill some boats just for laughs. So yeah, that's not much of an investment, but basically I'd like to bully them a bit. Declaring on them might also make Krill and Nakor let their guards down. I probably will declare on them no matter what for that reason alone.
Oh one more thing. I literally am only getting routes to Nakor right now which really, really hurts me. Astronomy will cost me 1 commerce on every single water tile, but it should pick up trade routes to Commodore, Regopin, and the near-dead remains of Cyneheard, Yuri, and Azza. I'm kind of wondering if it won't even hurt me that much at this point as a result since the loss is offset a bit by the additional trade routes I should get.
September 18th, 2012, 13:22
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September 18th, 2012, 13:29
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mackoti Wrote:You have chemistry?
Nope. So disregard everything I just said about Frigates.
September 18th, 2012, 14:29
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How were you going to upgrade those caravels in neutral waters?
I have to run.
September 18th, 2012, 14:42
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novice Wrote:How were you going to upgrade those caravels in neutral waters?
Yeah that's definitely not possible either is it. In my defense the Caravels->Frigates thing literally popped into my head while writing the turn report so it's not like it was some big grand plan  . Caravels will sink galleys and Triremes just fine anyways should I choose to do that. Unfortunately they can't pillage or blockade.
I'm thinking next on who to take aim at next. I legitimately have 3 options here, and there's upside and downside to all of them. I'll need to turn that into a proper post soon, hopefully tonight.
September 18th, 2012, 22:57
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Popped in to see the results after Brick played. First, haha:
Ensuing in:
Quote:scooter: I regret to inform you that I have rejected your peace treaty
sounded good but 3k gold was just a few hundred too much so war it is
Brick: hahaha
i figured I'd offer you a way out before you get too hurt
As you can see, this is a very nasty war with many horrible personal insults being thrown around. I think I'm going to draft a "you can just drop dead" message next. Anyways, picture:
Cool. Though unfortunately he has cities behind this that are on hills, and those may prove tougher to crack. We'll see. You know, now that I think about it... His in-city stack would be on the workshop right now as he doesn't have Engineering. Upon taking the city, I THINK his culture west of the city should be gone enough that I can move 3 tiles and hit his stack on open ground... right? That would be wonderful.
September 18th, 2012, 22:59
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Question: if Krill wins this game, does Regopin get credit for the win too? I thought the vassal mechanics say the vassal wins with the master.
September 18th, 2012, 23:03
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One More Thing. Krill gave Brick Gunpowder. Don't even give me the "HAHA THAT'S POETIC JUSTICE, SUCK IT LOSER" routine either, because Commospite gave Krill Printing Press for a box of jellybeans and two large bags of extra butter popcorn, so I think that MORE than even'd the score.
Anyways, in theory I should be able to kill Brick before that really matters. Still annoying and not something Krill should've risked knowing I need to pick my next target soon.
September 18th, 2012, 23:30
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I thought you did something similar with Azza?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
September 18th, 2012, 23:36
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Qgqqqqq Wrote:I thought you did something similar with Azza?
I think I tried  but Azza refused to trade with me and got it from elsewhere. I think that's what happened. I dunno, I offered a ton of things to a lot of people.