I think there's no way we have two town members, identical roles, different descriptions...
WW16: The Outlaws and The Olives
I'm still in favor of lynching Qg. I can understand his villager actions a lot better with a power role though... non-intervention is a trap for village power roles.
I suppose I'm slightly biased, since I'm the obvious runoff candidate(alongside Injera). But I still feel that qgs play leans wolf, and if I'm wrong will still give us a hell of a lot of info and a red hot suspect in Injera, and a near-cleared in Mattimeo. The worst case isn't so bad.
Both came in as "no results".
Targetted Matt cause of role claim, i assume failed cause he targetted himself
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
What is the description of your role? You have criticised Injera's 'tinkerer' description. What is yours?
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."
Official Lynch Vote Count
Qgqqqqq - 6 - Molach, Selrahc, Catwalk, tasunke, Gaspar, Waterbat Selrahc - 5 - Meiz, Jkaen, novice, Lewwyn, Ichabod Catwalk - 2 - Injera, Azza Injera - 2 - Qgqqqqq, Pindicator Mattimeo - 1 - Twinkletoes89 Twinkletoes89 - 1 - Mattimeo Players not voting: Arromir, Rowain
i considered both village, but decided it was tnlikely given the other factors. (role name description etc)
Also he couldve geussed no results on matt. Really i want to see inj response the most
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
For the third time.
[SIZE="4"]Qgqqqqq - seen as you take issue with Injera's 'tinkerer' description - what is your role description? [/SIZE]
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."
@pind cause im a tracker not watche
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.