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Well, that collapses my case on novice solidly and probably the one on Azza too. What does that ability do?
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Seriously, though:
Thanks for playing, Molach.
Sorry for sniping at TT, this was a crapshot and it's a massive relief to see Molach flip scum. I would have questioned my sanity though if he didn't since there seemed to be so few plausible wolf candidates left.
BRickAstley Wrote:Official Lynch Vote Count
Molach - 6 - novice, Lewwyn, Waterbat, Azza, Gaspar, Pindicator
Azza - 4 - Meiz, Catwalk, Molach, Ichabod
Gaspar - 1 - Selrahc
novice - 1 - Jkaen
Meiz - 1 - Twinkletoes89
Players not voting: None
That said, anyone left here could be a wolf - wolves could have been working to avoid a Molach lynch or they could have gotten in line behind me when I went after him. I'd guess the truth is somewhere in between, since Molach was clearly a sinking ship for the wolves.
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Catwalk Wrote:What does that ability do?
It seems to me it hasn't been used. It would have led to Brick's nightkill writeup saying:
"X was nightkilled."
And we wouldn't have learned X's role nor his alignment.
That's what it says, at least, although I can't see why wolves would kill one of their own, so the alignment of the victim should be obvious.
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Yeah, I was starting to get cold feet when I saw how little movement there had been in the last few hours. "Maybe we have a run-away villager in the lead and scum are content to ride it out?" Then immediately after thought, "Maybe scum realize that molach is a lost cause and are in self-preservation mode?"
Which was why I wanted to see what some movement would bring. But it doesn't look like anybody wanted to move.
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Regarding the role, it says "once this game" so maybe it's not limited to a night action? If it could be used on lynches then it would be potentially helpful for the scum in keeping information in the dark
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Alright, going to put on my tinfoil hat before going to bed: If Molach was bussed (we might find out later), it's possible that Azza is scum as well. Azza gained a lot of town cred from Molach flipping scum in a tight race. And no, I'm not going to pursue that theory tomorrow. I still think Azza has dropped scum tells at every turn, but it seems likely there is a different explanation for that than the obvious one. So I'm going to give him that benefit of the doubt now pindicator. For a while, anyway
I'm pretty sure "kill" means a night kill, a lynch is not generally considered a kill.
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pindicator Wrote:Regarding the role, it says "once this game" so maybe it's not limited to a night action? If it could be used on lynches then it would be potentially helpful for the scum in keeping information in the dark
It says "a kill by you or your teammates", also it wouldn't work for lynches for logistical reasons.
Catwalk, I don't think Molach's flip says much about Azza's alignment either way.
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well! stepped away from work and fell asleep on the deadline - (yeah i know its 5pm my time)... but this prevented me from outsmarting myself!
I wasn't inclined to switch after yesterday's hi-jinks - and actually Molach didn't make a big defense post that would have pushed me off. But still - i might have listened to catwalk.
great job guys!
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Player list: (in order of signup)
12 players left, at least 3 are wolves.
Dead people:
thestick - 9 - zakalwe, novice, Bigger, tasunke, Mattimeo, Arromir, Serdoa, Twinkletoes89, Molach
Bigger - 8 - Rowain, Lewwyn, Injera, Jkaen, Sareln, Merovech, uberfish, Catwalk
Injera - 2 - Gaspar, Waterbat
Waterbat - 1 - Azza
uberfish - 1 - Qgqqqqq
Gaspar - 1 - Selrahc
Jkaen - 1 - Meiz
Merovech - 1 - Pindicator
Players not voting: Ichabod, thestick
Zakalwe was night-killed. novice was post restricted. Qqqqq tracked Mattimeo with no result. Injera followed Pindicator with no result.
Sareln - 8 - Mattimeo, Arromir, tasunke, Merovech, Molach, Pindicator, Twinkletoes89, Serdoa
Pindicator - 7 - Rowain, Sareln, Ichabod, uberfish, novice, Meiz, Catwalk
Ichabod - 5 - Lewwyn, Injera, Gaspar, Qgqqqqq, Jkaen
uberfish - 3 - Azza, Bigger, Waterbat
Qgqqqqq - 1 - Selrahc
Players not voting: None
Serdoa was night-killed. Bigger suicided. Meiz was post restricted. Qqqqq tracked novice with no result. Injera followed Mattimeo with no result.
Merovech - 9 - uberfish, Catwalk, Waterbat, Mattimeo, novice, Meiz, Rowain, Gaspar, Azza
Catwalk - 7 - Lewwyn, Pindicator, Qgqqqqq, Twinkletoes89, Ichabod, Merovech, Injera
Rowain - 1 - tasunke
Selrahc - 1 - Jkaen
Players not voting: Arromir, Molach, Selrahc
Uberfish was night-killed. Qqqqq tracked Injera visiting Catwalk. Injera followed Catwalk with no result.
Mattimeo - 8 - novice, Waterbat, Catwalk, Meiz, Ichabod, Rowain, Twinkletoes89, Molach
Qgqqqqq - 5 - Selrahc, tasunke, Gaspar, Jkaen, Mattimeo
Injera - 2 - Qgqqqqq, Pindicator
Catwalk - 2 - Injera, Azza
Selrahc - 1 - Lewwyn
Arromir was mod-killed for inactivity.
Qqqqq was night-killed. Injera followed Azza with no result.
Rowain - 8 - Pindicator, novice, Selrahc, Twinkletoes89, Injera, Gaspar, Catwalk, Waterbat
Pindicator - 4 - Jkaen, Azza, Ichabod, Meiz
Ichabod - 2 - Lewwyn, Rowain
Selrahc - 2 - Molach, tasunke
Players not voting: None
Rowain was lynched, but didn't die until the end of night 5.
Rowain or noone was night-killed. Injera followed Lewwyn with no result.
Meiz - 5 - Azza, tasunke, Gaspar, Twinkletoes89, Ichabod
tasunke - 5 - Pindicator, Selrahc, Injera, Waterbat, Catwalk
Azza - 3 - Lewwyn, Meiz, novice
Selrahc - 2 - Molach, Jkaen
Players not voting: None
As mayor, novice chose to lynch Tasunke.
Injera was night-killed.
Molach - 6 - novice, Lewwyn, Waterbat, Azza, Gaspar, Pindicator
Azza - 4 - Meiz, Catwalk, Molach, Ichabod
Gaspar - 1 - Selrahc
novice - 1 - Jkaen
Meiz - 1 - Twinkletoes89
Players not voting: None
I have to run.