Picking up the game again and starting entering the catacombs underneath the keep. Quite confusing layout. After looking at lots of different statues I find two goblin skeletons. Hah. Maybe the overlord is already dead?
Exploring the catacombs ... exploring ... statues ... exploring ... becoming sloppy ... GETTING JUMPED BY GOBLINS!
Ouch I was too fast clicking my way through the rooms and missed on at least two turn of movement against the goblins. The two to my right are swordsman, with iron shields and copper swords in their right hands. I am not sure the dark green "g" is a third goblin, he is back in the fog.
I attack teh nearest goblin aiming at the weapon arm ...
... and miss.
Uce goes in with her tried tactic of tackling the opponent to the ground. I throw my boning knife at the prone goblin but he deflects the projectile. Uce then stabs his lower body and jumps away from the counterstrike.
The second goblin come into sword range and I manage to shatter the nail on the thumb!!! Lodging my sword firmly in the wound! ... Don't ask me. Unfortunately the goblin stabs Uce in the leg! That's not good!
Quite a hectic fight. Here the log up to the point where the first goblin dies:
Uce is between me and the remaining goblin. She has a broken nose and an open wound on the right leg. I have thrown both my knifes already. The remaining goblin is already bruised on the kidney from earlier. Lets finish him off.
Unfortunately the goblin injures Uce quite heavily before I can close the distance!
Here is the first part of the log.
Note how the goblin hurts Uce until I manage to severe his weapon hand! The shield arm follows somewhat later.
Uce has run away from this fight into a part of the room where I cannot see her! Not sure whether the injuries were too much and she wants safety or whether she spotted another threat. Since this goblin is no longer a threat and probably will die of his wounds sooner or later I decide to look after Uce!
Oh dear! The goblin bled to death straight away, good. But I go up the stairs and get rushed by another goblin and see Uces blood everywhere!! I check out the goblins stats. He is incredible muscular and unwounded.
And his spear is covered with Uce's blood!
And sure enough, the spear is credited with the kill of Uce!!! NOOOOOOO!
(She was 27 years old by the way.)
Now, what do I do? Run or fight? Run or fight?