Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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A Bugger of a Game

Before the game I looked at the map and saw a green star in the northeast 5 parsecs away. I thought that as the key to expansion, and we're the Klackons. This didn't look good! I sent both scouts northeast and my colony ship to the yellow star. I set Kholdan to a secout 2 in year, *only* 2 new factories, and put 14 RP into research. I used all those research points towards propulsion. On *this* map I figured I'd want better range tech as soon as I could get it. I started research on deuterium fuel cells.

2302-Founded Maalor that minimal ultra rich.

2303-3.1 factories, 23 RP, scout 2 in 1 year at Kholdan

2304-3 ind. 31 RP at Kholdan I scout Artemis and with my "pointy-stick" research I pop nuclear engines!

2313-Maalor maxes out on factories and I start funneling reserves back into Maalor, which I then funnel into Kholdan

2319-design a 3 laser colony ship and start producing them at Kholdan. Propulsion research still at maximum.

2320-scale back propulsion and start in on planetology-improved eco restoration. I forgot about the barren planet.

2322-Founded Omicron

2327-deutirum fuel cells-sub-light drives. I started construction research-reduced waste 80%. I founded Primodius

2330-imporved eco-controlled barren. I now can produce 2 turn colony ships at Kholdan via funnelling reserves.

2332-Founded Artemis

2335-Met the Guardian, controlled barren-controlled dead. I designed a barren 3 laser colony ship.

2336-Vox founded. I get the 6 star system message.

2337-Herculis founded.

2338-Anraq founded. I notice Ukka as a Silicoid colony.

2342-Scouted Kailis, a Silicoid colony. I realize around here I probably should have built scouts with nuclear engines on them, but I didn't do that in *this* game. We meet the Silicoids... aggressive technologists, whom we've basically wasted in all categories.

2343-Imra founded. I designed medium ships with a mark I computer, a heavy laser, nuclear engines, and a manuervability of 2, calling it a "silc block."

2345-design LR megium, with nuclear engines, man. 2, a laster, computer mark 1.

2346-red. ind. waste 80%-imp. ind. 8

2347-Gion founded. The Silicoids declare war on me.

2348-Founded Berel. I get a 12 planet message.

2349-I find Sol. controlled dead-controlled toxic.

2351-I have fleet superiority over the Silicoids. I designed an LR barren colony ship, unfortunately with only a retro engine on it.

2352-I fend off 2 human pop gun ships at Neptunus, defeating 1, while the other scurries away.

2353-I designed a dead base colony ship with 3 lasers (and a nuclear engine, as my colony ships, other than the LR colony ship have had).

2357-sub-light drives-intertial stabilizer. With that I equalized research spending, starting on ecm jammer mark I, class II deflector shields, and hand lasers. I founded Klystron.

2358-Morrig founded. ecm jammer-deep space scanner. hand lasers-gatling laser. imp. ind. tech 8-battle suits, class II deflector shield-class III deflector shield. I founded Paranar and the high council met. Klackons vs. Humans. I abstain 6 votes, and Lasitus get 6 votes. We meet the Bulrathi, aggressive ecologists, and formed a 135 BC trade route with them.

2359-controlled toxic-improved terra +10. deep space scanner-battle computer mark III.

2366-I founded Bootis, met the Humans-honorable industrailists, I founded Nyarl, I met the Psilons-honorable industrailists, I desiged a toxic base colony ship with a sub-light engine and no guns.

2367-battle with a Silicoid colony ship at Neptunus, 5 heavy laser ships v.s. their ship, we win losing 2 ships. Improved terra +10-improved terra +20. The Humans declare war.

2370-I defeat a Silicoid colony ship at Neptunus with 7 of my medium defen ships, not losing any ships this time. Gatling laser-ion cannon.

2371-I sent 25 pop points to indave Kailis... here went nothing. I tried to invade this planet to boost my planet total at 2375. I would NOT have done such a risky manuever in any sort of normal game. The Silicoids offered peace on the next inter-turn, which I rejected since I already had part of my invasion force sent towards their world. They even tried to bribe me with 250 BC, and I still rejected them.

2372-Found Neptunus. I bomb Kailis. I get the 18 star system message. I send out 19 pop poins from Bootis to attack Kailis. I throw almost all my research into construction. I scrap the dead base design. I design an LR dead base desing, but don't build anything. I put almost everything into research (I still did industrial cleanup). I transfer some last minute population points. I lose a battle to the Humans at Bootis. I also lose at Kailis to the Silicoids. I discover Battle Suits-Zortium Armor.

2374-I throw my RP into propulsion. I don't throw my reserves into Maalot this turn, instead throwing it elsewhere for growth. I get the Psilions to declare against the Silicoids, giving them reduced industrial waste 80% in the deal. My newly constructed missile base at Bootis loses to the Humans. I defeat another Silicoid colony ship at Neptunus. I found Arietic. 44 of 44 my troops land at Kailis and I lose all of them. The vote goes 2 for Klackons, 6 for Lasitus with me abstaining 8 votes.
Computers-level 5
Construction-level 11
Force fields-level 4
Planeteology-level 17
Propulsion-level 12
Weapons-level 6 That's 55 points.
19 planets for 57 points (surprised Sulla? imo... *that's* that power of popping nuclear engines).
I had two races at neutral for 20 points.

Some point around here I decided just to mop things up quickly and not play for the 2450 score date.

2375-defeat Human colony ship at Bootis and founded Incedius.

2376-defeat another Silicoid colony ship at Neptunus. I stole imp. ind. tech. 9 from the Silicoids. I faced 35 Human pop points at Bootis and win with 15 pop points remaining. Since I forgot to turn events off when reloading the save, the Silicoid ambassador tries to assisinate Zygot.

2378-ion cannon-merculite missiles. I founded Laan.

2379-defeat another colony ship at Neptunus, I stole range 4 from the Apes. class III deflector shields-class IV, battle computer III-IV. improved terra+20-improved terra+40, inertial stabilizer-fusion drive, design medium ships with a battle computer mark 1, sub-light drives, class II move, heavy ion cannons, with a battle scanner and build some.

2382-defeat another Silicoid ship at Neptunus. founded Jinga. Got the "controls nearly a majority of the galaxy" essage. I scraped my remaining scout ships. Soon after I defeated another Silicoid colony ship and one with heavy lasers at Neptunus which *now* has a missile base. merculite missiles-stinger missiles

2387-landed 72 pop points at Ryoun vs. 44 Silicoid. 28 of my troops survive and I get the personal deflector shield from the invasion.

2388-zortium armor-improved ind. tec. 5

2389-design a large ship with a mark III computer, a mark III shield, zortium armor, a sub-light engine, class II manuervability, 2 merculite missiles, 2 heavy ion cannons, and an inertial stabilizer. I start building some.

2394-face 3 large warships at Ryoun sporting 6 or 8 heavy lasers and a nuke or so, I have 11 or so 10 medium ships, a missile base, I lose some the medium ion cannon ships, but win quite handily. At Ukko I take out a Silicoid colony ship and only 1 Silicoid missile base before retreating.

2395-class IV deflector shields-class V. I destroy a Silicoid colony ship and another missile base at Ukko. I stupidly lose 3 ion medium ships to the Psilons at Rha... not using my mobility well.

2396-After dispensing of an 8 heavy laste ship at the Human colony of Ajax, I invade Ukko with some 43 pop points vs. 35 Human pop points and with with 34 pop points remaining. The Bulrathi offer to increase trade and I accept the deal.

2397-I encouter a 37 heavy laser, 4 nuke, 19 laster huge ship somewhere and decided to retreat (but come back to Ukko the next turn) after lobbing some missiles at it. Bootis rebels.... whoops I still have events on. I take out a missile base at Denubius. Improved terra +40-atmospheric terraforming.

2398-I take out another missile base at Denubius. steal irridum fuel cells from the Apes. Battle computer IV-ip. robotics IV. Land 108 troops at Ukko and I have 35 left after fighting. I fight a 50 turn battle at Ajax vs. some 200+ small laser ships which I wear down gradually. I take out 2 missile bases at Denubius. I retake Bootis with 61 troops vs. 25.

2400-It's me vs. Sedimin. 9 votes to Sedimin from the Apes and the Rocks. The Psilons and the Bulrathi give me 6 votes. I cast 15 votes for myself and take a 21-9 domination victory. All too easy of a game. Popping nuclear engines+a sizable ultra rich planet for your second planet=hall of fame potential game. Oh wait... we don't have one of those.

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