I start up the game to find that I am in the southwestern corner. I have a yellow star to the southeast, a good chunk of dead space to the east, a thin strip of it to my north and small patch of stars I can safely call my own if I can block if off quickly. I've marked off this area in light blue.
I take a look at the other races.
Humans: These guys worry me. I've had a rash of early losses due to some race winning the FIRST election. With a little luck, the humans won't poses a giant threat to me if I can spread out fast enough. Heck, they'll make nice trading partners if they can be kept in check.
Psilons: Another strong race. These peace-loving brainiacs aren't as big a problem for me normally as they are for most people, though I tend to play smaller maps. These guys will be fun if I can get a computer tech led on them and start stealing.
Silicoids: As long as their range tech is low through most of the game, they aren't a problem.
Bulrathi: The Ground-Pound masters. These guys have never done much to me or anyone else, rarely forming any lasting relationships or building themselves up to be a galactic threat.
Ok, so three races that can run away if given half a chance. Maybe I can foster a war between the Psilons and the Humans to keep both under wraps. As long as the Silicoids aren't Xenophobic or a run away, I think I'll do my best to keep them as an ally. Bulrathi are too unpredictable to plan much of anything for them, I'll just roll with their punches.
Ok, planning over, I send the colony ship to the yellow star. I send one scout ship to the red star that makes up the boundary of what I consider my home territory to start blocking off my territory and one to the northern blue star to check out my opponents.
Three turns later, I found the UltraRich colony Maalor. What good luck! I'll wait until Kholdan is over 50 to start sending colonists its way. The next turn, my scout finds a large arid Mineral Poor planet. So this'll be a pop-based planet. This also marks the first colonist sent to Maalor.
As my colonists trickle to Maalor, my other scout finds the Barren Hostile Anraq. Four turns later, in 2309, I reach 10 factories a year on Kholdan, which is my milestone to begin building more scouts. I'll keep it at 10/yr until I fill out my local stars. Only four this round. After that, I'll pop one point into Colony Ship production until my planet fills out. I can't do that this turn, so I wait until the next. Oddly, I get to max factories for my current pop and actually have enough to build my four Scouts. They are built next turn and I send them to their destinations. Three turns later, my Scouts find a small arid planet, Omicron.
A couple turns later, I have another lucky find: an Artifacts world. It's of decent size too (65). I'll definitely hold onto this baby.
Since both of my planets are maxing their factories, I'll manually adjust their ECOs until they max out. Kholdan maxes size next turn and Maalor a few turns later. In 2320, I shift around Kholdan's production so it'll max out factories next turn and then go fully for a Colony Ship. I do the same with Maalor. The next turn, I shift around production a little more to start up research. Both planets will produce a Colony Ship in two turns. I drop Maalor to three turns so my other ship can extend the colony range and ship it to the next planet.
For Tech, I skip Ecm I for Deep Space Scanners, since I'm not any hurry for war right now but I'd like to see where every is. Only 80% reduced waste and Class II Deflectors. Wow, all the way up to Controlled Toxic! But I go for Improved Eco for now. Luckily, I have Range 5, as nothing is just 4 away. I go for Hand Lasers since, like I said, I don't plan on war so soon. I set weapons and force fields to one tick and equalized the rest. The next turn I send the newly built Colony Ship to Omicron and set Kholdan to full research. I do the same thing to Maalor the next year.
2329 gets me my fourth colony, the pop-colony Primordius. Right after, I get the report that the Silicoids have 6 planets. I start sending 3/yr to Primordius (how much Kholdan can grow a year). Both Deep Space Scanner and 80% pop next year. I go with ECM I and Improved Tech 8 and drop Comp research to one tick and equalize. Improved Eco comes next turn but mess up and go with Controlled Barren instead of Dead (forgot about the close by Dead).
In 2333, I set Maalor to pop a Colony ship out in three years so that when Range 5 pops, I've got one colony closer to being made. I'm aiming for the artifacts planet first, breaking my territory by a bit, but I think this warrants such a drastic change in plans. A couple of years later sees Range 5 come in, just in time for the colony, Nuke Engines next.
Oh! Look who I meet as I settle Artimus. It's a good thing I grabbed this sooner rather than later. Letâs look at what I'm up against.
:Jawdrop: The Psilons running a 2PE (Two Planet Empire). And such a stretched out one, too. The cursor is pointing at Mentar. Heh. Now I might just buddy up with the little brainiacs just to loot some techs down the line. Begin the Comp research! I dial up a spying so that I'll get one in next year.
2344 brings a new planet under my control, Barren Berel. I sign the smallest possible trade agreement with the Psilons, just to get some bonus without too much weight to my economy. They also get two now colony.
The next year bring these, in this order. "Hello, Silicoid scout. Bye Silicoid Scout." "Hello, Bulrathi Scout. Bye Bulrathi Scout." "Hello, Guardian. What's that big, pretty light?" "Houston, we have Nuke Engines! Starting up a way to keep our ships stable."
A few years later, my spy finally learns what the Psilons have: Improved Tech 9 and Duralloy Alloy. Two turns later, the Bulrathi show some abnormally quick aggression by taking the nearby Psilon colony, swapping contacts. This is odd as they had an alliance. That ended the next turn.
I meet the Silicoids a few turns later as I'm spreading out. As I settle my tenth planet, the vote begins. It's me versus the Bulrathi. Humans and Silicoids abstain. The Psilons vote for the BULRATHI! What are they smoking?!? I abstain.
The Silicoids and I are having a small arms race to see how can grab the most planets. They grabbed their twelfth a turn before I do. This just forces me to grab those northern planets they keep trying to scout. The Silicoids get a little miffed that someone else can keep up with them in a land grab, so they declare war. Begin Operation Weaponize! I shift research from Planetology to Weapons and tell my spies to Espionage. The next turn sees, of all people, the Psilons also declare war. Ah, they are in an early alliance with the Silicoids.
The Bulrathi send a single fighter out to take out my scout at Cirus. I think nothing of it until I notice the Bulrathi troops transport chasing right behind it! Freaking Bulrathi are going to steal a new colony on a Terran Planet! Though the planet can't be saved, I will spoil the Bulrathi's little picnic just like the ants we are. Especially since my weapons and propulsion just popped. Say hello to some speedy little Gatling lasers!
I take a look at the other races.
Humans: These guys worry me. I've had a rash of early losses due to some race winning the FIRST election. With a little luck, the humans won't poses a giant threat to me if I can spread out fast enough. Heck, they'll make nice trading partners if they can be kept in check.
Psilons: Another strong race. These peace-loving brainiacs aren't as big a problem for me normally as they are for most people, though I tend to play smaller maps. These guys will be fun if I can get a computer tech led on them and start stealing.
Silicoids: As long as their range tech is low through most of the game, they aren't a problem.
Bulrathi: The Ground-Pound masters. These guys have never done much to me or anyone else, rarely forming any lasting relationships or building themselves up to be a galactic threat.
Ok, so three races that can run away if given half a chance. Maybe I can foster a war between the Psilons and the Humans to keep both under wraps. As long as the Silicoids aren't Xenophobic or a run away, I think I'll do my best to keep them as an ally. Bulrathi are too unpredictable to plan much of anything for them, I'll just roll with their punches.
Ok, planning over, I send the colony ship to the yellow star. I send one scout ship to the red star that makes up the boundary of what I consider my home territory to start blocking off my territory and one to the northern blue star to check out my opponents.
Three turns later, I found the UltraRich colony Maalor. What good luck! I'll wait until Kholdan is over 50 to start sending colonists its way. The next turn, my scout finds a large arid Mineral Poor planet. So this'll be a pop-based planet. This also marks the first colonist sent to Maalor.
As my colonists trickle to Maalor, my other scout finds the Barren Hostile Anraq. Four turns later, in 2309, I reach 10 factories a year on Kholdan, which is my milestone to begin building more scouts. I'll keep it at 10/yr until I fill out my local stars. Only four this round. After that, I'll pop one point into Colony Ship production until my planet fills out. I can't do that this turn, so I wait until the next. Oddly, I get to max factories for my current pop and actually have enough to build my four Scouts. They are built next turn and I send them to their destinations. Three turns later, my Scouts find a small arid planet, Omicron.
A couple turns later, I have another lucky find: an Artifacts world. It's of decent size too (65). I'll definitely hold onto this baby.
Since both of my planets are maxing their factories, I'll manually adjust their ECOs until they max out. Kholdan maxes size next turn and Maalor a few turns later. In 2320, I shift around Kholdan's production so it'll max out factories next turn and then go fully for a Colony Ship. I do the same with Maalor. The next turn, I shift around production a little more to start up research. Both planets will produce a Colony Ship in two turns. I drop Maalor to three turns so my other ship can extend the colony range and ship it to the next planet.
For Tech, I skip Ecm I for Deep Space Scanners, since I'm not any hurry for war right now but I'd like to see where every is. Only 80% reduced waste and Class II Deflectors. Wow, all the way up to Controlled Toxic! But I go for Improved Eco for now. Luckily, I have Range 5, as nothing is just 4 away. I go for Hand Lasers since, like I said, I don't plan on war so soon. I set weapons and force fields to one tick and equalized the rest. The next turn I send the newly built Colony Ship to Omicron and set Kholdan to full research. I do the same thing to Maalor the next year.
2329 gets me my fourth colony, the pop-colony Primordius. Right after, I get the report that the Silicoids have 6 planets. I start sending 3/yr to Primordius (how much Kholdan can grow a year). Both Deep Space Scanner and 80% pop next year. I go with ECM I and Improved Tech 8 and drop Comp research to one tick and equalize. Improved Eco comes next turn but mess up and go with Controlled Barren instead of Dead (forgot about the close by Dead).
In 2333, I set Maalor to pop a Colony ship out in three years so that when Range 5 pops, I've got one colony closer to being made. I'm aiming for the artifacts planet first, breaking my territory by a bit, but I think this warrants such a drastic change in plans. A couple of years later sees Range 5 come in, just in time for the colony, Nuke Engines next.
Oh! Look who I meet as I settle Artimus. It's a good thing I grabbed this sooner rather than later. Letâs look at what I'm up against.
:Jawdrop: The Psilons running a 2PE (Two Planet Empire). And such a stretched out one, too. The cursor is pointing at Mentar. Heh. Now I might just buddy up with the little brainiacs just to loot some techs down the line. Begin the Comp research! I dial up a spying so that I'll get one in next year.
2344 brings a new planet under my control, Barren Berel. I sign the smallest possible trade agreement with the Psilons, just to get some bonus without too much weight to my economy. They also get two now colony.
The next year bring these, in this order. "Hello, Silicoid scout. Bye Silicoid Scout." "Hello, Bulrathi Scout. Bye Bulrathi Scout." "Hello, Guardian. What's that big, pretty light?" "Houston, we have Nuke Engines! Starting up a way to keep our ships stable."
A few years later, my spy finally learns what the Psilons have: Improved Tech 9 and Duralloy Alloy. Two turns later, the Bulrathi show some abnormally quick aggression by taking the nearby Psilon colony, swapping contacts. This is odd as they had an alliance. That ended the next turn.
I meet the Silicoids a few turns later as I'm spreading out. As I settle my tenth planet, the vote begins. It's me versus the Bulrathi. Humans and Silicoids abstain. The Psilons vote for the BULRATHI! What are they smoking?!? I abstain.
The Silicoids and I are having a small arms race to see how can grab the most planets. They grabbed their twelfth a turn before I do. This just forces me to grab those northern planets they keep trying to scout. The Silicoids get a little miffed that someone else can keep up with them in a land grab, so they declare war. Begin Operation Weaponize! I shift research from Planetology to Weapons and tell my spies to Espionage. The next turn sees, of all people, the Psilons also declare war. Ah, they are in an early alliance with the Silicoids.
The Bulrathi send a single fighter out to take out my scout at Cirus. I think nothing of it until I notice the Bulrathi troops transport chasing right behind it! Freaking Bulrathi are going to steal a new colony on a Terran Planet! Though the planet can't be saved, I will spoil the Bulrathi's little picnic just like the ants we are. Especially since my weapons and propulsion just popped. Say hello to some speedy little Gatling lasers!