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The Dark arts - C&D Master Thread

(November 27th, 2012, 04:32)kjn Wrote: Yeah, I didn't mention the workers there. I probably should set up a post in the dossier keeping track of what's happening.

But right now WPC has come out firmly on top, but they haven't really gained anything but two workers and the city pillage gold (probably only a pittance given a size 1 city founded 6t ago).

If WPC lost a warrior when the Germans played their turn, that was probably the warrior that stole the workers, right? So either the workers got deleted or recaptured.
I have to run.

(November 27th, 2012, 06:32)novice Wrote: If WPC lost a warrior when the Germans played their turn, that was probably the warrior that stole the workers, right? So either the workers got deleted or recaptured.

Hard to say, really. Remember that the Germans have quechuas, so the WPC AGG warriors have no real advantage there. I think we'll need to ask either the Germans or WPC to find out what really happened, apart from that WPC killed a quechua, captured a pair of worker, lost a warrior to the Germans, and then razed Wilhelmshaven.
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The Spanish performed a 5->3 whip before ending their T71.

[Image: ISDG-T71-post-spanish-demos.jpg]

This makes them into the new rival worst in population, at 75000 with cities of size 4, 3, and 2. It also dropped their power with 1000, and with the rival worst in power dropping from 35000 to 34000 it's confirmed that it's currently the Spanish.
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I sat down to check the land assignments for T52-T70, and I found that I had missed 8 land tiles that CFC claimed by a city late on T51, that weren't listed that turn (they were listed on T52 instead). Those amount to exactly 6 score, so CFC didn't research a tech this turn.
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CivFr settled their fifth city this turn, claiming 2 new land tiles. Almost certainly a coastal city. This also caused the rival worst life expectancy to rise markedly.

Rival best (and total) power also fell with 2000 since my last demos screen shots. The WPC war weariness wrt the Germans rose with 2 to 12, so the Germans has managed to kill another WPC warrior within their borders.
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T72 - 1120BC

Cliff's Notes: The Germans grew to 12 pop total, CivFr to 20, CFC to 16, and Univers to 22. CivPlayers (3t) and Univers (5t) both researched an ancient tech. This has been tentatively assigned as BW for CivPlayers and Archery for Univers.

[Image: ISDG-T72-demos.jpg]

We received 5 land points. The Germans received 6 points, of which 3 were land. CivFr received 2 points. CivPlayers received 6 points. CFC received 5 points. Univers received a whopping 17 points. Rival total population rose with 128000, and rival best from 337000 to 352000. Rival total power rose with 29000, and rival best power rose with 3000 to 98000.

The precise land tracking is starting to become less precise now. I had first noted down 7 land score to Univers, but an ancient tech, 20->22 pop, and 7 land score would come to 18, so I had to remove a land tile from them from T51 on. That doesn't change the T71 scoring, but put their new land points this turn at 6. This also means I have one unassigned land tile from T51 to keep track of.

This means the Germans went from 11 to 12 pop, CivFr from 19 to 20 pop, CivPlayers received a tech, CFC went from 14 to 16 pop, and Univers received an ancient tech and went from 20 to 22 pop.

128000 in population over 6 cities gives the following distribution of growths:

[('3->4', 27), ('3->4', 27), ('3->4', 27), ('3->4', 27), ('2->3', 15), ('1->2', 5)]

However, when looking over the population data, I discover one other discrepancy between my notes and the game: we're #4 in population on T71, when my notes say we should be #3 in all my 3 alternative distributions. banghead

CivFr gets the 2->3 growth to fit with the rival best. CFC gets the 1->2 since they don't have 2 size 3 cities (this also means they grew Lana to size 2 in 4t), and a 3->4 growth. That gives the Germans one and Univers two 3->4 growths.

CivPlayers researched an ancient tech in 3t, and Univers one in 5t. I put in a tentative Bronze Working for CivPlayers and a tentative Archery for Univers.

War Weariness for WPC had decreased to 11, so the Germans hadn't done anything else while they waited for the timer to run out. The very modest increase of 3000 in power for WPC (rival best) hardly speaks of any military buildup by them. In contrast, the Germans has really focused on military the last few turns (via power graph).
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Can we have some screenshots of the graphs please? It's been a while since I saw them.


Germans whipped. I have the screenshot of the demos if needed. Wismar is size 1. Not sure it was that before?

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

Thank you! Wismar was whipped to size 1 late on T70.
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The Germans performed a 2-pop whip in a size 4 city, with the usual demographic changes.

I also think the rival best in food has decided to put some more focus on commerce and hammers.
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