Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] Churchill of Portugal: Gallipoli Part II

Thanks for the update. What's your worker plan for the next 6 turns while you wait for BW? Not much else you can do except pre-road to Two Fish and put some roads on forests. I expect I'd complete the cottage (duh), then road the corn and the forest/hill 1N of corn. If you have 3 spare worker turns, you couuld put a road on the hill to save 1t on the settler in transit so you could build/found #2 the same turn.

See you in a week. twirl

I lied. D-D-D-Discount Double Post!! lol

When are you going to start on your settler and when will borders pop third ring? I see a second ring cottage for Two Fish in the cards on the dyes once you hit third ring in One Fish. You can borrow the corn to get to size two and chop/whip into Two Fish's granary, then go for a monument after that if you can stomach it and/or lack a better plan on popping borders. Which then means how many turns of research would you need for Mysticism?

Basically, let's have some in-depth talking in this thread or, by God, I'll start a WW game.

I haven't played WW before but feel free to host a game wherever you like. Post count up, up, and away! I think several of the regular WW players are playing in PB8 though so who knows if you could get enough people to sign up.

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

I know nothing about WW. You've called my bluff. Not fair. protest

Game report, now featuring analysis and, uh, actual plans!!! whip

(November 27th, 2012, 10:01)regoarrarr Wrote: If you go to civstats, and mouseover the links for each player, you'll see something along the lines of "playerid=1" - that number is the player order, and ties are broken on F9 in reverse order of that

Ah, good tip about using Civstats to get your starting turn order/player ID for F9 purposes. But production order is randomized on the interturn in simultaneous turn pitboss and doesn't use the player ID, right (i.e., how to be screwed by a coin flip)? And what about the trade route bug, does that disfavor players late in the turn order in pitboss or is that just a PBEM thing? Random mech questions here, more old turn reports coming soon.

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

To continue where I left off this morning, I hadn't yet finished reporting previous turns.

T34 - The workers finished my fifth tile improvement one turn before the city needs it. It's funny now but Boldly pretty much predicted the worker plan I had already enacted. But I have one more turn report to go so why spoil it now? neenerneener

[Image: T34-OneFish.JPG]

I'll get back to tracking score changes a bit when I'm only doing one report a day. But from T33 to T34 looks like Commodore got a tech of some sort (6 points), same for Merovech/Ad Hoc. No other score movement between the times I played the turns.

[Image: T34-F9.JPG]

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

One more old report then I'll play the turn I have waiting for me now.

T35 - One Fish grew to size 5, no surprise that I'm the first player there with so much food and not having started a settler yet. Now that I'm at size 5 and working all five improved special tiles it's past time to start working on getting my second city founded, so it's on to a settler build now.

[Image: T35-OneFish.JPG]

Working the second cottage along with the gems knocks BW down to a 3 turn tech. So I'll have enough time to get a road onto both the corn and the grass hill forest before BW comes in, at which time I could chop into the settler. But I only have two forest tiles in the planned BFC for city 2, so I should probably save those chops for work boats or something to pop borders so I can build the work boats. In that case I can go ahead and put roads on the two tiles where the workers are already positioned to help the settler when it finishes, and just move the workers to two forest tiles that are exclusive to One Fish (probably the grass hill 1 of the city and probably the grass tile 4,4 of the city, I can turn that to a cottage as well). Worker micro subject to change as I think about it more.

Score changes this turn, BRick added 3 (not sure what that is), I added 2 points for pop, Scooter/Pin added an ancient tech, and Plako added 3. So what gives 3 points? Plako is CRE but I don't think he's popped level 3 culture yet, and those land points wouldn't be applied for 20 turns anyway. BRick is AGG/IMP, but he wouldn't have added 3 points for a population growth would he? I should either look up how to do this properly or probably just skip it. crazyeye

Demos and Top 5:
[Image: T35-F9.JPG]

[Image: T35-Top5NumberOne.JPG]

OK, back to live action reports next, just as soon as I play this turn.

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

T36 - I finished the corn road and began the road on the GFH.

[Image: T36-OneFish.JPG]

Nothing new in the event log, so no religions founded yet. However, four civs settled their second city this turn: Serdoa, Lewwyn/Bigger, Commodore/Thoth, and then Azza just a little while ago. Looks like I'll be late to settle a second city compared to nearly everyone else. But I couldn't ignore working five good tiles early, right? Anyway I hadn't really planned to track points for too long but on T56 we'll see a decent score boost for these four civs. Someone remind me on T56 what the hell is going on and don't let me claim that they all got a new tech or something. smoke

Still no other city growths to size 5 so I'm probably the last player in line to settle a second city. Well, in a few turns I can chop/whip (mostly chop I think) to speed it along, and the settler will found the city on the turn after it is built so the delay shouldn't be too bad. Now the one question I'm having now is where copper will show up. I hope it isn't in the ugly brown tiles to the west of One Fish. That land is fairly unappetizing for now. An old map from T27 for example:

[Image: T27-WorldMap.JPG]

There just isn't a lot to be excited about down there. So far I've uncovered one clams resource at the very end of the peninsula at the southwest. Unless there is seafood around the northern end of that peninsula this is going to be an area that I wait to settle for a while. Teching Iron Working and clearing out the thickets to the east would be better than working this area, since there is no food to be found. Of course now that I've said this I'll probably find (only one of) horses, copper, and iron ONLY in that area of the map. bang OK, OK, it's too early to complain this much about the map. I'll wait until I find out of there is seafood up there before I rant about it. But what can I say, I'm not an optimist.

Score changes for this turn: The aforementioned new city settlements for four teams added two points each. That's it.

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

T37 - Worker micro, that's all I have. One worker finished the hill road, the other moved to a forest where he will begin chopping next turn once BW is in. BW will have one beaker to spare, good job coincidence! (No I didn't pay close enough attention to micro it...I mean what tile assignments would I change anyway?) One Fish is 24/100 on building the settler, it contributes 12 foodhammers per turn. The chop will add 20 hammers on T41 to bring the total to 80. It would be nice if I could get another chop in on the same turn but the only way I could do that would be to use the forest the other worker is standing on, and I want to save that for Two Fish.

So the settler will probably be delayed by a turn unless I let the chop go into a granary and then whip the settler when the granary completes. I don't have time to run numbers here, I should be getting ready for work. I'll figure it out next turn.

[Image: T37-OneFish.JPG]

Still nothing on the event log, still haven't met anyone, basically nothing else happening. Well, almost nothing...someone is pumping 12 hammers already. Perhaps one of our IND players is working on Stonehenge? Wouldn't be the worst idea ever. Maybe one of those recently settled cities was for stone, who knows.

Score changes: BRick +2 points, so pop again? I got passed or tied again in crop yield, falling to third, so maybe it was BRick gaining another tile. Any chance Serdoa is working on it in classic De Gaulle style and forgot that CHA doesn't get monument happiness anymore? I'm sure I won't be the only person playing RB mod who makes a vanilla BTS play and forgets about some changes somewhere along the way. I don't think I've done it yet but you never know when habit will strike. Anyway, with 5 IND teams to choose from there's no way to know what's going on out there, not with the lazy C&D I've done.

[Image: T37-F9.JPG]

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

T38 - Copper has been eliminated, I'll have to decide whether to try for horses or iron next, but for now I'm going to tech Mysticism so I can put a monument in Two Fish to pop borders. I thought about going with barracks but I don't see that city being a military pump, I see it as a worker/settler pump with all the food. City 3 (one of them lol ) will get barracks.

[Image: T38-OneFish.JPG]

Sam-I-Am began his chopping, so when those 20 hammers come in it will push the settler to 92/100. I'll let One Fish complete it naturally on that turn rather than pushing in another chop that would just overflow to the queued granary. I can chop it next, but I wanted to move The Lorax onto the hill tile so he could start building a road next turn. I had to think about that one, though. With a road in place I can settle Two Fish on the same turn the settler finishes, or I could skip the road, move the settler, and revolt to slavey that turn. I decided that I'm not ready to whip One Fish yet so slavery isn't yet needed. I want to keep working the five improved tiles there so whips will be done either when the corn is borrowed by Two Fish or when I have excess population (ahead of tile improvements). Of course, subject to change as always.

I need to keep an eye on city count, but the rule is that barbs don't enter borders until world cities = (PlayerCivs*2) + 1, so 23 total cities here for our 11 that correct? If so we're still a way off from that but I'll keep an eye out. With this dreadnaught military force I've assembled so far I'm not worried. bang But I'd like to see horses soon. I'm thinking AH is next but I do need IW to chop the jungle off Two Fish's rice. I was hoping to be able to tech that after popping borders and chop/whipping work boats there, so that the rice would be the city's third food source. We'll see how the timing goes there.

Score changes: I gained 6 points from BW to move back to a tie for first with BRick. Nakor picked up six points, so probably a tech. Commodore/Thoth got a population growth, and that's it. No religions have been founded yet so if that remains true in four turns when I've finished Mysticism I'll have to think about whether to risk a push to get Buddhism or Hinduism. I'd like a religion but at this point I'm looking for a cheap way to pop borders. Obviously investing beakers in a religion isn't cheaper than building a monument but it's still an investment for the future. Yet to be determined is whether my beakers will be better spent on IW to clear this jungle. I tend to think so but let's see if any religions fall by four turns from now.

[Image: T38-F9.JPG]

Heh, apparently no one is building any kind of military if I'm first in soldier points with just BW tech, a warrior, and a bit of population. I know I'm not the first to BW so some other civs have those tech soldier points as well. I wonder if this map is so big that no one is making contact? Or maybe we're all having our scouts murdered by the barb animals and can't meet anyone. I guess there's plenty of time for that later anyway. Right now we can all enjoy a nice match of Sim-Civ (that's not a game I'm well equipped to win, though! shakehead )

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

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