As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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"You have been struck down." - Dwarf Fortress Adventure stories

picking it up

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MH forgot to mark one of the coffins he built as usable for burial, I fix that and the dwarves bury Ichabod's partially decomposed skeleton. Also ordered up 10 more coffins.

Bought some wool cloth from the humans and a few farm animals. The sow and water buffalo were assigned to a new max size pasture zone outside the fortress gates. A couple of thieves showed up but were sniffed out by dogs and chased off by the human caravan guards.

Autumn brings about 9 new immigrants and I head to the werewolf thread and recruit Thestick, Zakalwe, Sareln, Qqqqqqq
Then the xcom thread and recruit Dazedroyalty, Ug, Haphazard, Iainuki, Catwalk.

They brought a cow and llama with them, which are sent to the pasture. In the meantime our caged elephant gave birth to 3 calves.

there are 2 unnamed babies and I decide to randomly name them after one of their parents, so we now have Mini-Mardoc and Mini-Ichabod. looking at the relationship screen it turns out that Lewwyn was actually Mardoc's father and the short-lived Dastot was Mardoc's mother.

Thestick becomes possessed immediately upon arrival! He makes an artifact that is actually relevant to the current fortress!

[Image: i1.jpg]

In the meantime my main project is reorganizing pretty much all our industry; first, food

Someone made a food stockpile underground; I extend it and order more barrels and pots to be constructed. North of this is a farm room with a simple cistern irrigation system. The room contains two levers; the left lever allows water to flow into the cistern from a tunnel to the aquifer, and the right releases the cistern contents into the farm.

[Image: i2.jpg]

Below this I attach a new kitchen/brewery to the dining room, stairs connect this with the food storage / farming area too. This will bring food processing and consumption closer together.

[Image: i3.jpg]

the start of industrial reorganization

[Image: i4.jpg]

I added some mason's and craftdwarf workshops in the workshop room and dug out two new 15x15 stockpile rooms with the mining crew. One for finished goods/weapons/armour and one for furniture.

We don't need a wood stockpile here since wood industry activities are upstairs nearer where we cut trees down, so I remove it, and also the extra stone stockpile in the left room. One of the other 7x7 piles is turned over to shells and bones which I forbid from all the upstairs stockpiles.

I'm rather confused as to why a random weapon trap has been installed in the corner of the fort's administrative office... then I realise it's just there to put our artifact cat bone crossbow on display. Honestly someone should probably just use this thing for battle at some point as I imagine it's an excellent weapon. Anyhow, I decide to build a new office downstairs where it's closer to the brewery. The ground-level burrow

Expanding the main stairwell to 4x4; this necessitates reopening the aquifer but the water should harmlessly flow into the caverns via Ichabod's passages.

I made a mistake digging out the aquifer which nearly caused a flood and I had to quickly dig some holes in room floors in order to get better drainage... at least the dwarves are enjoying the novelty of having a waterfall cascade through the fort. Due to a bug in DF this is smearing Dastot's blood which is exponentially multiplying all over walls and floors near this incident. The dwarves seem to be extremely slack in cleaning this up.

In the midst of all this excitement Jkaen, who was hunting, was found dead outdoors! Maybe an elephant got him?

The dwarf caravan arrives and I bought some aluminium bars as it's very rare, along with more random animals and various booze for variety. I noticed Uberfish has now become a Legendary Appraiser (it seems this is the primary skill that affects trading as his profession changed to "trader") and Gustaran a Legendary Miner.

During all this excitement a goblin snatcher kidnapped Mini-Ichabod and got away frown

I managed to re-seal the aquifer without further incident, completing the 4x4 stairway, and told dwarves to rebuild the floors on the lower levels that had been demolished for drainage. The Ichabod tunnels dumped the water into a very large pre-existing underground lake. Once that level dries out we can dig deeper. In the meantime the underground farm I built earlier completed so I moved our farming operations there, growing about half plump helmets and half other underground crops.

Sareln successfully hunted an elephant and is very slowly dragging it into the butcher's shop. Turns out he started with Great Marksdwarf skill. Nice.

Other projects in progress are continuing to build the tower MH started above the main stairway and producing art, which slowly starts to actually reflect things that happened in the fortress.

[Image: i5.jpg]

Hopefully soon we'll get a statue about Ichabod flipping out or an elephant (or whatever killed him) stomping on Jkaen.

About 12 dwarves are back on idle as most of the hauling work generated by the stockpile reorganization finishes up. Our original generic stockpile is now down to leather, cloth, bars and animals. Seems a good place to wind up this session.

(December 15th, 2012, 10:18)uberfish Wrote: it turns out that Lewwyn was actually Mardoc's father

khhhhhhh... Mardoc....khhhhh...khhhhh...khhhh... I am your father...khhhhh....
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

(December 14th, 2012, 17:25)mostly_harmless Wrote: HidingKneel got possessed and needs some "...rough...color...". Which after a long pause for thought probably mean uncut gems (=check wiki).

And she makes a elaborate sceptre:

Go me! So, what are these artifacts good for?

Jkaen dead? Oh no! She was pretty good with the crossbow. Wasn't she also dragging a baby around with her? What happened to it?

Good job with the burial of Ichabod. I think I tried to manually assign him a tomb, which the game did not allow me.

Is the forgotten beast still there?

Also, any luck with slaughtering the caged elephants?

With the farm animals you bought we can go for wool and milk (cheese) as well.

(December 15th, 2012, 11:51)HidingKneel Wrote:
(December 14th, 2012, 17:25)mostly_harmless Wrote: HidingKneel got possessed and needs some "...rough...color...". Which after a long pause for thought probably mean uncut gems (=check wiki).

And she makes a elaborate sceptre:

Go me! So, what are these artifacts good for?
Well, Kylearan's artefact door is good, because it is unbreakable and can be admired by passing dwarves giving hem happy thoughts.
The bone crossbow being an artefact gets a 3x combat modifier, although I am not sure that means anything to ranged weapons, as the bolt is doing the killing. And when the crossbow is used as a melee weapon, the bone material is pretty weak and a 3x modifier is probably not going to mitigate that. But it can be put into a weapon trap and hugely increase the value of even a small room. important for nobles later on.
Your sceptre and the newly created crown are pretty much useless. They only increase the overall value of the fortress, which is a factor in determining migration and attraction of megabeasts.

If a dwarf creates an artefact as a result of a fey mood or anything other than possession, than they immediately reach legendary status in their craft. Unfortunately all our strange moods were possessions.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

Nooo I am dead. I seemed to have useful stats too frown

Actually now there is a 2nd forgotten beast...

(December 15th, 2012, 15:36)uberfish Wrote: Actually now there is a 2nd forgotten beast...

Oh! Good! smile Can it fly?

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

No but I'm staying out of that cavern layer...

we had another death, care to guess the cause?

possession that you didnt have the parts for?

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