T79 - 900 BC
Cliff's Notes: Apolyton has revolted to Slavery and went on a whipping spree, 3 2-pop whips going from 22 to 16 pop. The Germans whipped 2 pop (Wismar and Worms) last turn and grew back 1 pop this turn (in Wismar) - they're stuck at 12 pop. CivFr grew to 26 pop, growing their second city to size 7. CivPlayers grew to 23 pop (from 21), including growing their capital to size 7, received 5 land points, and likely researched Bronze Working in 7t. CFC grew 1 pop to 20, and Univers grew 1 pop to 28.
Demos after the turn rolled:
Late T78, the Germans performed two 1-pop whips (in Wismar and Worms), WPC war weariness increased to 16 (from 12), and there was a global power loss of 13000. Ie, the Germans attacked WPC units in their lands and killed 2 dogs.
Score increases this turn:
Team | Score increase | Pop | Tech | Land | Wonders |
RB | 13 | 2 (+1; 23 total) | 6 (Sailing) | 5 | |
Germans | 3 | 3 (+1; 12 total) | | | |
CivFr | 3 | 3 (+1; 26 total) | | | |
CivPlayers | 16 | 5 (+2; 23 total) | 6 (ancient tech in 7t) | 5 | |
CFC | 2 | 2 (+1; 20 total) | | | |
Univers | 2 | 2 (+1; 28 total) | | | |
That strange one extra land score point we had the last few turns disappeared, or rather was subsumed with this land score increase.
Rival total population increased with 271000 over 6 pop points. Of this, at least 82000 came from rival top, and 5000 came from the German city of Wismar growing back to size 2. Rival total power increased with 38000, of which 9000 came from the Germans (rival top) and 3000 from pop (1000 each to the Germans, CivFr, and CFC), leaving 28000 for the other teams and causes. The claimed land increased with 8 tiles.
From the top cities screen we can see that we have another non-capital on the list. It's CivFr's city B, since they were the only team to found a city in 2920 BC. CivPlayers also grew their capital to size 7, which leaves 102000 in population over 3 pop points (one each for CivPlayers, CFC, and Univers).
CivPlayers researched an ancient tech in 7t. I had noted them down for BW on T72, but given that they haven't performed any whips yet I think they researched Bronze Working this turn instead, and something else (pencilled in Sailing) on T72. We'll have to see if another team does a revolt this turn, and if they whip next turn. It makes me wonder about their tech path, delaying BW so long even with their well-executed beeline for cheap Sacrificial Altars.
One team that did revolt last turn was Apolyton. Early this turn they performed three 2-pop whips. This is also an indication that they might have researched Monarchy last turn, though a contra-indication is that the top approval rate didn't change (on the other hand, with 6 extra pop points but no change in the rates implies that someone got happiness from somewhere).
Demos after the Apolyton whips:
Apolyton whipped away a whopping 6 pop and 246000 in population

Given that they've grown only slowly for a while I imagine they will plant several new cities soon, or they might go for libraries.
By running 246 population over 6 cities in Kalin's tool and reversing the numbers I get that Apolyton performed two 6->4 whips and one 5->3 whip. On T78 they had cities of size 6, 6, 5, 4, and 1, now they have cities of size 4, 4, 3, 4, and 1. Not sure why we continued to hold fast as #4 in population in the demographics, however.
Note also how food output increased compared to the earlier demos in the turn. Makes me think that several of the whipped away civizens were specialists.