So Sullla has thrown this Imperium out there to give players a chance at their first Impossible win. Large maps definitely play easier than medium maps. We have the the Alkari, who don't get any production bonuses, but arguably the best combat bonus. This map layout could prove to be interesting, though. Looks like we'll be getting pressure both from the SE and direct E, with not a lot of territory nearby. Our hated adversary, the Mrrshan, are absent, but relations will not be rosey with the Sakkra, Bulrathi, or Darlok. Having the Psilon present is always dangerous. So all-in-all, could be quite a challenge.
Since I've been playing on Impossible for awhile now, I wanted to take another variant rule for some spice. The first that came to mind was to forbid weapons on hulls larger than medium. That plays to the strat guide's recommendation for Alkari players. I actually don't agree with that wholesale; I think that ship design should fit the strategic/tactical situation best, and while the Alkari +3 defense does favor smaller ships, it should be just another factor for consideration rather than a driving component. But I think I rely on Huge ships a little too much, so some practice with smaller designs would do me good. For clarification, I'm forbidding weapons on large/huge designs, not specials, so repulsor beams/dissipator/scanners will still be available. Damaging specials like Pulsars and Black Hole will be off the table. I will also be playing with the events off. Big surprise there
First thing to look at is the terrain, and it's frankly not that great. We've got two stars close by, and everything else at least Range 5 away. Worse, neither star will open a path without Range tech. Lots of blue stars in the vicinity too; glad the Silicoids aren't in the game. I think getting out of the corner is going to be critical in this game. That's probably going to mean heading for that cluster of reds in the center, or possibly down the Western edge.
So I started with my colony ship to the green star, and the scouts to the yellow to the NE and the blue to the SE. Esper is only size 30? Ugh, not good. Scouting report was mixed as well. Nice size 80 up North, and we've got a path to the center through that blue star. Orion is in a rather inconvienent location, though, and a lot of these worlds are TINY. At least that Tundra UR looks nice.
My initial tech choices were: RW80%, Improved Eco, and Range 5. Glad that last one was there, as we're not getting past Firma without it. I went ahead and took Altair to full production before branching out, though I did trickle research half of Range 5 out of Esper. That planet was just too small to do much with. I was amazed when 2330 rolled around, and I still hadn't seen any AI scouts. Range 5 complete in 2333, and I already had a col ship standing by at Esper for Firma. That's right, I'm putting off colonizing that size 80 up N for the moment to get a better position.
Met the Sakkra when Firma was colonized in 2337. They were already out to 7 planets, including all of those yellow's down there. I'm glad I decided to go for Firma and Drakka first; otherwise, I might not have gotten them! In fact, I had to chase 2 unarmed Sakkra col ships from Drakka. Scouting reports from the North told me I didn't want to wait long, however. Five habitable planets up there, including two Fertile and over 100!!
Holy cow!
Drakka was founded in 2344, Artemis 3 turns later. I had been using Esper to reserach Improved Eco, deeming that more useful than factories there. The extra production at Altair would speed the colonization of the N, and I wanted to see if Tundra was in my tree with the Ecologist Sakkra right next door. I did NOT want them having that UR planet! Well, the tech didn't pop until 2349, but Tundra was indeed in the tree, so I seeded it from Altair, and let it simmer with Esper's meager production and Altair's bits of leftover until col ships for Vox, Tyr, and Paranar had been built. I was quite annoyed that Xengara was 6 parsecs from Artemis, and that we'd missed Range 6 in the tree. So the planet would have to wait until I could build an LR col ship, and THAT would have to wait until either a second-tier construction or third-tier planetology tech.
I planted my flag on Vox in 2356, Tyr in 2360, and Paranar in 2366. Paranar's col ship completed the same year Vox was colonized, and I made the painful decision to send 40 birds from Altair to seed Vox. Esper was just too small to serve as a seed, and those big planets would grow way too slowly on their own. I had Altair finish Controlled Tundra while it re-grew, half research half pop pop-growth. That would also let Esper finally get some more factories going. But when I found Ajax three turns later, Altair went back to ship-building, and Esper back on research. Tundra was at 8%, and would pop 2368.
Unfortunately, the Sakkra made it to Incedius and Misha, and springboarded to Ajax before my col ship could get there, and Phantos was 6 parsecs away, so I missed out on both worlds. The Sakkra inexplicably made a play for Hyades before Vega, the UR. I chased them off with popguns from Altair, and scored both worlds! BTW, the AI impressed me by asking for a NAP when it realized I would have fighters waiting at Hyades. Not sure if it was coding or dumb luck, but a pretty shrewd move! Not that it worked, mind you
After RW80% popped in 2377, I crash-researched IIT8 to get the LR col ship into play to nab Xengara. I got contact with the Meklar in the same year when they commandeered Ajax from the birds. That was only their fourth planet; looks like they aren't going to be a major player this game. Here's the galaxy from 2381:
![[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=790&stc=1]](
We have a respectable 10 planets, which will be 11 when IIT8 finishes. The Sakkra managed to rather efficiently lockdown the SW corner, though I did nab the best prize in Vega. Firma and Drakka were maxed at this point, and adding some bases for defense. Yes the Lizards are Pacifistic, but that will go right out the window when they run out of room to expand. The Meklar took Phantos the next year, brining their total to 5 planets.
2390 saw most of my empire come online; Paranar, Tyr, and Hyades would need a little more work. Now I had to play catch-up; the Sakkra tech bar was nearly 4 times longer than mine! Plus, it didn't help that our tech tree seemed to absolutetly SUCK. No terraforming +10, +20, or +30? No Controlled Dead, Inferno or Toxic? Only ECM tech in the first two computer rungs? Stabilizer the only choice in the second propulsion rung? OUCH!!
I took Hyper X over NPG's for my second weapon's tech; we were NOT going on offense any time soon! I also upped our trade and signed a NAP with the Sakkra, hoping to keep them from choosing me to go through first.
Xengara was finally colonized in 2395, and got a healthy shot of reserves from Vega to help it grow fast. The Sakkra were sending an endless stream of ships from their core to Ajax, making me very nervous. It would be impossible to tell if any were bound for Drakka until ISS came in.
The next 10 or so years were pretty uneventful. I researched out of my core, while Firma, Drakka, and Vega built bases to deter the Sakkra, especially after the Sakkra dissolved our NAP in 2405. What my spies revealed in 2412 made me even more worried:
![[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=791&stc=1]](
Wow, do they every outclass me! RCIV? Controlled Radiated? +30? Atmospheric Terraforming? Fusion Bombs and Neutron Blasters? Wow. The only saving grace I saw is that they continued to duel with the Meklar over Phantos and Ajax. Hopefully that would keep them busy until I could catch up, because if they came for me now, I was finished, period. I was about on par tech-wise with the Meklar by this point, though, so they wouldn't keep the Sakkra occupied for long.
I'd had a col ship standing by at Paranar for when Range 7 completed, and that allowed me to nab Beta Ceti in 2418. The tech tree continues to be wretched, however, as Range 8 is the only choice next
Xengara had come fully online the turn before. Scatter Pack's came in the next turn, allowing me to breathe a small sigh of relief. Now I had to decide what to do next. I decided to backup for the cheap NPG's before researching the AMB's. They just miniaturize so nicely onto fighters. I had stupidly chosen Auto Repair over Battle Suits when Construction came up several decades ago, forgetting my additional variant rule. Oh well, at least I'd have it on hand if I decided to break with that.
I decided to trade the Meklar Controlled Dead for Enhanced Eco in 2421. Yes a very lopsided trade, but without Controlled Radiated in the tree, I had no way to get any of the planets near me. I used the tech to snag Guradas. I also traded Stabilizers to the Sakkra for Class IV, making up for my deficiency in shield tech. Man, no Class V planetary though? OUCHIE!!
At least the trade let me bypass a rung and go directly to Repulsors from Class III. Got ISS in 2423, and saw with some relief that RCIV was in the tree. I was already researching Soil Enrichment, so if I could just keep everybody peaceful for awhile, I'd be alright. To that end, I thought I'd see if the Sakkra would agree to an Alliance. Imagine my surprise when they gave me this response:
![[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=792&stc=1]](
The only treaty between us that had been broken was the NAP, which they dissolved. That gives ME an oath-breaker penalty? Well that sucks. They did, however, trade me Controlled Inferno for Enhanced Eco. Another bad trade, but what could I do? If I wanted more planets, I needed habitability tech. I did end up ultimately snagging Selia and Darrain with the tech.
Finally got the chance at an engine when Range 8 came in to reveal Impulse Drives. Meanwhile the Darlok, with their usual diplomatic flair, had managed to get themselves at war with the Sakkra, Meklar, and probably Bulrathi as well. No word yet from the Psilon. The founding of Darrain in 2442 changed that. Here's the map from this point:
![[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=793&stc=1]](
OPE Psilons again, huh? Well, that's a welcome sight in lieu of my last game. The Bulrathi weren't doing too hot either, 6 planets including two deep in Sakkra space. They were indeed at war with the Darlok. The scary part is that I was now in second place in tech and population for the known galaxy, and the Sakkra were allied with both the Meklar and Bulrathi. That easily gave them 2/3 on the pop graphs the way I saw it. The Darlok would vote against them, but I didn't know what their population was like. Probably depleted after fighting three other races. Thing is, if I asked the Meklar to fight the Sakkra, they would wrap-up the Borg easily, as the robots had no missiles, planetary shields, bombs, and their best beam was Mass Driver. I held off for the moment.
Contact with the Darlok came the next turn, when they momentarily took control of Dunatis. Their only other world than that one was their homeworld. Well that sealed it. Next council vote, I was losing. Big time. So I dialed up the Bulrathi. They had +30 for trade! And only wanted Stabilizers for it! Cha-ching! Factory construction went on hold for terraforming. I terraformed and bought pop to fill up my worlds immediately; the council vote could come at any moment. The Sakkra came calling for a NAP in 2448, which I happily signed. They weren't trading environment tech, so I couldn't get those last hostile worlds anyway. My crash course on pop growth brought me almost even with the Lizards, eliminating the threat of a council loss. I also went ahead and signed max trade with everbody else to improve relations. I was once again running with little military, but this time I at least had lots of bases on my borders to deter aggression.
That next round of tech saw AMB's, Advanced Eco, Impulse Drive, Repulsors, and Zortium Armor come in. I chose Megabolts, +50, Star Gates, Absorbtion Shields, and RW40%. Probably should have taken Class VI over the personnel shields, but oh well. The Psilon declared phoney war in 2466. The only planet they could reach of mine was Darrian, and they only had Controlled Dead. I did turn up spying to see if I could nab Neutron Blaster or Ion Cannons. Got Hyper-V's my first opportunity, then Ion cannons. Should have taken BCIII over the weapons tech, but oh well; got the opportunity to rectify that pretty quickly.
I noticed that Bears were the only race with Class V Planetary shields, so I dialed them up and traded them Advanced Eco for it. Yeah that's an advanced tech, but the Bulrathi aren't going to be doing much this game. I wanted those shields to improve my planets' survivability chances when war came. Oh yes; I'm under no illusions that I'm going to get out of this without going up against the Sakkra.
I discovered in 2471 that there was a size 50 UR clear on the other side of the galaxy, SE of Mentar. Well, I certainly wanted that planet! What's funny is the turn after I scouted it, the Psilon sent their entire fleet from Mentar, just to chase my scout away from the world. I had a col ship standing by at Darrian to nab the planet when they left.
Since I've been playing on Impossible for awhile now, I wanted to take another variant rule for some spice. The first that came to mind was to forbid weapons on hulls larger than medium. That plays to the strat guide's recommendation for Alkari players. I actually don't agree with that wholesale; I think that ship design should fit the strategic/tactical situation best, and while the Alkari +3 defense does favor smaller ships, it should be just another factor for consideration rather than a driving component. But I think I rely on Huge ships a little too much, so some practice with smaller designs would do me good. For clarification, I'm forbidding weapons on large/huge designs, not specials, so repulsor beams/dissipator/scanners will still be available. Damaging specials like Pulsars and Black Hole will be off the table. I will also be playing with the events off. Big surprise there

First thing to look at is the terrain, and it's frankly not that great. We've got two stars close by, and everything else at least Range 5 away. Worse, neither star will open a path without Range tech. Lots of blue stars in the vicinity too; glad the Silicoids aren't in the game. I think getting out of the corner is going to be critical in this game. That's probably going to mean heading for that cluster of reds in the center, or possibly down the Western edge.
So I started with my colony ship to the green star, and the scouts to the yellow to the NE and the blue to the SE. Esper is only size 30? Ugh, not good. Scouting report was mixed as well. Nice size 80 up North, and we've got a path to the center through that blue star. Orion is in a rather inconvienent location, though, and a lot of these worlds are TINY. At least that Tundra UR looks nice.
My initial tech choices were: RW80%, Improved Eco, and Range 5. Glad that last one was there, as we're not getting past Firma without it. I went ahead and took Altair to full production before branching out, though I did trickle research half of Range 5 out of Esper. That planet was just too small to do much with. I was amazed when 2330 rolled around, and I still hadn't seen any AI scouts. Range 5 complete in 2333, and I already had a col ship standing by at Esper for Firma. That's right, I'm putting off colonizing that size 80 up N for the moment to get a better position.
Met the Sakkra when Firma was colonized in 2337. They were already out to 7 planets, including all of those yellow's down there. I'm glad I decided to go for Firma and Drakka first; otherwise, I might not have gotten them! In fact, I had to chase 2 unarmed Sakkra col ships from Drakka. Scouting reports from the North told me I didn't want to wait long, however. Five habitable planets up there, including two Fertile and over 100!!

Drakka was founded in 2344, Artemis 3 turns later. I had been using Esper to reserach Improved Eco, deeming that more useful than factories there. The extra production at Altair would speed the colonization of the N, and I wanted to see if Tundra was in my tree with the Ecologist Sakkra right next door. I did NOT want them having that UR planet! Well, the tech didn't pop until 2349, but Tundra was indeed in the tree, so I seeded it from Altair, and let it simmer with Esper's meager production and Altair's bits of leftover until col ships for Vox, Tyr, and Paranar had been built. I was quite annoyed that Xengara was 6 parsecs from Artemis, and that we'd missed Range 6 in the tree. So the planet would have to wait until I could build an LR col ship, and THAT would have to wait until either a second-tier construction or third-tier planetology tech.
I planted my flag on Vox in 2356, Tyr in 2360, and Paranar in 2366. Paranar's col ship completed the same year Vox was colonized, and I made the painful decision to send 40 birds from Altair to seed Vox. Esper was just too small to serve as a seed, and those big planets would grow way too slowly on their own. I had Altair finish Controlled Tundra while it re-grew, half research half pop pop-growth. That would also let Esper finally get some more factories going. But when I found Ajax three turns later, Altair went back to ship-building, and Esper back on research. Tundra was at 8%, and would pop 2368.
Unfortunately, the Sakkra made it to Incedius and Misha, and springboarded to Ajax before my col ship could get there, and Phantos was 6 parsecs away, so I missed out on both worlds. The Sakkra inexplicably made a play for Hyades before Vega, the UR. I chased them off with popguns from Altair, and scored both worlds! BTW, the AI impressed me by asking for a NAP when it realized I would have fighters waiting at Hyades. Not sure if it was coding or dumb luck, but a pretty shrewd move! Not that it worked, mind you

After RW80% popped in 2377, I crash-researched IIT8 to get the LR col ship into play to nab Xengara. I got contact with the Meklar in the same year when they commandeered Ajax from the birds. That was only their fourth planet; looks like they aren't going to be a major player this game. Here's the galaxy from 2381:
We have a respectable 10 planets, which will be 11 when IIT8 finishes. The Sakkra managed to rather efficiently lockdown the SW corner, though I did nab the best prize in Vega. Firma and Drakka were maxed at this point, and adding some bases for defense. Yes the Lizards are Pacifistic, but that will go right out the window when they run out of room to expand. The Meklar took Phantos the next year, brining their total to 5 planets.
2390 saw most of my empire come online; Paranar, Tyr, and Hyades would need a little more work. Now I had to play catch-up; the Sakkra tech bar was nearly 4 times longer than mine! Plus, it didn't help that our tech tree seemed to absolutetly SUCK. No terraforming +10, +20, or +30? No Controlled Dead, Inferno or Toxic? Only ECM tech in the first two computer rungs? Stabilizer the only choice in the second propulsion rung? OUCH!!

Xengara was finally colonized in 2395, and got a healthy shot of reserves from Vega to help it grow fast. The Sakkra were sending an endless stream of ships from their core to Ajax, making me very nervous. It would be impossible to tell if any were bound for Drakka until ISS came in.
The next 10 or so years were pretty uneventful. I researched out of my core, while Firma, Drakka, and Vega built bases to deter the Sakkra, especially after the Sakkra dissolved our NAP in 2405. What my spies revealed in 2412 made me even more worried:
Wow, do they every outclass me! RCIV? Controlled Radiated? +30? Atmospheric Terraforming? Fusion Bombs and Neutron Blasters? Wow. The only saving grace I saw is that they continued to duel with the Meklar over Phantos and Ajax. Hopefully that would keep them busy until I could catch up, because if they came for me now, I was finished, period. I was about on par tech-wise with the Meklar by this point, though, so they wouldn't keep the Sakkra occupied for long.
I'd had a col ship standing by at Paranar for when Range 7 completed, and that allowed me to nab Beta Ceti in 2418. The tech tree continues to be wretched, however, as Range 8 is the only choice next

I decided to trade the Meklar Controlled Dead for Enhanced Eco in 2421. Yes a very lopsided trade, but without Controlled Radiated in the tree, I had no way to get any of the planets near me. I used the tech to snag Guradas. I also traded Stabilizers to the Sakkra for Class IV, making up for my deficiency in shield tech. Man, no Class V planetary though? OUCHIE!!

The only treaty between us that had been broken was the NAP, which they dissolved. That gives ME an oath-breaker penalty? Well that sucks. They did, however, trade me Controlled Inferno for Enhanced Eco. Another bad trade, but what could I do? If I wanted more planets, I needed habitability tech. I did end up ultimately snagging Selia and Darrain with the tech.
Finally got the chance at an engine when Range 8 came in to reveal Impulse Drives. Meanwhile the Darlok, with their usual diplomatic flair, had managed to get themselves at war with the Sakkra, Meklar, and probably Bulrathi as well. No word yet from the Psilon. The founding of Darrain in 2442 changed that. Here's the map from this point:
OPE Psilons again, huh? Well, that's a welcome sight in lieu of my last game. The Bulrathi weren't doing too hot either, 6 planets including two deep in Sakkra space. They were indeed at war with the Darlok. The scary part is that I was now in second place in tech and population for the known galaxy, and the Sakkra were allied with both the Meklar and Bulrathi. That easily gave them 2/3 on the pop graphs the way I saw it. The Darlok would vote against them, but I didn't know what their population was like. Probably depleted after fighting three other races. Thing is, if I asked the Meklar to fight the Sakkra, they would wrap-up the Borg easily, as the robots had no missiles, planetary shields, bombs, and their best beam was Mass Driver. I held off for the moment.
Contact with the Darlok came the next turn, when they momentarily took control of Dunatis. Their only other world than that one was their homeworld. Well that sealed it. Next council vote, I was losing. Big time. So I dialed up the Bulrathi. They had +30 for trade! And only wanted Stabilizers for it! Cha-ching! Factory construction went on hold for terraforming. I terraformed and bought pop to fill up my worlds immediately; the council vote could come at any moment. The Sakkra came calling for a NAP in 2448, which I happily signed. They weren't trading environment tech, so I couldn't get those last hostile worlds anyway. My crash course on pop growth brought me almost even with the Lizards, eliminating the threat of a council loss. I also went ahead and signed max trade with everbody else to improve relations. I was once again running with little military, but this time I at least had lots of bases on my borders to deter aggression.
That next round of tech saw AMB's, Advanced Eco, Impulse Drive, Repulsors, and Zortium Armor come in. I chose Megabolts, +50, Star Gates, Absorbtion Shields, and RW40%. Probably should have taken Class VI over the personnel shields, but oh well. The Psilon declared phoney war in 2466. The only planet they could reach of mine was Darrian, and they only had Controlled Dead. I did turn up spying to see if I could nab Neutron Blaster or Ion Cannons. Got Hyper-V's my first opportunity, then Ion cannons. Should have taken BCIII over the weapons tech, but oh well; got the opportunity to rectify that pretty quickly.
I noticed that Bears were the only race with Class V Planetary shields, so I dialed them up and traded them Advanced Eco for it. Yeah that's an advanced tech, but the Bulrathi aren't going to be doing much this game. I wanted those shields to improve my planets' survivability chances when war came. Oh yes; I'm under no illusions that I'm going to get out of this without going up against the Sakkra.
I discovered in 2471 that there was a size 50 UR clear on the other side of the galaxy, SE of Mentar. Well, I certainly wanted that planet! What's funny is the turn after I scouted it, the Psilon sent their entire fleet from Mentar, just to chase my scout away from the world. I had a col ship standing by at Darrian to nab the planet when they left.
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
"It is not the fall that kills you. it's the sudden stop at the end." -- D. Adams
"Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze?" -- Calvin
"Very funny, Scotty, now beam back my clothes!!"
"It is not the fall that kills you. it's the sudden stop at the end." -- D. Adams
"Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze?" -- Calvin
"Very funny, Scotty, now beam back my clothes!!"