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Imperium 15 - Seyar's first report

It is my first report since I wrote it before I played the Impossible Psilon game.
Here goes nothing (I intended to wait until the closing message to post, but it turns out I have to leave the office soon and I won't be able to post before a day or two):

Pre-game analysis.

No factories... This will mean saving every single turn since I'm sure I'll miss one new colony and get 1 factory.
Also, I believe this means that Poor and Ultra Poor planets won't be too much of a hassle, and conversely, Rich and Ultra Rich planets won't be that good of a deal, so the best we can shoot for is planet size.

Computers will be important for stealing techs, and eventually for controlling the factories we capture.

Planetology will be king, aside from the production bonus, bigger planets mean more ants mean more production.

As for weapons, I'll have to see how much gropo techs I can scrounge up, this game should rely heavily on capturing planets with intact factories.

OK, now onto the game, 2 red stars in range of the col ship, I go for the east one since it's not close to the nebula. Sliders to full pop.

I'm in luck, Esper, the star I chose is a 35 desert (not so good) but the one I skipped is a rich inferno. Seeing a Meklar scout heading to my desert I make a scout in 1 turn and redirect it there. I send 22 colonists to get the homeworld to 1/3 capacity and start up the second planet in earnest (might have been better to keep the homeworld at half, but anyway...)

First mistake, the second scout got redirected to the same planet, not a big deal since I'm sure it can scout over there as well.
I keep producing a few scouts to check out the surroundings and keep the aliens away.

2306 I open up planetology and propulsion.
Controlled Barren (yes) and Improved eco
Range 4 and 5 (yes)

I chose range 5 because of the lack of range 4 habitable planets.

Scouting comes in, we have:
Willow, Desert 45 at range 4
Beta Ceti, Poor Fertile Terran 110 (YES) at range 5 with no habitables near to reduce the range, seems like the propulsion choice wasn't that bad.
Maalor, Steppe 45 at range 6, but Willow will put it in range.

The yellow east of Esper turns out to be Orion... Scratch 1 scout.

It will take a maxed out Kholdan 5 turns to churn out a colony ship, I start on them and leave Esper to do the research.

2319 Controlled Barren comes in and we have a choice between Controlled Tundra or Dead, and the old imp eco... I choose tundra since I haven't seen any dead yet and tundra is cheaper, about half price. We met 2 Meklar worlds, scouted one which is very interesting, Tyr, Fertile Terran 105.

2320 First colony ship arrives, no range to move yet. I put more priority on propulsion and help research with half of Kholdan's resources.

2325 We hit on propulsion and the new choices are:
Nuclear engines (yes), range 6 and IS.

The colony ship heads towards the fertile poor terran and we go back to full shipbuilding on Kholdan, equalizing the tech sliders between planetology and propulsion.

2330 Settling Beta Ceti puts us in contact with the 2 PE Meklar, start a minimal trade agreement and send half of Esper's population to start out the new colony.

2331 Another colony ship settles the desert, and a scout chases away a Meklar colony from a new arid in the south. I take a huge risk and send my next colony there, it's close to them and I'm in no shape to make any LR popguns. Still, I feel like gambling. I try not to forget to put all sliders on pop.

2336 The last colony ship is created, I start a barren Colship.

2339 We took Misha, the arid in the south, only I'm not sure I can hold it, I design a laser with a computer and make 15 in 1 turn redirecting to the new planet, hoping to be able to resist a bit. Back to Barren colony making, and resetting new sliders to pop.

2342 Colonize Maalor, we get the 6 planet announcement, and I decide to up my trade with the Meklars, doubling it from 25 to 50 BC. Send 7 colonists from Willow to seed Maalor.

2345 Make a new Barren Colony and send it north, I have a chance to take the new arid up there if I am fast enough and the barren close by is in my core, so I can take it whenever I want. I've been seeding the south arid from the fertile Beta Ceti, but I stop now to let it grow.

2351 Colonize Yarrow, the Barren 25, and send it 18 colonists from beta ceti, 10 turns away. The new colony ship is heading to Yarrow already to reach the arid north of it.

2354 Send the new barren to the border with Meklon, I don't think they have the tech to colonize it or they would have already. Make another barren, the last before Kholdan starts researching.

2356 Controlled tundra comes in and we get the new inferno and toxic techs. I choose inferno to advance cheaply and because we have a few infernos (one of which is rich) in our neighborhood. New engines are at 12%, as soon as they hit I'll open up all fields.

2357 21% and still no hit, Willow, Esper, Beta Ceti and Misha all maxed out and researching, a few others researching while growing, and only Kholdan is making colony ships, after this last barren I'll need 2 Tundras.

2358 Engines hit, the only new option is sublight drives, faster transports are a good thing so I choose it. I design a COLONY T2 and start making them.

2359 Colonize Aurora, the northern Arid 60. Seems I forgot to open up the new fields, I do that now.

2360 Let's see: ECM1 Deep Space Scanner (Yes for ship spying) and BC2, IIT9 s the only choice, Shield2 only choice, HyperV only choice. And we colonize Ryoun Barren 45 on the Meklar border, sending it 21 colonists from Beta Ceti and setting the latter to grow back. I also send half the popguns from Misha.

2363 Eventful turn, IIT9 comes in, take Duralloy as only option. Same turn we colonize Moro, Barren 30, and send it 15 from Beta Ceti, putting it on growing pop. Also the first Tundra 2 comes online and is sent to Aquilae, Tundra 35.

2366 Colonize Aquilae, contacting the 4PE Mrrshans, and I open up 50BC trade with them. Send the fresh Colony ship to Rotan, Tundra 30. Send 24 million from Beta Ceti, to my new tundra. Design a new COLONY B2 to send to the last habitable before we open up Inferno.

2368 Deep space scanner comes in, new choices are ECM 2 (yes) and IRC 3. Seems I messed up sending the last Tundra colony ship, and delayed it by 2 turns, send it now to Rotan.

2370 Shield2 comes in, Shield 3 only choice, HyperV comes in, new techs are HyperX and Fusion Bomb (yes). A Sakkra large chases our scout away from a toxic 10 way out north, not a big loss. Up the trade with both meks and cats to 100BC (double last value) and take IT10 for Deep space scanner from the cats. Terraforming at max everywhere except Kholdan who is set to finish my last barren colony in 1 turn, and Beta Ceti who's left on research.

2371 Send the new Colship to Xendalla, Barren 30 up north. All are max terraforming and growing pop except Beta Ceti.

???? Colonize Rotan, get the 12 star warning and meet the Bulrathi. Kholdan maxes which puts it on research and frees Beta Ceti to Terraform and grow. Send 17 colonists from Esper to Rotan.

2374 Trade 50BC with Bulrathis. Some planets max and go on research. Soon I'll put a base on each border colony, just as soon as I max them all (this is a losing race). We are the weakest in Technology, fleet strength and production, strongest in planet count (fickle) and population (could ninja a win if I can keep my friends happy). Can't quite make a LR colony to take Drakka, the Steppe 60 way down south. Since most colonies are doing well enough I initiate a little empire wide tax to fuel the reserve, 5 clicks mean 11 BC per turn.

2376 Colonize Xendalla. First council voting. Damn it! The humans are up against me. Meks give 4 to humans. Bulrathis 3 to humans. Apes 6 to themselves. Cats 4 for humans. Sakkras 1 for humans. 25 votes total, I vote 7 to myself and lose a diplomatic loss...

Result, Diplomatic Loss at 2376.
Here are the planets I scouted and the races I met:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=852&stc=1]

Here is the power Graph:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=853&stc=1]

And here is the variant compliance screenshot, the last planet is not on there because the pic was taken before colonization enabled the final vote:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=854&stc=1]

Reloading the game from when I set the tax and donating techs to the bears, meklars and cats, only meklars voted for humans, bears and cats abstained and I didn't lose. Still, that's merely for my personal enjoyment, to try to see what happens, and won't be reported.

I had to reload again to get the power graph, since I forgot about it, without gifting techs, and amazingly this time Meklars abstained, so I voted for the apes, hehe.

Hope you liked my first attempt at a report. Would someone have tried to overcome the last war? Win by extermination?

As always, I'm eager to learn, so if someone has any criticism, please be blunt. I read the previous ones and I'm trying to adjust my play style accordingly. This game hasn't been influenced by the previous remarks since it was finished earlier.

Oof! Tough loss, as it wasn't really preventable. Humans stealing the first election is always a risk, with votes based on cheese alliances, "We're at war with everybody, but we'll vote for the AI," and occasional "We've never even met 'em, but they're apes, so they've got to be good." It looks like you were actually doing pretty well, and might have gone on to victory if not for the monkey steal. Better luck next time!

Yes, that's real rough, and I'm sorry it happened in your first report. Playing out the final war may be instructive if you have a save, although with this variant that could be extremely difficult.

As for the actual reporting - I try to keep a turnlog as I play, but edit out most of the play-by-play for the final version which tends to shorten them to the essentials (although the details may be helpful for readers who didn't play the game, and thus aren't familiar with things like the tech options and surrounding terrain.) When I first started reports (with the Civ4 BTS Epics) I had a similar problem with too much turn-by-turn writing.

Good game, pity about the result. You know it can happen but often little you can do about a first vote loss to Humans.

One small suggestion, I think you could do with a faster tech pace (unlikely to change result here). Your expansion was very good but some extra on tech would normally pay dividends. You pushed ECO which a lot of players recommend with bugs but generally I prefer not to, they will grow anyway. Tech has a good payback but sometimes it is just a matter of style and mine is very tech-focused. Better luck next time.

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