Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Rogue Revival Team Launch

Holiday wishes to all of you! Let's hope that the Rogues can avoid this kind of "seasonal gathering" in the weeks ahead. smile

[Image: D2rogues_023.jpg]

This was from our last session before the winter break. We were jumped by multiple boss packs right out of the gate at the Crystalline Passage waypoint. Within 30 seconds, I'm back in town barely ahead of the slaughter and I see that everyone but me is down. Umm... I'm responsible for getting out bodies back? lol Of course, Svava is no Ember, and she was cut down too trying to teleport blindly into a safe location to open a portal. First time that all of the Rogues were downed at once (only because Sirian usually manages to survive everything).

This picture came at the tail end of the fight, after we had scattered corpses halfway across the Crystalline Passage and fought our way back to the original waypoint. I count 5 bodies on the ground, and that's after most of them had been picked up. Umm, but at least it's a white Christmas for the Rouges, right? smile

See you all in 2005. thumbsup
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

I'll try to get some pictures up for amusement, but it's snowing in houston TEXAS. Which means that for the second time in my lifetime, hell has frozen over.......

On a related note--diablo has been found wandering the frozen tundra.....

I didn't grab a screenshot but my tesladin got to fight Dclone last night....I've never been happier about having a maxed salvation. I used up approx 200k in potions but between crushing blow and the impaler's prevent monster heal, I eventually got him. It's wierd playing a normal char after playing only AcmeArchery and Tiny Tim for so long.

Good season to all, be ye christian, wiccan, muslim, hebrew, followers of the way, or fill in the blank here. We're all human, and it's nice to think that tonight noone need kill his brother man.

I should probably not go into a public diablo game if I want to keep this spirit of good cheer tho. Maybe I'll try the moo succession game...or build a snowman with my wife. Hrm. Decisions, Decisions.

If we're supposed to play tonight, my apologies. Haven't gotten home from vacation yet so I'm going to miss. I can't seem to get teamspeak working here at the hotel so I can't even listen in smile If we're not playing until this thursday, disregard and blame it on too much celebrating this weekend.

We're on for tonight. Might be some glitches with TS, though. ME0003 and I ran into some, ah, complications with Teamspeak when overstressing it on New Year's Eve. 8)

We will try to get them sorted out before tonight's session.

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Note to team: I will be late for the session tonight (by at least an hour, more likely two, and there's a good possibility I won't make it at all).

Also unsure as to my availability for next week's sessions, as we have guests visiting for the week.

Any reinforcements will probably be welcome, no matter how late wink

I know I mentioned that I might not be there on Thursday, but I will. Quill rats and Zombies beware lol

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
"It is not the fall that kills you. it's the sudden stop at the end." -- D. Adams
"Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze?" -- Calvin
"Very funny, Scotty, now beam back my clothes!!"

I will also be running late or missing tonight. My cousin's wedding rehearsal is this evening and I have no idea how long the rehearsal and dinner will take.

If you want me to catch up solo just let me know which quests, what level to stop at.

Down one or possibly two Rogues tonight? What a great way to start out first foray into Hell difficulty! lol See you tonight.
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Alan? Will we have you back for tomorrow night?

There are only so many experience runs through the Cold Plains that we can stomach at one time, it seems. nod And nobody wants to do Raven twice. eek

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Hey all. I'm going to have to withdraw at least temporarily. Work offered me a job I can't really turn down (USD 30,000 bonus, plus incentives) but it does mean I won't be available for our normal sessions for the immediate future. Since that's the case I would rather not hold up the group. If I can catch up with you all on my own, I'll do so after this project is over. Sorry to hold this so late, had to talk accepting the job over with the wife, but it's too good to pass on.


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