Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Adventure Fifty-Seven: Iberian Imperialism - CLOSING DAY

Adventure Fifty-Seven: Iberian Imperialism
Sponsors: Qgqqqqq and T-hawk
Opening Date: Monday, January 21st, 2013
Duration: Five Weeks
Map Script: Terra
Game Speed: Normal
Difficulty: Monarch
Civilization: Portugal
Leader: Joao II
Opponents: 6
Victory: All available, Domination preferred
Options: Raging Barbarians, No Vassal States, No Random Events


Scenario: The Portuguese are renowned for their colonialism, but this time the New World is not abandoned – an entire civilization of savages and barbarians lies in your path.
The bounty of the New World lies at your feet, this is your chance to seize it, and you dare not be distracted by the petty feuds around you.

Variant: The New World starts with several dozen pre-settled barbarian cities. You may not attack any AI cities on the starting continent until no barbarian cities remain in the New World.


Scoring: Your task is to settle the new world, and conquer the barbarian civilization there. Note: A wonder does not count for score if rushed with a Great Engineer or cash.

10 points - Each barbarian city captured
10 points - Each barbarian city held until the end of the game
100 points - Build Versailles
300 points - Build Versailles in the new world
100 points - Build the Forbidden Palace in the new world
50 points - Each World Wonder built in the new world
50 points - Build the Colossus
150 points - Earn the circumnavigation movement bonus
400 points - Fastest circumnavigation among competing players (200 for second-fastest)
400 points - Fastest to own a city in the new world (200 for second-fastest). This counts as long as you don't lose the city quickly.
600 points - Fastest to own all cities in the new world (400 for second-fastest). This counts even if another city appears later.
500 points - Win by Domination
50 points - Any other victory
0.2% - Bonus for each turn remaining at the point of your victory. Example: If you win on turn 300, there are 200 turns remaining, so add a 40% bonus to your total score.

Closing Date: Monday, February 25, 2013. Reports due by the end of Feb 26, your local time.

Attached Files
.zip   RBCiv-Adv 57 (Size: 56.51 KB / Downloads: 91)

Presenting Qgqqqqq's entry into the ranks of Realms Beyond event sponsors. He came up with the idea and most of the scoring system; I contributed the map and the title.

The opening day says Monday as per tradition, but feel free to grab it and play now.

Cool, looks like a good time. I do have a couple of scoring/rules questions:

Quote:Note: all wonder scores do not count if they are rush-built by any means.

'Any Means?' What counts as rush-building besides using Great Engineers? For example, does whipping the last bit of a wonder invalidate its score? Chops? Cash buying?

Quote:600 points - Fastest to own all cities in the new world (400 for second-fastest)

Does this refer to all the barb cities like the condition on attacking AIs in the old world, or does it also mean no other civ owns any in the new world?
What happens if a player Portugal owns all New World cities at say 1700AD, but 2 turns later either a new barb city spawns or an AI plants a new city in the remaining space?
More formally, is your scoring date when
1) the first turn you own all in the new world or
2) the first turn where condition 1) is true from then until victory/end of game.

I'll let Qgqqqqq rule on those, or issue my own decisions if we don't hear from him in a day or two (he's traveling).

Always glad to see you, timmy, hope you get a good shot to play.

Looks interesting. smile And for once a new adventure is starting just as I am ready for a new game of Civ.

Quote:600 points - Fastest to own all cities in the new world (400 for second-fastest)
Quote:Does this refer to all the barb cities like the condition on attacking AIs in the old world, or does it also mean no other civ owns any in the new world?
What happens if a player Portugal owns all New World cities at say 1700AD, but 2 turns later either a new barb city spawns or an AI plants a new city in the remaining space?
More formally, is your scoring date when
1) the first turn you own all in the new world or
2) the first turn where condition 1) is true from then until victory/end of game.

Same question for first to own a city in the New World. What happens when I loose this city?

Looks like a very interesting game. Thanks for sponsoring!
Wenn die Sonne der Kultur tief steht, werfen selbst Zwerge einen langen Schatten - Karl Kraus

Edit: sorry for errors/mistakes as its posted from phone

Firstly id just like to extend a huge thanks to T-hawk, at the end if the day its probably more his adventure then mine, as he had already helped immensely with the scoring when we uncovered a fault with the original map the eve that I left civ access for 2-3 weeks, which meant t-hawk had to roll/edit a map for the scenario.
Secondly, rules clarifications:
"The wonder rushing" question - at heart this is intended to prevent scoring being made for the new world that doesn't belong there - that is if the work has been done elsewhere (GE cash accumulation etc.) then the focus is nit on new world success as intended, but old world support. Therefore I will rule that "local" rushing (I.e. chops/whips) is allowed, while foreign (if you will...) rushing (I.e. GE cash rushing etc.) is not.

All cities" question - you ask a lot here (wink) but I'll answer what I see. Generally speaking, the date that counts is the moment where all land that could be considered within the reaches of "the new world" (the area with the barbs on it).consists solely of cities owned by the player (if there are no cities it doesn't count), if next turn an so settles, it doesn't matter, so long as there is a date when you are reasonably certain you own all ai cities ( if you are uncertain feel free to take a save and enter worldbuilder pistgame).

As for the "captured first city" question - this is a difficult question, and one I hadn't considered.
I'm going to say that the first site counts if it manages to expand its borders and stands at least 10turns.
However, the date that these conditions are met doesn't matter, only the date of settlement/conquest.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(January 21st, 2013, 03:27)Qgqqqqq Wrote: As for the "captured first city" question - this is a difficult question, and one I hadn't considered.
I'm going to say that the first site counts if it manages to expand its borders and stands at least 10turns.
However, the date that these conditions are met doesn't matter, only the date of settlement/conquest.

Here you write captured first city in the original it was just first city. Does the first city in the New World need to be a captured one or can it be settled as well?

Thanks for the clear answers.
Wenn die Sonne der Kultur tief steht, werfen selbst Zwerge einen langen Schatten - Karl Kraus

T-Hawk, I have a question regarding playing an RBAdventure with a mod: Usually when I play SP games I use the BuG mod, due to the extra information it provides regarding whips, available tech trades, enemies in WHEOOHRN, etc. Would it be against the spirit of competition to use such a mod when playing an adventure here at RB?
Fie, fie! you visionary things.

Tredje, my understanding has always been that RB adventures should be played without any gameplay mods, including BuG (while graphical mods are ok). However, you can wait for T-Hawk to confirm/deny that.

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