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Good TV Shows?

Bigger Wrote:It actually gets much better each season. Are you starting on season 1? If so, you'll love the later seasons even better smile.

Yep. I started on season 1 and am most of the way through season 2 now. The stories and characters have developed well so far, so I agree with your comment.
I'm watching on Netflix, so I'll always be a little behind but it's entertaining nonetheless.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

So is this thread worth a bump now that Community is airing again? I'm not deep enough into the show to evaluate the with-or-without Dan Harmon aspect, but I can say the two new episodes so far didn't do anything to grab me deeper. I actually lost interest in this week's and flipped over to Big Bang instead. (Largely because it was a Pierce episode and I thoroughly hate Chevy Chase on the show. His presence completely disrupts the artificial universe and constantly reminds you it's a bit of TV stunt casting.)

(July 26th, 2012, 09:00)T-hawk Wrote: I'm a bit worried about Parks & Rec. The past season had a buildup and payoff that was so great, it's hard to see how the show can possibly continue at that peak without something of a letdown and all the usual associated criticism. We'll see.
Here I needn't have worried. Parks & Rec is continuing along as breezily as ever.

I just for the first time saw any of Community last week, and blazed through the first 3 seasons in about 4 days. Very very excellent.

The new episodes are okay, I just take them with a grain of salt and the understanding that they're going to be different no matter what. With that in mind, they're watchable, but just not quite the same.

I also just found Sherlock for the first time a few weeks ago. Watching it with the wife, so I just finished Season One last night. nothing but thumbs up from me. Pity they're not even filming the 3rd season til next month...

Just wait until you get on to the second season of Sherlock - its even more fantasmagorical!
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

It's kinda weird, I didn't think I'd ever say this, but I think I've outgrown TV. The only modern show I could get into was Game of Thrones. Other than that, all I watch is sports, though often I prefer internet streams to get more professional commentary. Any show suggestions? Some of my favorites have been Scrubs, Hustle, Game of Thrones, Two and a half men (with Charlie Sheen), Jeopardy (not the game show, but the UK series), Farscape, 24..

Well Jowy ... there've been quite a bit of rave around the Danish Crime Fiction as of late ... both Forbyrdelsen (remade into a rather average 'The Killing' in US) and Broen ('the brigde') have been talked up quite a bit, specially on niche channels such as BBC4. Instead of 'isolated' episodes, they use a whole season (or 2!) on each plotline

(February 17th, 2013, 08:38)Jowy Wrote: It's kinda weird, I didn't think I'd ever say this, but I think I've outgrown TV. The only modern show I could get into was Game of Thrones. Other than that, all I watch is sports, though often I prefer internet streams to get more professional commentary. Any show suggestions? Some of my favorites have been Scrubs, Hustle, Game of Thrones, Two and a half men (with Charlie Sheen), Jeopardy (not the game show, but the UK series), Farscape, 24..

Well, if you can ignore the whole Tyrone vs. Kirsty thing, Corrie has been quite good lately.

Especially what Lewis did to Gail, though gulling Ms McIntyre is like shooting fish in a barrel.

But other than that, the news, some sport and Judge Judy (at dinner to turn off my brain, and to laugh at the idiot behind the bench) I watch pretty much nothing either.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

would anyone happen to know anywhere online I could find episodes of that old BattleBots show? That show was the bomb, needless destruction of robots is always fun.

(February 17th, 2013, 10:12)Sian Wrote: there've been quite a bit of rave around the Danish Crime Fiction as of late ... both Forbyrdelsen (remade into a rather average 'The Killing' in US) and Broen ('the brigde') have been talked up quite a bit

No doubt about it, Danish, Swedish and UK crime fiction is the best, no other countries come even close! smile Forbyrdelsen (or "Kommissarin Lund" as it is known here in Germany) is simply awesome if you are into sophisticated entertainment.
The downside is that your average German crime movie becomes unwatchable, because often it is rather stupid. lol

Thanks for mentioning Broen, I somehow missed that, will check it out ASAP.


to be frank, neither of them actually say much to me, but then again ... TV as such doesn't do it tongue

another cut from the same dramatologic cloth would probably be Borgen ('the castle' ... affectionate nickname for the danish parliament), which runs in a closely related Alternate universe (parties, media and throwaway countries in Asia (post Soviet) and Africa), cirlcing around a women that, in from stage left, lands the post as prime minister much to the surprise of everyone including herself, leading a minority government (there haven't been a majority government in Denmark for decades with the parties within it sitting on a majority of the parliament votes, but rather they're sitting due to that there aren't a majority of parliament votes, against them)

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