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EitB Bug Thread

(February 21st, 2013, 15:20)Terkhen Wrote: While reviewing Erebus in the Balance source changes, I found a few issues. I have not read the whole bug thread (only the first post of the EitB 0010 thread) so please excuse me if they have been reported already.
  • Phalanx has been moved to Mithril Working, but Nullstone Golems, Stoneskin Ogres and Verdandi still require Mithril weapons.
  • The CoE holy city gives +2 GPP instead of the +3 GPP mentioned in the changelog.
  • The cost of taverns has been decreased, but Grigori taverns still have the old cost.

I have also seen some changes that are not mentioned in the changelog:
  • Aristocracy upkeep increased from low to medium.
  • Religion gives +1 happiness with Pagan Temples.
  • Caste System is now available at Feudalism instead of at Taxation.

If I find more things when I continue I'll post them here smile

I was aware of the Tavern one.

Moving the uniques to join the Phalanx is probably the right choice here.
2 vs. 3 GPP on a GP founded Wonder is an irrelevant change, I'll match it to whatever it is in base FfH.

Good catches all, keep doing this. I assemble the changelog by hand so it's quite error prone smile.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

(February 21st, 2013, 17:30)Sareln Wrote: Good catches all, keep doing this. I assemble the changelog by hand so it's quite error prone smile.

I finished my review of EitB 9 changes. I found a few issues that may be errors:

Quote:Naval Units got Tholal's Changes <-- With regard to this change, the statistics of all naval units are different from what is present in More Naval AI, at least in the MNAI version I used for checking differences.
Besides the Mithril Working requirement change, Stoneskin Ogres and Verdandi are missing the bonus against mounted units.
Plantations give 30 gold instead of 5 when pillaged (the changelog mentions that the value is doubled).

All of the EitB 9 changes I found that are not mentioned in the changelog can be found below. It includes the changes mentioned in the previous post.

Quote:Aristocracy upkeep increased from low to medium.
Republic no longer gives a happiness penalty to other civilizations.
Religion gives +1 happiness with Pagan Temples.
Caste System is now available at Feudalism instead of at Taxation.

Nature's Revolt requires Commune with Nature instead of Animal Handling.

Many tech requirements are modified.
Currency no longer gives an additional trade route.
Guilds gives an additional trade route.
Horseback Riding cost increased from 360 to 400.

Vampire Strength increased to 6. Defense is still 5.
Mithril Golem requires Tablets of Bambur and Mithril Weapons instead of Mithril Working.
Royal Guard moved from Aristocracy to Social Order.
Liches now have a per player limit instead of a per team limit.
Crusaders can use weapons from all tiers.
Duin requires Animal Mastery instead of Feral Bond.
Priors get Inquisition as a free promotion.
Ratha requires Trade and Construction instead of Honor and Construction.
Spectres do not get the Fear promotion.
Boarding parties get the Amphibious promotion.

Stasis gives both Golden Age and Freezing to Illians for now. Duration Halved.

As part of the change checking process, I made a detailed list of all the changes to technologies. Since it may be interesting to you, I'm putting it here.

Animal Handling cost reduced from 1800 to 600.
Animal Mastery requires Feral Bond and Military Strategy instead of Feral Bond and Iron Working.
Astronomy cost reduced from 3000 to 1500.
Bowyers cost reduced from 2400 to 1400.
Calendar centers the map.
Commune with Nature requires Priesthood and either Hidden paths, Arete or Fanaticism.
Corruption of Spirit cost increased from 800 to 1500. It requires Knowledge of the Ether and Philosophy instead of Knowledge of the Ether and Way of the Wicked.
Deception cost increased from 700 to 980. It requires Trade and Philosophy instead of Trade and Way of the Wicked.
Divine Essence requires Commune with Nature, Theology, Righteousness or Malevolent Designs instead of Mithril Working and Theology.
Feral Bond cost reduced from 2200 to 1200
Guilds gives an additional trade route.
Honor cost increased from 700 to 980. Honor requires Trade and Philosophy instead of Trade and Way of the Wise.
Horseback Riding cost increased from 360 to 400.
Hunting cost reduced from 460 to 300.
Infernal Pact increased from 1200 to 1500.
Iron Working cost reduced from 2600 to 1800. Iron Working now requires Warfare in addition to Smelting.
Machinery cost reduced from 6600 to 3300.
Malevolent Designs now requires Infernal Pact or Mind Stapling instead of Fanaticism and Way of the Wicked.
Mithril Weapons cost reduced from 9800 to 7000.
Mithril Working cost reduced from 7400 to 2400. It now requires Military Strategy in addition to Engineering and Iron Working.
Omniscience can now be researched with Divine Essence in addition to with Strength of Will and Pass through the Ether. It no longer requires Commune with Nature.
Orders from Heaven cost increased from 800 to 1080. It now requires Code of Laws and Philosophy instead of Code of Laws and Way of the Wise.
Poisons cost decreased from 1600 to 1000.
Precision cost decreased from 7800 to 2000. Precision now gives a Great Commander.
Rage no longer requires Iron Working. It only requires Fanaticism.
Righteousness now requires Orders from Heaven or Honor instead of Fanaticism and Way of the Wise.
Smelting cost reduced from 1600 to 800.
Sorcery is now a higher priority for Great Scientists than Alteration/Divination/Necromancy/Elementalism.
Stirrups cost increased from 800 to 1000. It now requires Horseback Riding and either Animal Handling or Archery instead of Horseback Riding and Archery.
Warfare now requires only Education, it no longer requires Bronze Working. Warfare cost reduced from 7400 to 2000.
Warhorses now requires Stirrups or Military Strategy and Feudalism instead of Horseback Riding and Iron Working.
Way of the Wicked and Way of the Wise have been removed.

Quote:Currency no longer gives an additional trade route.
Guilds gives an additional trade route.

Are you *certain* about this one? I know we got additional trade with Currency in v8.

Quote:Spectres do not get the Fear promotion.

Sareln, this isn't intended, is it? They've already lost affinity.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


I got those from the XML definitions. I just checked the EitB 9 Civilopedia to be sure. Currency does not mention any additional trade routes, while Guilds mentions the additional trade router.

I also checked the Civilopedia for Spectres. They do not have the Fear promotion, but they have a +1 Death affinity.

This comp I'm on has v8 right now, where they had fear but no affinity.

I'll let you know what I find when I get to the comp w. 9 on it.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

republic not giving civic anger seems wrong, now some of the utility of the pillar of chains is lost. could be nice to have on liberty since that can be enforced.

(February 22nd, 2013, 19:25)gekko64 Wrote: republic not giving civic anger seems wrong, now some of the utility of the pillar of chains is lost. could be nice to have on liberty since that can be enforced.

In base Civ, I always thought Emancipation gave unhappiness to enforce a certain tone on the game, as much as anything. At some point, someone gets the idea to truly free their citizens, and it spreads around the world quickly. (There's also a reason it's not connected to a particular form of government: that would be the kind of moralizing they tried to avoid.)

In FFH/EitB, by contrast, Liberty (and Republic, for that matter) are off in some weird end of the tech tree that I feel like I never go to anyway. (Actually, this is a lie: I've used Republic a couple of times. Liberty feels useless outside of culture victories.) Changing it seems like changing things for the sake of changing them. It might make Liberty feel less situational-at-best, though.

In the Pillar of Fire description, it mentions that it can only be used by a TXT_KEY_UNIT_HIGH_PRIEST_OF_THE_ORDER.

(February 23rd, 2013, 04:58)Terkhen Wrote: In the Pillar of Fire description, it mentions that it can only be used by a TXT_KEY_UNIT_HIGH_PRIEST_OF_THE_ORDER.

This is a change from a little while back, IIRC: Pillar of Fire was moved from Chalid to Order priest. (... though I feel like it ought to be Chan III/Order like I was under the impression it would be, so you can use it on an Order Druid, if you manage to get one of those.)

spectres have affinity not fear atm.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


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