As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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FTL - Faster Than Light

No kdding? We're on normal. Well, I guess it's all fun and games then in early sector. I don't have much experience in normal in late sectors so take my rambling for what its worth. wink
On average, everybody thinks they are above average.

Looking overall I think that my save has the most potential to snowball. Teleporter->boom. However, Nics burst laser mark 1 is a persuasive argument for increased firepower in the next sector. Screw it I'm voting slowcheetah I like my irregulars. I agree with everybody else that the Rock sector should be our next destination.

Well, the game probably feels easier than it would do normally because you guys are effectively doing save-and-reload in a game that's meant to be played in one pass through.

Absolutely, but my goals are to show off my sweet gosu techniques and document all the good and terrible decisions I have made.

Seeing as we're only on sector 2, I wouldn't expect there to be a noticeable difference on the save and reload yet. I was mainly looking at scrap count, and it didn't seem noticeable quite yet. I'm sure I will be singing a different tune when we get into the later sectors....
On average, everybody thinks they are above average.

Vote count:
Nicolae (1) - Molach
Slowcheetah (1) - Slowcheetah
Brackard (1) - Brackard
Hm. Noone else wanna vote? I'll roll a random result in about an hour, and jump to next sector with the winning save and post it back.

Only the continue.sav file needed, right?

(March 4th, 2013, 19:41)uberfish Wrote: Well, the game probably feels easier than it would do normally because you guys are effectively doing save-and-reload in a game that's meant to be played in one pass through.


However I'm confident all saves so far could have beaten the game handily. I'd generally have to really to something stupid to fail to win with one of the normal ships. All-teleport ship and cloaking ship can fall to bad luck in sector 1...

A bit disappointing that we get the same random rolls on encounters though. At least good amount of scrap and goodies after a fight are (somewhat) randomized.

To break the tie, I'll switch to Cheetah.
On average, everybody thinks they are above average.

Discovered FTL a few days ago, absolutely loving it smile

Engaging hyperdrive....

O'Regan the Zoltan weapons officer laments ever leaving his structured and orderly Zoltan sector, while Markus the Rock Shield operator rubs his pebbles gleefully together, opening up a fissure at mouth-height that seems to indicate he is smiling. Breckon the Bug's most profound insight to his whole situation right now is "Zxzzykxzxzssz", but the semi-telepathinc vibes he sends out is signalling his heartfelt desire to see new worlds, meet interesting new people....and eat them.

[Image: bugox.png]

Lauren has been fully demoralized by her demotion from weapons to engines, and is spending this whole 'look at the pretty map'-session drinking Pan-galactic Gargle Blaster.
Cy Heng the pilot seems to be the only sentient being actually pondering the map.
Where to jump now?

[Image: sector3.png]

Feel free to jump in, anyone. Join forces with our evil peaceful galactic empire federation and destroy the rebels!

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Attached Files
.zip   Slowcheetah sector (Size: 714 bytes / Downloads: 3)

Edit: Well that was completely uneeded lol

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