FF - worker [2]
LQ - Library [5]
Worker #1, 2 & 3 - roading to DV
Settler - heading towards DV
Scout (Dead Man Walking) - found sooooo's capital
Scout (Live Man Walking) - unfogging DV ... found Barb warrior
Chariot XP=1 - covering Workers (going to rename all workers to Thing #1, #2, etc)
Tech - Calendar Started [11]
GP [4] - 50/50 Priest / Spy
I accepted the Alphabet for Maths+Myst trade with sooooo.
I also traded Maths for Med+Poly with Dreylin.
Rats - cannot trade for Monarchy for ages due to having to remove prereq - LQ is going to be unhappy for 2 to 3 turns - totally got that wrong.
Here is the tech situation at the start of my turn ...
Sooooo got archery from someone this turn - he cannot trade for it. BUT what is going on with sailing and Dreylin. He shows as not wanting it, but can research it and I have it. Why can't I trade it to him?
Summary Tech Haul ...
- Alphabet (from sooooo)
- Meditation (from Dreylin)
- Polytheism (from Dreylin)
- Monotheism (from Dreylin next turn)
- PRiesthood (from Dreylin next turn)
- Monarchy (from Athlete when I can)
- Currency (from mh in about 10 turns)
Not bad for basically 1 tech.