Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Turn Discussion Thread

Wait, how did our cities grow if we were in revolt (or did that cover two turns)?

I just typed that in a bad order. When I ended turn we got the tech and cities grew. Then I revolted now, which will actually be in effect next turn.

Oh, I see.

I moved the catapults into their land and gifted them according to their instructions. I made a mistake with the two catapults way over in the west; I thought you had to have a move point available to gift a unit so I only moved them one tile into their land before gifting them. I hope that doesn't screw up their logistics too badly.

Here are those demos you asked for, HAK:

[Image: Screen%20shot%202013-03-20%20at%204.51.55%20PM.png]

The power graph itself hasn't changed.

Passed over one more catapult to Gillette, making it a total of 8. I don't want to send anymore. So I want to keep the remaining 3 we still have for ourselves. I'm going to send them to cities bordering Trolls & Pirates.

Here's a current Demographics after the last gifting and Gillette whipping a bunch of Knights and other units:
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0076.JPG]

And here's the Power graph. Yup, they skyrocketed:
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0077.JPG]

As you can see, in the area around our scout they have lots of Berserkers ready to go after the Trolls. There are 9 Berserkers, and a few Chariots in the immediate view. And most of their cities whipped Knights from what I could see.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0078.JPG]

And the Trolls finished the Taj Mahal. So a mere few turns after their last golden age ended, a new one starts up:
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0079.JPG]

Things are certainly getting interesting to say the least. smile

I didn't realize Gillette could build knights. That's good. Do we know where the Trolls are in terms of military tech?

I think we should send Gillette all the catapults. We really need their attack to work. And like I said, I think we should look to join them. If the Trolls survive this attack, we're done.

No, I have no idea where the Trolls are in regards to tech. But our scouts have seen piddly from them in regards to defenses. So I don't see how Gillette can not have great success, even without any more catapults from us. Also, we don't want their success to be TOO good. We want them to think they have to raze as many Troll cities as possible, without actually capturing them. If they capture the cities, then Gillette will become the unstoppable force. I already know they are probably planning to capture WIFOM, since that has the Pyramids and I highly doubt they want to raze that wonder when they could use it for themselves.

Also, we can't join the attack until after T140 (unless plako nullifies our NAP). As we do still officially have a NAP with them. And if we do think about joining, we will need those catapults ourselves. Maybe we stockpile some units over by the center of the map, east of Hershel's Farm (I forget what I named that eastern city right now). And when T140 comes around (or whenever plako decides our NAP no longer exists), we send them over and raze that city of Trolls that is closest to us. Capture is not an option for us. It's just too far away and not good for protecting right now.

Metro Zoo? I always forget too.

Yes, I have no desire to break any NAPs, though the Trolls may consider ours annulled.

As for the units ... I guess. It's just that the defence is very strong in this game, and can essentially be conjured out of thin air via whipping/drafting. The Trolls know what they're doing; they must have a plan to deal with Gillette's obvious build-up. Their power rating's already starting to climb. But I'll agree to not giving them the remaining catapults; we need to create consensus somehow! smile

What's with thestick's signature right now? Are the Pirates planning on taking Talking Parrot back (or rather, dying in the attempt)?

Edit: Nevermind, false alarm. It is indeed from PB8.

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