Hi everyone!
Decided to try this "Imperium" thingy, hope this report isn't too dull and doesn't break any rule.
Played the A or gentle version, didn't have time for another go with the B or extreme variant.
I took alot of screengrabs, DOSbox is great for that, unfortunaly didn't have time to upload them anywhere.
Here goes nothing:
2300: Sent the colony ship to northeast green star, hoping for it to be ok.
2303: Turned out I was right, Terran 90
. Thanks to Sakkra reproduction, sending 16 colonists there dropped Sssla only to 49 pop. One Scout went on area denial mission to near big yellow star, no early AI poaching of that Terran 95 planet.
2304: The other Scout went first to that red star next to Vulcan, Tundra 15 - time to move on.
2307: Whoa, the northwest green was Minimal 10, definitely seems lucky call that first colony now. Orion is the red star west of Sssla.
2309: The secong big yellow is a Terran 100! Would've been really juicy start if yellow star colonization had been allowed too...
Beta Ceti & Laan 4 parsecs away, Laan also Tundra, so only colonisable planet left is Ukko - a Minimal 10. Hmm, should I tech a bit and colonise Beta Ceti first...?
2310: Chased away a Darlok Scout from Kronos, guessing that Nazin is the yellow star SSW from Kronos.
2323: Sssla maxed, time to open some tech with 145 RP. Put about 35/65 to Planetology/Propulsion.
2324: Terraform +10 & IER available, took the übercheap T+10 - at 10% right away. Prop gives range 4 & 5, took the cheaper one for quicker grabbing of Beta Ceti.
2326: Ouch, T+10 opens the possibility for Tundra Colonization. Took IER anyway. Changed to trickle research, to get a Col 1 or two launcd asap. Terraforming alo underway.
2327: Range 4 pops at 10%, opening Nuclear Engines & Inertial Stabilizer. Range 5 or speed 2, went for Nuclear Engines.
2334: Both Sssla & Vulcan maxed again, Vulcan doing research.
2336: Beta Ceti colonized and Col 1 sent to Ukko, back on full research.
2339: Ukko colonized. IER & Nuclear Engines on percentages.
2341: Both techs pop, Tundra bases & Range 5 next (Inertial Stabilizer & Range 7 too expensive at this stage). Time to open Computers & Construction.
2342: Deep Space Scanner and Reduced Waste 80% targeted first. Not much choice there, BC 2 not so urgent now.
2343: Ouch, Psilons have already 6 planets against my 4.
2344: Tau Cygni, Desert 55 scouted.
2346: Deep Space Scanner pops, making ECM 2, Improved Robotic Control 3 and BC 3 available. We go for more factories as Waste Reduction is already on percentages, as is Tundra Colonization.
2347: Nice! Vulcan is now Rich.
2349: Controlled Tundra Environment pops, making T+30 available as the only choice. Time to open Force Fields & Weapons, in anticipation of upcoming contact with other races.
2350: Meh, Class 2 Deflectors & Gatling Laser forced.
2352: Vulcan built Tundra 2 and sent it to colonize Laan. WR80% pops finally, opens IIT8 and Duralloy Armour. Taking IIT8 first, to help with IRC3.
2356: Laan colonized, revealing that those pesky apes (Hunams) have taken two out of three green star systems south of us! Still, have to play nice at least at first - they agreet to trade 100 BC/year with us, but had no tech to trade.
2357: Got Class 2 shields, opening Personal Deflector Shield.
2360: Gatling Laser pops, giving Neutron Pellet Gun, Fusion Bomb and Ion Cannon to choose from. I go for the Bomb first. The third southern green between Sol & Sssla turns out to be Proteus, Tundra 40. Got to get it ASAP, Darloks & Psilons sniffing around there too.
2361: Ach, Darloks & Hunams both really intending to take Kronos (Terran 100). Can't stop either, and maybe I don't even want to - hopefully they'll squabble over the planet for a long time... Have to build some kind of fleet to prevent AIs poaching any other planets that are juicy, but denied for us. Hmm, looks like we figured out Range 5 Fuel Cells and are researching Inertial Stabilizer now, when did that happen?
2367: Proteus colonized.
2368: Robot control 3 pops opening lots of new possibilities, like Improved Space Scanner. Going to grab BC 2 first though. Oh dear. Darloks are allied with the apes. Got a couple of level 1 techs from them and a 75 BC trade agrement.
2372: IT+30 pops, letting me to choose between Soil Enrichment & IT+40. Soil Enrichment it is. Gotta hope that Psilons don't cheese a diplo victory at 2375 election...
2373: IIT8 pops, opening Automaed Repair Uit and Reduced Waste 60%. I take Duralloy before either of them.
2376: Hehe, no election on 2375. Psilons took Kronos by surprise (stupid me, should've seen that lone Colony ship coming & blocked it with small el cheapo lazzah ships, but no, I had to buila a couple of large ones, 2 turns too late). Got 150 BC trade agreement and Hand Lasers from them. Hunams parted with Hyper-V Rockets, in exchange for IIT8.
2380: Most populous empire is the Sakkra Imperium, yay!
2386: BC2, Inertial Sabilizer and Fusion Bomb pop. Going for Improved Space Scanner, Range 7 & Ion Cannon.
2394: Caramba! Psilons are the runaway AI here, and they managed to beat me to the north green and sneak grab of the Poor Jungle 80 on my back yard! Well, I do the same to the apes by colonising that southern green Barren 45, Zoctan. Soil Enrichment pops, Atmospheric Terraforming next (over Cloning & IT+40).
2396: Some idiot gives lotsa money to the apes!
2397: My colonising Zoctan triggers first election. I have 7 votes, so has the Psilon emperor. 16-0 (of 28) for the brainiacs. Surprisingly only the apes abstained in addition to us, all others voted for the blasted brainiacs. Hope next election goes no worse, it is due already in 3 turns.
2400: Exact same votes. Gotta build some defenses and start on the offensive.
2403: Dotomite Crystals bring contact with Mrrshan, who seem to be a minor player on the field again. Propulsion research on Fusion Drives next.
2404: Crazy kitties declare war on the next turn. Maybe they hope to drag their ally, the brainiacs along to this war. If that happens, we'll have an opportunity to dogpile on the brainiacs... Got Ion Cannons, Merculite Missiles next.
2411: Got Improved Space Scanners a bit earlier, researching BC4. Planetary Shield 5 pops, next is Deflectors 4. Atmospheric Terraforming pops also, going for Advanced Soil Enrichment now.
2414: Merculite Missiles ready for action! Very conveniently, as the brainiacs declare war. Neutron Blaster next. BC4 & Fusion drive quite soon, then it is war time.
2415: Lo and behold! Hunams & Darloks agree to aid me in stopping the Psilon menace, Inertial Stabilizer and Robot Controls 3 were small price to pay for help in these circumstances.
2419: BC4 researched last turn and Fusion Drive now, IRC4 & Energy Pulsar next.
2421: Now the shapeshifters go crazy too, we're at war. Luckily the apes are not difficult to persuade, they will help us also in this war.
2425: This year's election is much better for me, I lose only 14-18 with no one abstaining. Got automated repair unit finally, now it's time to kick some brainiac & shapeshifter butt!
2436: Have bombed two big and two just started Psilon colonies to dust, now trying to stop anyone colonizing them again. The brainiacs have already sued for peace twice, I'll agree once I capture the northern green planet.
2437: Class 4 Deflectors & Neutron Blaster pop. Dull weapons available, I pick Graviton Beam. Repulsor Beam the only choice in Force Fields. Sending two huge battleships & 102 small Fusion bombers to north green planet.
2439: Humans take Nordia (right next to Sssla), a former Psilon strong(weak)hold. North greem, Iranha, is Poor but I send troops there anyway. Darloks ask for peace, I graciously agree.
2440: Robot Controls 4 and Energy Pulsar pop. Someone frames me for espionaga against the apes. Goind for Advance Space Scanner & Range 8 next.
2441: Poor kitties, Fierias going nova... Yes, let's peace
2444: Iranha is mine! Lousy gropos only found the prints for Fusion Rifle. Ok, that was not bad. Made peace with the brainiacs and traded for Antimatter Bomb & Fusion Beam with them. Not too cheap, had to give Reduced Waste 60% & Atmospheric Terraforming in exchange.
2447: Nordia has become a disputed system, yay for that! And the kitties were lucky.
2450: Was only two votes short of victory.
2452: Again the Psilons declare war.
2457: Advanced Soil Enrichment researched, T+40 next. Got Graviton Beam, opened a lot of new options, taking Megabolt Cannon first. New batch of Fusion Beam and Antimatter Bomb armed ships is coming online. Bombed a small brainiac colony to oblivion.
2460: Repulsor Beam pops. Personal Absorption Shield next.
2465: Humans really wanted to colonise Primodius (Jungle 80), but I said: "No."
2466: Got Range 8, only option is Range 9. First contact with the Bulrathi. 75 BC trade, and an exchange of obsolete techs.
2469: Ajax & Neptunus colonies destroyed - the brainiacs are losing.
2474: Psilons have nasty advantage in ground combat, it's going to take a long grind to capture Rigel.
2475: Now it is Bladrov & me. Unsurprisingly I have to abstain for a draw (17-3 for the hominid).
2476: IT+40, yay. Cloning next.
2484: Finally captured Rigel & got a bunch of tech, most notable were Andrium Armor and Class 5 deflectors.
2486: Now the apes go crazy and declare war, time to grab a couple of their planets.
2491: Bad luck for the apes, hehe. Finally got Personal Absorption Shield, slightly narrowing the gap between my and brainiacs' gropo tech.
2493: And now comes Armored Exoskeleton. Reduced Waste 40% next.
2495: Conquered Berel, got lots of goodies this time
. And Darloks want to play war games again, blah. Only three green stars remain in wrong appendages.
2500: The election was tight, 21-12 for me, still a draw. Took some goodies from apes along with a planet...
2502: Year 2502 sees Mobas liberated from the filthy primates and fledgling Vega colony erased. Nw only the teddie's green world remains to be taken, after that we have no doubt that the Galactic Council will see our superiority and I become the new Emperor of the United Galaxy.
2503: The hominids sue for peace, I graciously agree.
2506: Megabolt Cannon pops. I go for Gauss Autocannon (one of my favourite weapons in MOO), but I very much doubt it will be needed, or even get researched. For now, heavy Ion Cannons and Fusion Beams are more than enough.
2509: BC 7 pops, going for some ECMs I skipped earlier.
2513: RW40%, Waste Elimination next.
2515: Rhilus is mine, and teddies agree to peace. Darloks grow also weary of senseless destruction.
2516: Complete Eco Reastoration pops, Universal Antidote next. Kitties want to play again.
2517: Hunams want a bloody nose again.
2519: High Energy Focus pops, Star Gates next. Cloaking Device & Gaus Autocannon in the percentages. Once I get those, it is time to roll out a new generation of Huge dreadnoughts and Large batteships to repel too eager Psilon colony fleets.
2520: And yes, Cloaking device pops, making Class 9 Deflectors available.
2521: Oh yeah, Gauss Autocannon ready for production! Looks like I was (again) wrong earlier
. Uh-oh, bad accident on Rhilus. Oh well, pour in some reserve money & see if the planet becomes a bit bigger (now pop 165 Gaia % T+40).
2522: Weird bug, Rhilus sudenly at zero population.
2524: Rhilus "founded" again. Let's see how goes the vote.
2525: Blah, kitties & apes rally for brainiacs while teddies & cloakmasters abstain -> 22-13 for me. Next time the others will not have enough votes to stall me.
2530: Omega-V Bomb pops, Scatter Pack 7 next.
2532: Univers Antidote ready, Terraforming +100 next.
2538: Star Gates pops, nothing useful available.
2539: Got Class 9 Deflectors, Class 11 next.
2542: T+100 and Scatter-pack 7 pop on same turn. Going for Complete Terraforming & Phasors next. 50 % to terraforming everywhere
2544: Kitties & apes make peace with me, brainiacs declare war :D.
2549: Several Psilon colonies eliminated. Domination, here we come.
2550: Nope, I had only 63 % of the votes (31 of 49). Apes went with brainiacs, all others voted for me => I quess it counts as a diplomatic victory (39-10) on 2550 election.
2549 save attached.
Decided to try this "Imperium" thingy, hope this report isn't too dull and doesn't break any rule.
Played the A or gentle version, didn't have time for another go with the B or extreme variant.
I took alot of screengrabs, DOSbox is great for that, unfortunaly didn't have time to upload them anywhere.
Here goes nothing:
2300: Sent the colony ship to northeast green star, hoping for it to be ok.
2303: Turned out I was right, Terran 90

2304: The other Scout went first to that red star next to Vulcan, Tundra 15 - time to move on.
2307: Whoa, the northwest green was Minimal 10, definitely seems lucky call that first colony now. Orion is the red star west of Sssla.
2309: The secong big yellow is a Terran 100! Would've been really juicy start if yellow star colonization had been allowed too...
Beta Ceti & Laan 4 parsecs away, Laan also Tundra, so only colonisable planet left is Ukko - a Minimal 10. Hmm, should I tech a bit and colonise Beta Ceti first...?
2310: Chased away a Darlok Scout from Kronos, guessing that Nazin is the yellow star SSW from Kronos.
2323: Sssla maxed, time to open some tech with 145 RP. Put about 35/65 to Planetology/Propulsion.
2324: Terraform +10 & IER available, took the übercheap T+10 - at 10% right away. Prop gives range 4 & 5, took the cheaper one for quicker grabbing of Beta Ceti.
2326: Ouch, T+10 opens the possibility for Tundra Colonization. Took IER anyway. Changed to trickle research, to get a Col 1 or two launcd asap. Terraforming alo underway.
2327: Range 4 pops at 10%, opening Nuclear Engines & Inertial Stabilizer. Range 5 or speed 2, went for Nuclear Engines.
2334: Both Sssla & Vulcan maxed again, Vulcan doing research.
2336: Beta Ceti colonized and Col 1 sent to Ukko, back on full research.
2339: Ukko colonized. IER & Nuclear Engines on percentages.
2341: Both techs pop, Tundra bases & Range 5 next (Inertial Stabilizer & Range 7 too expensive at this stage). Time to open Computers & Construction.
2342: Deep Space Scanner and Reduced Waste 80% targeted first. Not much choice there, BC 2 not so urgent now.
2343: Ouch, Psilons have already 6 planets against my 4.
2344: Tau Cygni, Desert 55 scouted.
2346: Deep Space Scanner pops, making ECM 2, Improved Robotic Control 3 and BC 3 available. We go for more factories as Waste Reduction is already on percentages, as is Tundra Colonization.
2347: Nice! Vulcan is now Rich.
2349: Controlled Tundra Environment pops, making T+30 available as the only choice. Time to open Force Fields & Weapons, in anticipation of upcoming contact with other races.
2350: Meh, Class 2 Deflectors & Gatling Laser forced.
2352: Vulcan built Tundra 2 and sent it to colonize Laan. WR80% pops finally, opens IIT8 and Duralloy Armour. Taking IIT8 first, to help with IRC3.
2356: Laan colonized, revealing that those pesky apes (Hunams) have taken two out of three green star systems south of us! Still, have to play nice at least at first - they agreet to trade 100 BC/year with us, but had no tech to trade.
2357: Got Class 2 shields, opening Personal Deflector Shield.
2360: Gatling Laser pops, giving Neutron Pellet Gun, Fusion Bomb and Ion Cannon to choose from. I go for the Bomb first. The third southern green between Sol & Sssla turns out to be Proteus, Tundra 40. Got to get it ASAP, Darloks & Psilons sniffing around there too.
2361: Ach, Darloks & Hunams both really intending to take Kronos (Terran 100). Can't stop either, and maybe I don't even want to - hopefully they'll squabble over the planet for a long time... Have to build some kind of fleet to prevent AIs poaching any other planets that are juicy, but denied for us. Hmm, looks like we figured out Range 5 Fuel Cells and are researching Inertial Stabilizer now, when did that happen?
2367: Proteus colonized.
2368: Robot control 3 pops opening lots of new possibilities, like Improved Space Scanner. Going to grab BC 2 first though. Oh dear. Darloks are allied with the apes. Got a couple of level 1 techs from them and a 75 BC trade agrement.
2372: IT+30 pops, letting me to choose between Soil Enrichment & IT+40. Soil Enrichment it is. Gotta hope that Psilons don't cheese a diplo victory at 2375 election...
2373: IIT8 pops, opening Automaed Repair Uit and Reduced Waste 60%. I take Duralloy before either of them.
2376: Hehe, no election on 2375. Psilons took Kronos by surprise (stupid me, should've seen that lone Colony ship coming & blocked it with small el cheapo lazzah ships, but no, I had to buila a couple of large ones, 2 turns too late). Got 150 BC trade agreement and Hand Lasers from them. Hunams parted with Hyper-V Rockets, in exchange for IIT8.
2380: Most populous empire is the Sakkra Imperium, yay!
2386: BC2, Inertial Sabilizer and Fusion Bomb pop. Going for Improved Space Scanner, Range 7 & Ion Cannon.
2394: Caramba! Psilons are the runaway AI here, and they managed to beat me to the north green and sneak grab of the Poor Jungle 80 on my back yard! Well, I do the same to the apes by colonising that southern green Barren 45, Zoctan. Soil Enrichment pops, Atmospheric Terraforming next (over Cloning & IT+40).
2396: Some idiot gives lotsa money to the apes!
2397: My colonising Zoctan triggers first election. I have 7 votes, so has the Psilon emperor. 16-0 (of 28) for the brainiacs. Surprisingly only the apes abstained in addition to us, all others voted for the blasted brainiacs. Hope next election goes no worse, it is due already in 3 turns.
2400: Exact same votes. Gotta build some defenses and start on the offensive.
2403: Dotomite Crystals bring contact with Mrrshan, who seem to be a minor player on the field again. Propulsion research on Fusion Drives next.
2404: Crazy kitties declare war on the next turn. Maybe they hope to drag their ally, the brainiacs along to this war. If that happens, we'll have an opportunity to dogpile on the brainiacs... Got Ion Cannons, Merculite Missiles next.
2411: Got Improved Space Scanners a bit earlier, researching BC4. Planetary Shield 5 pops, next is Deflectors 4. Atmospheric Terraforming pops also, going for Advanced Soil Enrichment now.
2414: Merculite Missiles ready for action! Very conveniently, as the brainiacs declare war. Neutron Blaster next. BC4 & Fusion drive quite soon, then it is war time.
2415: Lo and behold! Hunams & Darloks agree to aid me in stopping the Psilon menace, Inertial Stabilizer and Robot Controls 3 were small price to pay for help in these circumstances.
2419: BC4 researched last turn and Fusion Drive now, IRC4 & Energy Pulsar next.
2421: Now the shapeshifters go crazy too, we're at war. Luckily the apes are not difficult to persuade, they will help us also in this war.
2425: This year's election is much better for me, I lose only 14-18 with no one abstaining. Got automated repair unit finally, now it's time to kick some brainiac & shapeshifter butt!
2436: Have bombed two big and two just started Psilon colonies to dust, now trying to stop anyone colonizing them again. The brainiacs have already sued for peace twice, I'll agree once I capture the northern green planet.
2437: Class 4 Deflectors & Neutron Blaster pop. Dull weapons available, I pick Graviton Beam. Repulsor Beam the only choice in Force Fields. Sending two huge battleships & 102 small Fusion bombers to north green planet.
2439: Humans take Nordia (right next to Sssla), a former Psilon strong(weak)hold. North greem, Iranha, is Poor but I send troops there anyway. Darloks ask for peace, I graciously agree.
2440: Robot Controls 4 and Energy Pulsar pop. Someone frames me for espionaga against the apes. Goind for Advance Space Scanner & Range 8 next.
2441: Poor kitties, Fierias going nova... Yes, let's peace

2444: Iranha is mine! Lousy gropos only found the prints for Fusion Rifle. Ok, that was not bad. Made peace with the brainiacs and traded for Antimatter Bomb & Fusion Beam with them. Not too cheap, had to give Reduced Waste 60% & Atmospheric Terraforming in exchange.
2447: Nordia has become a disputed system, yay for that! And the kitties were lucky.
2450: Was only two votes short of victory.
2452: Again the Psilons declare war.
2457: Advanced Soil Enrichment researched, T+40 next. Got Graviton Beam, opened a lot of new options, taking Megabolt Cannon first. New batch of Fusion Beam and Antimatter Bomb armed ships is coming online. Bombed a small brainiac colony to oblivion.
2460: Repulsor Beam pops. Personal Absorption Shield next.
2465: Humans really wanted to colonise Primodius (Jungle 80), but I said: "No."
2466: Got Range 8, only option is Range 9. First contact with the Bulrathi. 75 BC trade, and an exchange of obsolete techs.
2469: Ajax & Neptunus colonies destroyed - the brainiacs are losing.
2474: Psilons have nasty advantage in ground combat, it's going to take a long grind to capture Rigel.
2475: Now it is Bladrov & me. Unsurprisingly I have to abstain for a draw (17-3 for the hominid).
2476: IT+40, yay. Cloning next.
2484: Finally captured Rigel & got a bunch of tech, most notable were Andrium Armor and Class 5 deflectors.
2486: Now the apes go crazy and declare war, time to grab a couple of their planets.
2491: Bad luck for the apes, hehe. Finally got Personal Absorption Shield, slightly narrowing the gap between my and brainiacs' gropo tech.
2493: And now comes Armored Exoskeleton. Reduced Waste 40% next.
2495: Conquered Berel, got lots of goodies this time

2500: The election was tight, 21-12 for me, still a draw. Took some goodies from apes along with a planet...
2502: Year 2502 sees Mobas liberated from the filthy primates and fledgling Vega colony erased. Nw only the teddie's green world remains to be taken, after that we have no doubt that the Galactic Council will see our superiority and I become the new Emperor of the United Galaxy.
2503: The hominids sue for peace, I graciously agree.
2506: Megabolt Cannon pops. I go for Gauss Autocannon (one of my favourite weapons in MOO), but I very much doubt it will be needed, or even get researched. For now, heavy Ion Cannons and Fusion Beams are more than enough.
2509: BC 7 pops, going for some ECMs I skipped earlier.
2513: RW40%, Waste Elimination next.
2515: Rhilus is mine, and teddies agree to peace. Darloks grow also weary of senseless destruction.
2516: Complete Eco Reastoration pops, Universal Antidote next. Kitties want to play again.
2517: Hunams want a bloody nose again.
2519: High Energy Focus pops, Star Gates next. Cloaking Device & Gaus Autocannon in the percentages. Once I get those, it is time to roll out a new generation of Huge dreadnoughts and Large batteships to repel too eager Psilon colony fleets.
2520: And yes, Cloaking device pops, making Class 9 Deflectors available.
2521: Oh yeah, Gauss Autocannon ready for production! Looks like I was (again) wrong earlier

2522: Weird bug, Rhilus sudenly at zero population.
2524: Rhilus "founded" again. Let's see how goes the vote.
2525: Blah, kitties & apes rally for brainiacs while teddies & cloakmasters abstain -> 22-13 for me. Next time the others will not have enough votes to stall me.
2530: Omega-V Bomb pops, Scatter Pack 7 next.
2532: Univers Antidote ready, Terraforming +100 next.
2538: Star Gates pops, nothing useful available.
2539: Got Class 9 Deflectors, Class 11 next.
2542: T+100 and Scatter-pack 7 pop on same turn. Going for Complete Terraforming & Phasors next. 50 % to terraforming everywhere

2544: Kitties & apes make peace with me, brainiacs declare war :D.
2549: Several Psilon colonies eliminated. Domination, here we come.
2550: Nope, I had only 63 % of the votes (31 of 49). Apes went with brainiacs, all others voted for me => I quess it counts as a diplomatic victory (39-10) on 2550 election.
2549 save attached.
... and keep it under Lightspeed!