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[SPOILERS] Pindicator, God-King of the Egyptians

(April 24th, 2013, 03:07)Rowain Wrote:
(April 23rd, 2013, 23:52)T-hawk Wrote: Growing to size 3 does not help at all towards the settler, right? The third citizen will just be working a 2-yield tile. All you'd add is the money from the gold. (Though that might still be worthwhile.)

Or I might finish that watermill first, since it contributes 3 units per turn towards the settler.

I think this advice is at least bordering on being too much for a non-dedicated Lurker.

Have pity, Rowain

I guess i could sort out how much time it would take to complete each... But getting the +3gpt of the gold mine seems very much worth it intuitively. Especially since i'm sitting at +1 now

Edit: It's also a bit late at this point. Next turn I'll be 1 turn away from growth to size 3, and for 1 turn's delay it definitely seems worth it to grow and get the additional +3gpt from the gold mine. And I think I'd rather get the settler up and get a new city founded than wait for the +3 food/hammer benefit of the watermill.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Turn 20

So first thing is that I feel silly for not exploring south of me now. Mongolia obviously found at least one ruin, hence the upgraded archer:

[Image: rbpbem2-turn020-south.jpg]

And the big policy prize of Landed Elite fell this turn:

[Image: rbpbem2-turn020-landed.jpg]

I did some figuring at this point and it turns out I'm going to finish the watermill before starting the settler. At first I didn't think this was the right play, but it so happens that building the watermill first will get me enough extra production that the settler will only be delayed by 1 turn. Screenshot was missed here, but we're at 20/50 on the watermill right now and making 11hpt. We'll finish it on t22 at 53/50 and 3h overflow. At that point we'll be making 17f+h/t (taking into account the pasture finishing). Turns out that 17 x 4 = 68. Add in the 3h overflow and wouldn't you know it, but a settler costs 71h on the dot. If we were to start the settler this turn we would finish him in 6 turns, and then take 2 more to build the watermill. So I'm sold - watermill finishes, then settler.

Somebody picked up a pantheon. I haven't check in a while, so it could be a few turns back...

[Image: rbpbem2-turn020-pantheons.jpg]

Edit: And if the settler timing wasn't nifty enough, I'm going to get my next social policy the turn before I finish Mathematics. That one will be Aristocracy so I can start building Hanging Gardens with the wonder bonus!
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Are you accounting for the fact that food doesn't become hammers 1:1 for settlers in Civ 5?

The rule is the first 2 food converts to 2 hammers, the next 2 food converts to 1 hammer, and then each succeeding 4 food converts to 1 hammer. Equivalently, it's 1:1 for the first 2 food, 1:0.5 for the next 2 food, and 1:0.25 for all food beyond 4. Truncate all remainders to integer. So 6 food surplus (if that's what you've got) becomes only 3 settlerhammers.

(April 25th, 2013, 22:01)T-hawk Wrote: Are you accounting for the fact that food doesn't become hammers 1:1 for settlers in Civ 5?

The rule is the first 2 food converts to 2 hammers, the next 2 food converts to 1 hammer, and then each succeeding 4 food converts to 1 hammer. Equivalently, it's 1:1 for the first 2 food, 1:0.5 for the next 2 food, and 1:0.25 for all food beyond 4. Truncate all remainders to integer. So 6 food surplus (if that's what you've got) becomes only 3 settlerhammers.

No, i didn't think about that. For some crazy reason it slipped my mind...

(April 18th, 2013, 01:54)SevenSpirits Wrote: dancing CIV FIVE dancing
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

No pics, but with the turn last night i switched to a settler. Since i forgot about civ 5’s funny math with settlers, i decided to just make the dang settler.

I also met my 5th city state. They all are surrounding Siam. 5 out of the 9 city states just happen to surround the civ that can best abuse them. Is that the start bias for Siam?
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Turn 24

Picture Dump!

My scout found a friend:

[Image: rbpbem2-turn024-north.jpg]

My spear found a bunch of friends:

[Image: rbpbem2-turn024-city.jpg]

And my other scout got to roughhouse with his new friend too!

[Image: rbpbem2-turn024-south.jpg]

Demos are still depressing. I lost my top mfg spot, and somebody else has writing now.

[Image: rbpbem2-turn024-demos.jpg]
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Ouch, yeah, 16 food to 6 is really discouraging. Hanging Gardens would flip that around right quick, though.

Do you want Aristocracy next, or Landed Elite? The former would only be about 1.5 hammers towards wonder building, as compared to 2 food towards everything.

I grabbed Landed Elite back on turn 20, so you're seeing demos with that +2food already factored. Granted, i am working a gold mine over a pasture since the extra 0.5 production towards the settler is truncated.

Also, demos aren't accurately showing my food. I have 2 from the city tile, 2 from the sheep, 2 from the granary, and 2 from Landed Elite. Maybe demos are counting the food as mfg since i'm building a settler? No, if that was true i'd have 13

So Aristocracy is definitely next. The timing is pretty good too: math finishes eot29, and my next policy is due t29 or t30, not sure if the next pasture finishes in time to speed up the policy or not
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Turn 25

The only thing to happen of note was Azza picked up a new Liberty tree policy. He has two now not counting the opener. Did he grab a fast settler or go with the free worker?

Our settler is due in 2, Math due in 5, and Aristocracy in 6.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(April 30th, 2013, 16:58)pindicator Wrote: Also, demos aren't accurately showing my food. I have 2 from the city tile, 2 from the sheep, 2 from the granary, and 2 from Landed Elite. Maybe demos are counting the food as mfg since i'm building a settler? No, if that was true i'd have 13

But it does. Your cropyield is 8 (according to demos). The 6 is your rank.

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