Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Rogue Revival Team Launch

That's a pretty good account of what happened thumbsup, so I don't have much to add, but I would like to set the record straight on one thing. Much as I would like to claim that I had my gear because I didn't die initially, that just isn't true. When we first went down, I was towards the front of the pack (I'm a Red Rogue with high life and a decent blocking shield, so I'm out in front a lot. Not that that's always a help to the team. [Image: rolleye.gif]) When the champ pack charged, I frankly had no chance. Those in the front half were dropped right there at the door in a couple seconds. Those with better reflexes and/or near the back managed to teleport away smile However, when we started to try and draw monsters away from the ports, Artemis and I went down the front door to find a single snake. The Viper chose to maul Atremis, allowing me to grab my body REAL QUICK and high-tail it up Jaffa's port, which remained by the stairs for most of the level. As further help, Artemis loaned me his Spine Ripper (when he managed to find the body it was on lol) since it did more damage than the Coldsteel Eye Cutlass I was using and had PMH on it. Thanks man! [Image: thumbsup.gif]

Other than that, it was kind of amusing to stand in town by the portals and watch the Rogues running in circles. You know those old mechanized toys that kids have that's a bunch of little plastic penguins going up a set of stairs, sliding down a slide, then going again? I was reminded of that. Rogues pop down portals. 1-5 seconds later, their death message pops up. They appear on the mini-map at the other side of town, run to the portals, and repeat. Endless fun lol Of course, I would have been doing the exact same thing if I hadn't been lucky enough to land my gear [Image: rolleye.gif] Going to be rather interesting to try that fight when (if?) we get to four dots [Image: eek.gif]

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
"It is not the fall that kills you. it's the sudden stop at the end." -- D. Adams
"Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze?" -- Calvin
"Very funny, Scotty, now beam back my clothes!!"

OK, thanks for clearing that up. I tried my best to recall what was going on, but, umm, it was a little hectic there last night. smile Anywhere else that I've messed things up, feel free to let me know.

The 20 minutes I was referring to was how long I was standing in town unable to go down ANY portal because they ALL weren't safe to use. It was indeed at least an hour from the time we first went into the Temple to the time that we began clearing from the stairs. I'll try to make that clearer when this gets posted on the website. And yes, I do my best to identify people, but I'm sure I get people confused all the time. Especially our two Blue Rogues. crazyeye

Sulla, do you want me to package up some of my screens and send them to you?

Yes, that would be much appreciated. nod
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Alright, I have managed to update the Rogue page all the way up to the end of Nightmare. I may even get caught up to us at some point. smile

Erick, can you let me know what your secondary skill is so that I can add you to the listing with the others? I know that you went with Ice Blast as your primary skill, but I'm not sure what the other one is.
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

I believe that the third racial group in the Worldstone Keep was beetles.
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
"It is not the fall that kills you. it's the sudden stop at the end." -- D. Adams
"Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze?" -- Calvin
"Very funny, Scotty, now beam back my clothes!!"

Primary skill: Ice Blast
Secondary Skill: Glacial Spike

Originally I was going for a frozen theme, and was going to max Frozen armor as well, but I eventually chose Shiver armor instead, figuring a) it had higher defense potential, and b) the damage it delt was significant enough in NM to help speed my leveling there (while I was trying to catch up to you guys). I actually chose the skills I thought would help speed my solo questing through NM as much as possible, although I admit I liked the comparable functionality of the freezing spells to Stone Curse from D1.

This is also how I end up at the front (to get better angles and grouping for my Stone Curses), despite the fact that I'm still using the Stealth splint mail and Ancient's Pledge kite sheild that I made in Act 3 Normal. I need to work on my defense rating a bit, I think. smile


There were so many rogue bodies on the ground in the Vipe Temple the other night, it really did look like some demented variety of slumber party. Here's a representative screenshot:
[Image: ViperTemple.png]
One does have to wonder what those dainty little girls are thinking, inviting big snakes like that to a slumber party... Maybe it's best not to go there!

On another note, I have to apologize for being rather out of it on Thursday. I'm recovering from a respiratory infection, and the combination of antibiotics plus cough suppressant had (and still does) made me quite sleepy - I actually dozed off a few times during the later parts of our adventure. Two of my deaths were due to momentarily falling asleep at the keyboard, and only waking up to the Death Cry of the Rogue. :zzz: Is that sad, or what? Luckily, I should be past the zoned-out stage by Monday.


Sorry I vanished tonight. Network decided to go completely to pieces. Hopefully will be better for Thursday.

We'll be glad to have you back. smile

We managed to get through the Palace after 2:15, then thought we would clear a branch of the Sanctuary real quick. Well you can guess how that went. lol

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Hi guys,

I wanted to let you know ahead of time that I will not be around for next Monday's or Thursday's games - we will be out of town the whole week. It's fortunate indeed that we got to the Canyon WP on Thursday - I don't feel too badly about abandoning you, since I'm sure that the false tombs can keep you busy for a couple of sessions at least!

Good luck, and I'll see you (figuratively, of course) on Monday the 14th.


ME0003 Wrote:In my opinion (Teamspeak) saves more lives than a high lightning resistance. I was there the night we played without it. People were dropping like flies. smile Even (Sirian) died more than once. lol It really isn't much trouble...

This in reply to my concerns about any stresses that were being imposed by the responsibility of maintaining the server.

Welp, guess that issue is closed now. smile

Talk to you guys tonight. wink

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

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