Some musings about our economy.
We're still making a ton of beakers at 100% research, so our issue at the moment is that we have to save gold for 5 turns to finance a single turn of research. So I think we need to focus on reducing our costs. In general, reducing costs is a very efficient way to improve our economy, as it both increases our gold income per turn and reduces the number of gold we need to save per turn.
I think the first thing we should do is build courthouses all over the place. If we can cut the 171 city maintenance to, say, 100, then we'll go from +69 gpt to +140 gpt. At the same time, our costs would then drop to 294, so we'd suddenly be close to running 100% research every third turn.
Then there's the unit costs, which we can reduce by more warring and by settling more cities. This isn't really something to "worry" about.
Finally, we should evaluate which civics we really want to be in, and consider when to time our next golden age. Pushing out a new pair of GPs from the capital and Ramune shouldn't take too long. And they are virtually guaranteed to be of different types.
Bureaucracy is probably still the best economic civic in the government column, but Free Speech could become very competitive in the future. A riverside Bureaucracy town gives +9 commerce, and a riverside Free Speech town gives +8 commerce. Off river, it's +7.5 commerce vs. +7 commerce. Factor in the savings in civic upkeep, towns outside the capital, and the +100% culture and Free Speech becomes very attractive. Nationalism is also good if we want to do more warring, of course.
We should also consider dropping Organized religion for Free Religion as our cities mature. Though there is almost always something useful to build in terms of infrastructure, so I'm not in a great rush there either.
What about Mercantilism? Is that something to aim for? Corporations are off, so I guess we want State Property eventually, too.
In short... let's figure out our planned civics, and our tech path. Then time our next golden age in accordance with that.
Sorry for the useless post.
If you know what I mean.