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Turn Discussion Thread

Ah, castles; that makes sense. Banking unlocks, well, banks; we'll get grocers at Guilds. Compass is like a one-turn tech and the building's good, so it's probably worth snagging.

I think we should agree to any NAP we can with them.

Guilds is what I meant to say, not Banking.

Well if we think we might want to charge in and help with this war, then we don't want a NAP. That's my only concern. Guess we need to talk with Gillette and find out how longer their new NAP is for and when/if they think they might want to attack the Trolls again in a more coordinated attack. Otherwise the Trolls will just fully conquer TEAM and will simply run away with the game...if they aren't doing so already.

In case anyone's interested, HAK and I were talking today about how we'd like the game to end. We've both been rather distracted, and haven't really been putting our hearts into the game. We agreed that no one but the Trolls can win, but that we'd like to go out with a bang rather than lamely conceding. We are sounding out the other players to see if they feel the same way about the game; we are proposing a coalition attack on the Trolls to end the game in rousing fashion, even though it will be in their favour. I chatted with Old Harry of Gillette just now. He thinks when their NAP with the Trolls expires on turn 200, the Trolls will take Gillette's border cities with riflemen. We agreed that if they were still alive by turn 210, when our NAP with the Trolls expires, we would try to attack the Trolls together, though we couldn't make more concrete plans until closer to that time. Old Harry is concerned that turn 210 might be too early from a preparedness perspective, so we'll see what happens. He suggested we tech riflemen and cavalry while Gillette techs grenadiers and cannon (they are currently teching toward Communism), though none of us are really sure what technological state we will be in by turn 210. HAK says we just finished Education, and have Gunpowder (yeah, I, uh, haven't looked at the game for a while ...). Anyway, I hope this isn't viewed in a negative light or anything; it's really just an attempt to create an entertaining conclusion to a game the Trolls have deservedly won. And it makes sense to pile on the leader. smile

I needed to be in bed awhile ago, so here's a couple of quick screenshots:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0415.JPG]
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0416.JPG]
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0417.JPG]
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0418.JPG]
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0419.JPG]

What's our break-even point on the slider? If it's around 50%, we should be on-track to have rifles well before the attack date. Cavalry would be coming in a little later, of course. Might have to settle for cuirassiers at first.

HAK, we got a reply from the Pirates accepting NAP to t200, and one from someone on TEAM which you might want to respond to.

I just wrote this to HAK after playing t175:

I played it. Adjusted city micro for the turn I played (obviously), but not for the new turn. I left signs for what I saw in Gillette's cities, which you can delete (two-letter abbreviations for unit types). I think Moai City should build Walls -> Castle before Lighthouse because Walls will be obsoleting presently when we research Rifling, and we want the Castle for the trade routes. I think we should research Economics after Rifling, for Free Market (er, I guess this contradicts wanting to get another Castle up - hmm), then Drama (Globe Theatre), Philosophy, Nationalism to draft Rifles, Music, Military Tradition. I guess that's roughly what we were going to do anyway to fulfill our obligations to Gillette ... speaking of which, yeah, our civ really needs to go to war soon: 70%+ breakeven, competitive demographically but 13 to 21 (plako), 28 (OH) cities? Time for a land-grab. Will be difficult though. Things aren't nearly as bad as I had it in my head they were, though. We can still accomplish stuff in this game. Anyway, yeah, after finishing the Universities everywhere we should finish up all those military builds in preparation for switching out of Vassalage to Nationhood, I think. Hindu Shrine City should build a Bank, though; I put it in the queue. Anyway, um, that's all I can think of. I probably would be building more cottages over watermills. Um, yeah, so those are my thoughts!


(Sorry for repeating stuff we'd already decided or that was obvious. I'm a bit spacey. crazyeye)

Chat with HAK:

me: Hey.
HAK: heya
me: I chatted with Old Harry before lunch.
We confirmed a NAP to eot250.
He wants to know if we would like any resources or maps, because he needs gold to get to Communism.
HAK: ok. I haven't really had much time to think much about the games much the last couple days. [Personal details] Hence why I kinda forgot about the demogame yesterday. smile
me: Ok! Just wanted to let you know.
Also, Trolls appear to be gifting units to TEAM.
OH believes TEAM will attack Pirates.
HAK: yeah, he had sent me an email about the gold thing the other day, but I didn't really think on it yet.
me: I worried TEAM might attack us:
plako getting revenge for our gifting earlier.
HAK: it would actually be silly for TEAM to attack us. there's no way they could hold anything.
me: But I said I needed to double-check the NAP situation.
That's what OH said.
HAK: and we have greater power than Pirates.
that's actually something Pirates commented in their NAP messages to us. They were getting concerned that TEAM will attack them.
me: Ah, right.
So should be more fireworks soon.
Btw, OH spoke openly about attacking us after we take down the Trolls together.
It's clear that's the endgame he envisions (and assumes we envision), assuming we succeed in taking down the Trolls.
Which is fine, chivalrous even.
HAK: yeah, the one comment to me he made in the gold email was along the lines of that he'd like for us to all coordaitate taking down the Trolls before we fight each other. Or something like that.
me: Oh, he also mentioned there's a deer - silver island between us and the Trolls reachable by Astro.
He offered to put a settler there and gift it to us if we were going to get Astro so the Trolls wouldn't get it first. But I don't think we're going for Astro.
Sent at 13:46 on Monday
me: Oh, I see your email.
HAK: yeah, just sent it
me: So we'll have to see what our resource situation is in-game and get back to him.
When you're less busy. smile
Anyway, just wanted to let you know of those things. I think that's all we talked about.
In hindsight, I wish we hadn't signed NAP with Pirates - we could really use more land, and squeezing them in conjunction with TEAM would be perfect.
Oh well.
Anyway, I'll let you get back to whatever you're doing.
Talk to you later! smile
HAK: oh one more thing
me: yar
HAK: I just went through the messages...I didn't get a chance to officially agree to a NAP with TEAM. He stated a Turn #, but I didn't reply accepting it yet.
me: I'll do that right away.
HAK: He asked if a NAP past 300 would be ok. I then asked when their nap with Trolls was until.
Their NAP is until T220.
I personally was thinking a NAP between us and TEAM to T300 might be a bit too long, but maybe not.
Should we agree to that? After all, I don't think we ever really have any intention of attacking them.
me: Well, if they take over the Pirates, we might theoretically want/have to in the next 125 turns.
I could negotiate down to t240 or 260, maybe - long, but not that long, and not timed exactly with our OH NAP.
HAK: well, if they take over Pirates...and we can then convince them to join in a 3-way war against Trolls. We'll then be battling Harry.
so maybe a long NAP with them would be good.
but yeah, I'll mention T260 for now. I already forget what turn we are on right now.
me: Are they interested in fighting Trolls again.
HAK: shrug
me: I played 175
Do you want to send the message, or would you like me to?
HAK: I'll do it, since I'm adding into the message all the PM's we had so we have an easier log of them in the mailbox
me: PMs with TEAM, you mean?
HAK: yup
me: Ok, sounds good.
HAK: hence the one sentence email we got from them.
since that was after I asked him to use the email going forward.
me: Ah, ok.
Well, that's that for now then!
HAK: l8rs
me: See you!

Obviously there was a chat with Old Harry that preceded it, but I couldn't grab it because saved chats are displaying weirdly in gmail. Anyway, so between this post and last, that's where we're at for now in the Animal Kingdom!

I won't be able to play the turn until late tonight so if you want to do so before then go right ahead.

Ok, yeah, I can today; tomorrow I start a new job, though, and I'm not sure what my availability will be like yet. smile

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